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Case presentation ‫حيدر حسين عليوي‬

We should start with a complete examination of the oral cavity for any abnormality then we check for

any accumulation of plaque and calculus.

Then we continue with inspecting of the swelling to know its size and progression (confined to the

marginal gingiva or not) also check for exudate by placing the ball of the index finger along the lateral

aspect of the marginal gingiva .

Then we check for the presence of periodontal pocket by careful exploration with periodontal probe.

x-ray will be of little value for the detection of the pocket.


Based on the sign present the case is more likely to be a localized gingivitis, because the patient has

history of teeth brushing so in normal situation there is little chance of localized periodontitis with

pocket formation.

For the swelling it could be a gingival abscess depend on its location and size.

Treatment plan

If the diagnosis of gingival abscess was confirmed the removal of the foreign body is mandatory.

There is no need for antibiotic administration.

Scaling and polishing with the use of mouthwash twice daily for one week will be enough for

treatment of localized gingivitis. But if there is any pocket left may a root planning is included.


Reinforcing the oral hygiene measures of the patient, by daily brushing 2-3 times and using of floss.

Also, a mouth wash maybe given by the dentist depends on the dentist opinion of the case. A dentist

should advise the patient for regular visit to keep his oral hygiene good.

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