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1. For the Pope's intentions... We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the
Gospel and grow in unity.

2. For the government leaders that they may remain loyal in giving service to the people.

3. For all the religious and church leaders that they may tirelessly devote themselves in bringing the
people closer to God through masses broadcast on television and radio

4. For all the fronliners(physicians, nurses, policemen, BFP, AFP) that God may continue to give them
good health, perseverance and keep them safe everyday.

5. For all non-government employees and daily wage earners who will be facing financial difficulties due
to the lockdown, that God will send angels to help them survive these days.

6. For all of us that we may remain obedient to the call of the government leaders and be open to God's
invitation to be more prayerful and attentive to every event, situation or people that we are in contact


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