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 The timing of post placement following root canal treatment is critical to maintain an apical
seal to the root filling and provide a coronal seal to the root canal system.
 Appropriate gutta-percha removal and post space preparation is important to prevent
unnecessary weakening of the root dentine, damage to the periodontium and post
 Within the limitations of root length, curvature and maintaining 4–5 mm of apical gutta-
percha for an apical seal, post length is critical to retention of post-retained crowns.
 Preservation of coronal tooth tissue is important in order that a ferrule can be created,
reducing the risk of root fracture.

Tooth preparation for post-retained restorations

D. N. J. Ricketts,1 C. M. E. Tait,2 and A. J. Higgins3

Failure of root canal treatment and/or post crowns can be avoided in many cases if appropriate tooth preparation is carried
out. This paper discusses the rationale for the timing of post placement following root canal treatment and appropriate
methods for removal of gutta-percha prior to post space preparation. The basic principles of post space preparation are
described, which should reduce the risk of weakening the root unnecessarily, causing damage to the periodontium and post

INTRODUCTION epidemiological studies paints a bleaker picture,

Teeth that have received post-retained restora- with only a 61–77% success rate. An explana-
tions can fail for a variety of reasons including tion for the difference may lie in the fact that the
loss of retention, vertical root fracture, root perfo- former root treatments were carried out under
1. Restoration of the root- ration and failure of the root canal filling. Many carefully controlled environments in either spe-
filled tooth: of these failures can be avoided with a thorough cialist practice or dental schools. Today, the suc-
pre-operative assessment pre-operative assessment and appropriate tooth cess rate amongst General Dental Practitioners
2. Tooth preparation for preparation. The pre-operative assessment of a may be better, as the majority of the studies
post-retained restorations tooth that has previously been root filled by reviewed predate 1990 and since then knowl-
3. Post and core systems, another dentist, or by the same dentist some years edge and techniques for root canal preparation
refinements to tooth ago, has been discussed in the first of these publi- have improved. In addition, in some studies the
preparation and cations. However, dentists are frequently faced observation period was low, varying from as lit-
cementation with the dilemma of how long to wait, following tle as six months to ten years.2 Clearly six
4. Weakened anterior roots root canal treatment, before a definitive restora- months is inadequate follow-up and the Euro-
- intraradicular tion is placed. In some cases this will be a post and pean Society of Endodontology suggest radi-
rehabilitation indirect restoration which has a relatively high ographic assessment after one year and if com-
financial cost to the patient. Retrievability is a plete healing has not occurred, follow-up for
1*Senior Lecturer/Hon Consultant in concern if the endodontic treatment is unsuccess- four years. Only then is an asymptomatic root
Restorative Dentistry, Dundee Dental ful. As such, many dentists want to establish the canal treated tooth with a persistent periradicu-
Hospital and School, Park Place, Dundee,
success of the endodontic treatment first. But is lar radiolucency condemned a failure.3
DD1 4HR.
2Lecturer in Endodontics, Dundee Dental this approach logical and appropriate? Four years is obviously an unacceptable time
Hospital and School, Park Place, Dundee, to wait before placing a definitive restoration
DD1 4HR. / Specialist Private Practice, WHEN SHOULD THE DEFINITIVE RESTORATION and cross-sectional studies have shown that the
3Vocational Trainee, Falkirk, Scotland BE PLACED? technical quality of the finally obturated root
*Correspondence to: David Ricketts, The success rate of endodontics canal is strongly correlated with the success of
Dundee Dental Hospital and School, Park Carefully controlled clinical studies have evalu- the root filling.4,5 Short or over-extended root
Place, Dundee, DD1 4HR.
ated the success rate of conventional endodontic fillings or those with an incomplete apical seal
Refereed Paper treatment based upon radiographic evaluation. have been found to be associated with higher
doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.4812249 These have shown that between 83% and 94% of failure, as have re-treatment cases.5–9 Whilst
© British Dental Journal 2005; 198: treatments are successful.1 However, data from these factors can be evaluated, resolution of an


