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Android Debug Bridge

ADB Command

File transfer commands

Copy files and directories from the local device (computer) to a remote location on
the device.
adb push local remote
Copy remote files and directories to a device. Use the  -a  option to preserve the file
time stamp and mode.
adb pull [-a] remote local
Synchronize a local build from the location specified in  $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT  to the
device. All changed files are copied from the specified partition. The default is to
sync all partitions. This command is only used when you build the Android platform
source. App developers don’t need to use this command.
The  $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT  environment variable is automatically set by the Android
build system to contain the location of the system images. Normally you won't need
to set  $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT  when doing  adb sync , but it can be useful if you're not
in a build tree (but have one) or are syncing between build trees without switching
between them.
adb sync
adb sync  [system|vendor|oem|data|all]

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