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There are few weakness that can be highlighted from the speech presented by Michaela Horn.

the purpose of the presentation is likely blurry and not clear because the speaker did not brief or
mention about the topic of her speech. She just jump into the content as soon as she introduce herself.
She should brief the audience first before she proceed to talk about the content of her speech. It is to
avoid audience to lost focus. Because of that, the audience seems lost and try hard relate and
understand the purpose / points that she try to deliver. Secondly, the speaker did not try to pull the
audience into her speech with an attention getter. In the other word, there are less communication
between the speaker and the audience. The audience may lose their interest to listen to the speaker
as the speaker wasn’t try to interact with them. Thirdly, the content or point of the speech itself was
not clear and weak. Due to that, the topic of the speech was not properly explained. It’s mean that
the speech was not delivered well. Besides that, the speaker was talking too fast and it made her
sound like she was ready her text. Furthermore, the speaker didn’t include a strong closer that related
to her topic at the end pf her speech. She did shared her hopes about the issues but she fail to make
the audience feels the same way. Next, the speaker most likely to use monotone delivery throughout
her speech. There are less variety in her tones, that make her looks like she just memorizing her text
and not giving a speech. Moreover, the speaker looks stiff and nervous as she use less gestures and
movement on the stage. Last but not least, the was no visual aid used by the speaker. For the
conclusion, the whole outline of her speech was not easy to follow even though it was only 5 minutes

Beside of all the weakness that has been listed out, there are some strength that can be found as well.
First thing first, the speaker did come well prepared. The speaker did provide some background
information as she did a survey about her topic before. Secondly, she was very confident to talk about
her topic on the stage and most importantly she was very confident with herself. Thirdly, for a 13
years old girl, the speaker also was so brave to approach other teenagers and willing to hear about
their thoughts and problems throughout a survey that she conduct herself. Besides that, the speaker
also maintain eye contact with the audience successfully. The speaker seems practiced a lot as her
vocal filler were under control. And lastly, the speaker did appears professional with her white dress.

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