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important than the apical seal of the root canal

filling.24,25 A restoration with a poor coronal
seal (Fig. 1) will potentially allow saliva, bacte-
ria and endotoxins access to the root canal and
Fig. 1. Periapical radiograph of possible penetration along its entire length
tooth 47 showing a poor coronal leading to periradicular periodontitis.25–33 The
seal distally to the crown and core
potentially allowing bacteria and
endotoxins alone can predictably move
bacterial endotoxins access to the through an obturated root canal and so bacte-
root filling and root canal system. ria around a defective coronal restoration,
This could account for the could theoretically sustain a periradicular
periradicular periodontitis inflammation.26
associated with the distal root. The
fractured instrument in one of the In reality, Ray and Trope (1995)34 have shown
mesial root canals may additionally that in 1,010 endodontically treated teeth, exam-
lead to a poor apical seal and ined radiographically, the quality of the coronal
associated periradicular restoration is more important than the endodon-
tic treatment for apical periodontal health. How-
ever, in this study none of the coronal restora-
apical lesion will occur even in the absence of a tions were post retained. This was addressed by
root filling,10 provided all the infected root canal Fox and Gutteridge (1997)35 in a laboratory
tissue is removed and ingress of bacteria is pre- study. They investigated cast post and cores
vented by a coronal restoration which provides a cemented with zinc phosphate cement, pre-
bacterial seal. Patients who present with a root formed stainless steel (Paraposts, Whaledent Inc.
canal filling placed by another dentist therefore NY, USA) posts cemented with a resin luting
pose a problem, as the dentist will be unsure if cement and composite core, and finally an alu-
an aseptic technique was used to prepare and minium temporary post (Parapost) with a poly-
irrigate the root canal; the use of rubber dam carbonate temporary crown (Directa) filled with
and copious amounts of antibacterial irrigant, self-curing acrylic (Trim), cemented with a tem-
such as sodium hypochlorite, being of para- porary luting cement. It was shown that there
mount importance. was no significant difference in the coronal
A final factor to be borne in mind when leakage around cast post and cores and the pre-
determining the prognosis of a root canal filling formed stainless steel posts and composite cores.
is whether there was a periradicular lesion pres- However, the temporary post crowns demon-
ent prior to root treatment. The success rate can strated significantly more leakage than the per-
fall from 96% where there was no pathology evi- manently cemented posts. The authors therefore
dent to 86% where there was a periradicular suggest immediate restoration of the tooth with
lesion.5 a pre-fabricated post and composite core, as the
These features, such as the knowledge of an need for a temporary post crown is unnecessary.
aseptic root canal preparation, obturation to If temporary post crowns are used, they should
achieve an apical and coronal seal, and no evi- have a good marginal fit and only be left in
dence of pre-operative periradicular pathology place for as short a time as possible.
can be accompanied by a good prognosis and
delaying post placement serves no purpose. Advantages of immediate post placement
Following obturation of the root canal, immedi-
Coronal versus apical seal ate preparation for post placement has a number
Historically, endodontists have paid great of additional advantages. The operator has
importance to the creation and maintenance of greater familiarity with the root canal morphol-
an apical seal during obturation and post space ogy and its working length, and there is less risk
preparation.11 The effect of preparation tech- of coronal tooth tissue fracturing, so losing the
nique,12 irrigant,13 removal of the smear reference point from where the working length
layer,14 how the root canal is dried,15 which was determined. This leads to the appropriate
obturation technique is used16 and which sealer amount of gutta-percha removal and less risk of
has been used17–22 have all been investigated post perforation.
with regard to the integrity of the apical seal of Concerns that early preparation is likely to
a root canal filling. Most of these laboratory disrupt the apical gutta-percha seal can be dis-
studies have used dye penetration techniques pelled as the reverse is true.36,37 Fan et al
to assess the apical seal, however, a recent (1999)36 found more apical leakage after delayed
study of 116 teeth root canal treated in vivo and post preparation compared with immediate
extracted at least six months later, has cast preparation and removal of laterally compacted
doubts as to the clinical relevance of the apical gutta-percha with either AH26 or Pulp Canal
seal.23 In this study all of the teeth demonstrat- sealer. In a similar dye leakage study, immediate
ed dye leakage irrespective of whether the preparation of canals obturated with gutta-
endodontic treatment was deemed to be suc- percha and a zinc oxide–eugenol based sealer
cessful or not. With this in mind there is also resulted in less apical leakage.37 This has
mounting evidence to suggest that for a suc- been attributed to less ‘pulling’ effect that
cessful root canal filling the coronal seal pro- mechanical removal of gutta-percha may have
vided by the final restoration is as, if not more, on setting sealer compared to set sealer.


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Fig. 2. System B with heated plugger (200°C) in

foreground, with rubber stop placed at the desired
length for gutta-percha removal. Fig. 3. Buchanan plugger.

REMOVAL OF ROOT FILLING MATERIAL IN control the depth of softening of the gutta-per-
PREPARATION FOR POSTS cha and potential leakage of the solvents into
Obturation techniques the periradicular tissues should be sufficient to
Gutta-percha is today the universally accepted discourage their use for gutta-percha removal
core material used for root canal obturation. for post placement. They are however a neces-
However, the techniques for placement differ, sary adjunct in root canal re-treatment cases.
but all require the use of a sealing cement. Obtu-
ration techniques include cold lateral com- Thermal removal
paction of gutta-percha points, compaction of A heated instrument such as a lateral compactor
gutta-percha that has been heat softened in the can be inserted into the gutta-percha to the
canal and compacted (eg System B), thermoplas- desired length to soften and remove the gutta-
tisised gutta-percha which is injected into the percha. However, in narrow canals, fine instru-
canal (eg Obtura and UltraFil) and finally com- ments lose their heat quickly and gutta-percha
paction of gutta-percha which has been placed removal can be difficult.46 A System B spreader
in the canal and softened by mechanical means is ideal for removal of gutta-percha (Fig. 2).
(eg McSpadden compactors). These obturation From a pre-operative radiograph a plugger
techniques are unlikely to have an impact on the should be chosen of the correct dimensions that
final apical seal once post space preparation has is likely to bind at the desired post length and
been carried out.38 An alternative obturation this position should be marked on the plugger
technique also exists which involves heated with a rubber stop. The tip should be placed in
gutta-percha surrounding a plastic or metal car- the gutta-percha and with the heat applied driv-
rier (eg Thermafil). The carrier ensures that the en slowly to the desired post length in about 2–3
gutta-percha passes to the correct working seconds. The heat should be removed and the
length and is left in situ with the gutta-percha. plugger allowed to cool for about 7–10 seconds,
During mechanical gutta-percha removal of this twisted and then removed with the coronal
system, there is greater potential to disrupt the gutta-percha. Alternatively, a short burst of heat
apical gutta-percha and a number of dye leak- to the plugger will allow for easy removal. It is
age studies have supported this hypothesis.39–41 important that the plugger is sufficiently hot to
It would therefore be prudent not to use such completely soften the gutta-percha. If too cool,
obturation techniques if placement of a post is it will result in the gutta-percha remaining
anticipated. sticky with the risk of dislodging the apical
gutta-percha. An instrument such as a
Chemical removal Buchanan plugger (Fig. 3) can then be used to
Solvents such as oil of eucalyptus, oil of turpen- vertically compact the softened gutta-percha.
tine and chloroform have been used to soften Such a technique is useful in removing old
gutta-percha for removal, with the latter two gutta-percha which can become quite hard.47
being the most effcicient.42 However, some of Some authors would suggest that gutta-
these materials and especially chloroform are percha should be removed with heated tech-
hazardous to use as they are toxic and potentially niques as a routine and mechanical removal
carcinogenic.42,43 Oil of turpentine is less toxic, only used if heat is insufficient.48 If mechanical
but there is concern that solvents in general lead removal is used, a heated instrument can be used
to a dimensional change in the gutta-percha, to soften the most coronal gutta-percha, so that
leading to increased microleakage.44,45 This it can be vertically compacted and adapted to
together with the fact that it is difficult to the canal walls to create a seal.


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Fig. 4. Periapical radiograph showing teeth 13 and Fig. 5. Periapical radiograph of tooth 23 with a Fig. 6. Tooth 23 shown in Figure 5, following
12 used as double abutments for a fixed-fixed post that poorly fits the prepared post hole. The internal rehabilitation, using the Luminex post
conventional bridge. Both retainers are poorly post hole preparation is of excessive diameter and system described in the fourth paper in this series.
fitting. Inappropriate use of an end cutting twist incorrect angulation resulting in near root Tooth 22 has also been re-treated in a similar
drill has led to a post preparation in tooth 12, perforation and a severely compromised root. This manner.
distal to the original root canal, weakening the tooth has had to be reinforced using the system to
tooth unnecessarily. be described in the fourth paper in this series.

Mechanical removal restoration would be to ensure that the entire

Mechanical removal of gutta-percha is efficient root canal from apex to crown provides a bacte-
and probably the most commonly used tech- rial and fluid-tight seal. A number of studies
nique, but it is a technique that can result in the have investigated apical seal following post
most damage to tooth tissue. If done incorrectly, space preparation and it would appear that
it can weaken the root unnecessarily, damage the 4–5 mm of gutta-percha should remain
periodontium and in some cases lead to root per- apically.52–56 This is the minimum amount of
foration (Figs 4–6). A non-end cutting bur such gutta-percha that should remain, however, in
as a Gates-Glidden or Peeso reamer should be certain circumstances such as longer roots more
used for gutta-percha removal, as these will cut may be left provided the post placed is of
and remove the relatively softer gutta-percha adequate length for retention.
preferentially to the dentine of the canal walls. The issue of remaining gutta-percha cannot
The sequence in which the burs are used is be divorced from the length of post. The longer
important so that a rise in temperature at the root the post length the less apical gutta-percha
surface, which could damage periodontal cells, is remains and the length of post is critical where
avoided and the risk of preferentially cutting away retention is concerned: the longer the post, the
root dentine to one side of the root canal is reduced better the retention.57 Various rules have been
(Fig. 7). Temperature rise on the root surface has suggested for passively fitting posts, such as
been investigated in a number of studies.49–51 A the post length should be as long as, if not
Gates-Glidden bur rotating at 8,000 rev min-1 longer, than the clinical crown height and that
results in a small rise in temperature at the root sur- the post should end halfway between the cre-
face. However, both tapered and parallel-sided post stal bone and the root apex.58 The post should
drills produce a significant increase in temperature therefore be as long as possible bearing in
in excess of 17ºC.49 Peeso reamers also generate mind limitations such as root length, root mor-
significant rises in temperature, higher than that phology (root curvature) and, of paramount
reached with Gates-Glidden burs and Parapost importance, maintenance of the apical seal.
twist drills.50 To reduce this temperature increase, Short posts not only have poor retention, but
which could potentially damage cells in the peri- also transmit larger lateral forces to the
odontal ligament, it is important that the smaller remaining root structure compared to longer
sized Gates-Glidden burs are used first, working up posts.59 With the wealth of literature support-
through the sizes in turn, until no gutta-percha is ing the use of longer posts, it is surprising that
removed apically. At this stage the smallest post in a study of 200 endodontically treated teeth,
drill can be used, again working up through the half had posts extending one-third or less into
size sequence until the final post size is reached. the root.60


How long and wide should the post be? Increasing post length is more important than
Whilst comparisons have been made between increasing post diameter for improvement in
coronal and apical seal, the aim of a successful post retention.61 Adequate width is obviously


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Fig. 7. Periapical radiograph of root

0.50 mm

0.90 mm

1.30 mm

1.50 mm
0.70 mm

1.10 mm

filled central incisor teeth (top left)

from which the diameter of the post
to be used can be estimated. During
post space preparation the Gates-
Glidden burs (with the diameter
adjacent to the latch grip) should be
used in sequence to remove the
gutta percha. The diameter of the
posts in the system to be used should
be known (here the Parapost twist
drills are illustrated together with
their diameter). The Gates-Glidden
burs should be used until the
operator can transfer to the
appropriate Parapost drill. This
0.90 mm

1.00 mm

1.14 mm

1.25 mm

1.40 mm

1.50 mm

1.75 mm procedure leads to appropriate post

space preparation as can be seen top

important for post strength and resistance to has been shown that the post diameter should be
post fracture, however, wider posts lead to an approximately 0.6 mm in diameter for a lower
increased risk of lateral root perforation, intro- incisor67 and 1 mm for an upper incisor and
duce greater cervical stresses62 within the root canine teeth, with 0.8 mm diameter posts suit-
structure, lead to a reduction in impact resist- able for most teeth. Again the sequential use of
ance, and decreased resistance to root post twist drills must be emphasised, always
fracture.63 The potential for root fracture is starting with the narrowest, working up to the
exacerbated when threaded posts are used.64 desired post diameter, so reducing the tempera-
Therefore, work has been carried out to deter- ture rise at the periodontium and reducing the
mine the optimum post diameter and it has risk of preferentially cutting to one side of the
been suggested that a post should not exceed root canal, leading to possible root weakening
1 mm in diameter at its tip.65 The more dentine and perforation.
remaining buccal to the post, the less prone the
root is to fracture under horizontal impact.66 REMAINING CORONAL TOOTH TISSUE –
However, teeth obviously vary in diameter and CREATING THE FERRULE
a post diameter less than 1 mm would be rec- It is of paramount importance that as much
ommended for lower incisor teeth, for exam- coronal or supragingival tooth tissue is pre-
ple. It is important that when viewing pre- served as possible, as this significantly
operative radiographs root morphology is improves the prognosis of the tooth and
borne in mind, as a lower incisor may appear a restoration. Between 1–2 mm of tooth tissue
certain width radiographically, but this tooth coronal to the finish line of the crown prepara-
has a root with a mesial and distal concavity in tion (Fig. 8) significantly improves the fracture
cross-section. This is also true of upper second resistance of the tooth and is more important
premolar teeth and in those rare occasions a than the type of material the core and post is
post is required in a lower molar tooth, the dis- made from.68 The band of extra-coronal materi-
tal root. These roots therefore are narrower al (usually metal or metal ceramic) that encom-
than they appear radiographically and this is passes this tooth tissue is termed the ferrule and
compounded by the fact that the radiograph is is usually provided by the crown that is placed
a slightly magnified image. over the post and core system, but can be pro-
A more sensible approach would be that the vided by a cast post and core which incorpo-
diameter of the post at its tip should be no rates a diaphragm or coping. The term ferrule is
greater than one-third of the diameter of the root thought to be derived from the Latin word fer-
at the corresponding depth.58 Using this rule, it rum, meaning iron, and viriola, meaning


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No Ferrule

Fig. 8. Two examples of teeth that

require posts to retain cores, the top
with a 2–3 mm ferrule and the lower
with no ferrule. The tooth with the
ferrule has a much better prognosis
than the one without.

bracelet.69 Thus the ferrule effect occurs decreased stress in these directions.
because of the crown bracing against the Whilst most studies on the failure of post
remaining supragingival tooth tissue. crowns have been carried out in the laboratory,
Some authors have questioned the benefit of little evidence exists from clinical randomised
the ferrule,66 however the majority of the litera- controlled studies. One retrospective clinical
ture would support its importance in reducing study which evaluated 788 post crowns radi-
root fracture due to functional lever and torsion- ographically concluded that post fractures
al forces, and the wedging effect of tapered occurred in teeth with a lack of a ferrule at the
posts.70–78 Barkhordar et al in 198972 compared crown margin.76 However, insufficient data is
restored teeth that were prepared with and with- given in this study as to how many teeth had a
out a ferrule and showed that the ferrule reduced ferrule and how many did not. In addition, the
vertical root fracture by one-third. When failure extent of any coronal tooth tissue could not be
occurred in teeth with a ferrule, the failure was estimated from the radiographs as the metal fer-
most commonly due to horizontal fracture com- rule would have masked this. Despite the lack of
pared to the vertical root fracture seen in teeth clinical studies, the best evidence available sup-
with no ferrule. Thus the teeth were more likely ports the importance of the ferrule.
to be retrievable. Because the amount of coronal tooth tissue is
In 1990, Sorensen and Engleman suggested considered essential for success of post crowns,
that the failure rate of post crowns was signifi- consideration should be given to the marginal
cantly reduced if 1 mm of coronal tooth tissue preparation. A shoulder preparation could com-
remained.70 However, a more recent study by promise this or even lose the ferrule effect com-
Libman and Nicholls (1995) investigating the pletely. In these situations a champher finish for
effect of cyclic loading on cast post and cores a gold crown or a metal ceramic crown with a
with ferrules 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 1.5 mm and 2 mm metal collar may be preferable. However, this
high, has shown that the 1.5 mm and 2 mm fer- will be dictated by the patient’s smile line and
rules led to failure at a much higher number of the appearance of the crown.
cycles.73 A similar laboratory study also supports
increased fracture resistance afforded by ferrules Insufficient coronal tooth tissue for a ferrule
1.25–2.5 mm.74 The height of the ferrule at dif- If insufficient coronal tooth tissue remains there
fering locations around the circumference of the are a number of alternative treatment options
tooth may also be important due to functional available:
occlusal loading. Thus a maxillary incisor would • orthodontically extrude the root;
benefit from a longer ferrule on the palatal aspect • crown lengthen;
and a mandibular incisor on the labial aspect.75 • accept poorer prognosis and place a post
Thus a 1.5 mm ferrule can be recommended labi- crown without an adequate ferrule;
ally and lingually whereas a shorter 1 mm ferrule • extract and replace with a fixed or removable
could be accepted mesially and distally due to prosthesis.


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Fig. 9. The root filled tooth 21 has

suffered trauma and a subgingival
fracture. To place a post crown, with
an adequate ferrule the root will
require orthodontic extrusion.

Orthodontic extrusion
This procedure requires a significant amount of
additional treatment over a prolonged period.
Consider the patient in Figure 9 who has lost
coronal tooth tissue of the upper left central inci-
sor due to trauma. The tooth had previously been
root canal treated as a result of previous trauma.
To extrude the root, a modified post has to be
cemented into the root canal to enable attach-
ment of the orthodontic elastics (Fig. 10). Such a
procedure has a number of disadvantages:
• The circumference of the extruded root face is
narrower due to the taper of the root (Fig. 10)
and therefore the emergence profile of the
crown is compromised, requiring excellent
oral hygiene (Fig. 11).
• Sufficient extrusion of the root to allow an
additional 1.5 mm ferrule results in a shorter
root within the alveolus and a lower crown to Fig. 10. Tooth 21 (seen in Fig. 9) has
root ratio, as such. been orthodontically extruded using
• Posts placed are likely to be shorter than the a custom made post with T bar head
for the attachment of orthodontic
desired length for optimum retention. elastics. The same post can then be
used to retain the composite core.
Crown lengthening Note there is a minimal ferrule and
Crown lengthening necessitates raising a buccal the cervical circumference is much
and lingual mucoperiosteal flap and removal of
crestal alveolar bone. It has been suggested that
the crown margins should be placed 2–3 mm
supracrestal to the alveolar bone to avoid subse-
quent unpredictable inflammation and bone
loss, thus preserving the biological width.78 To
achieve this and a 1.5–2 mm ferrule means that
the crestal bone has to be removed to allow
4.5–5 mm of supracrestal tooth tissue. This
again leads to an abnormal crown root ratio,
larger interdental spaces and a potential step in
the gingival margin profile.

Accept poor prognosis

To be able to give informed consent, the patient
should be given the alternative treatment
Fig. 11. Tooth 21 (seen in Figs 9 and
options and the potential success rates of each. 10) with cemented crown having an
Whilst a tooth with little or no coronal tooth over-contoured emergence profile
tissue has a poorer long-term prognosis, careful to produce an acceptable
execution and care with the occlusion may pro- appearance. This requires excellent
vide the patient with a post crown that may last oral hygiene to maintain gingival
health. The periapical radiograph
many years. There is some evidence to suggest shows that the post is shorter than
that the ferrule effect is not as important in rela- the ideal, this together with the lack
tion to root fracture if resin-reinforced, fibre- of ferrule has led to a vertical root
based posts are used in conjunction with adhe- fracture two years following
sive luting cements.79 However, the evidence for


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Vol 198 no7, April 9 2005, p397

Restoration of the root-filled tooth: pre-operative assessment

The images in Figure 1b and Figure 1c should be transposed.


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