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The university of LIGHT is offering free admission to all who intend to acquire a degree in any field of
their endeavor. No qualification is needed, no school fees, all you will ever need for the completion of
your program in UNILIGHT has been provided.

The term and condition for graduation is that you must pass all your courses before your stipulated
graduation period.

All interested candidates are to apply now.

The UNILIGHT is liken to the kingdom of God that has offered to all admission not because we are
qualified but He (God) has qualified us through the death of his beloved son Jesus Christ (Titus 2:11)
Who shed his blood for us on Calvary tree has qualified us, purchased for us eternal life, good health,
joy, peace etc. in fact Christ has given all you to succeed all you need do is to access and make proper
use of all the resources to graduate (1 peter 1vs 3).

Being a student of UNILIGHT with MAT NO: EDU0702345 does not necessary mean you will graduate if
you refuse to meet the terms and conditions of graduation. Likewise, in the kingdom of God you may
also have MAT NO: APO 19985, PAS200034, CHOR 17890 as a student but if you don’t pass courses
like ADUL201, ADV ADU 801, FOR 302, Gos 101 CULT 502 etc. (Gal 5vs 21 and Rev). therefore, study to
show yourself approved unto God (2 Tim 2 vs 15) until you study and pass some of these courses you
are having as carry-over you may not graduate.

For you to be admitted into the kingdom of God and for you to graduate you need to make a friend
with just one man and that is Jesus Christ (John 14vs6). If you are ready be Jesus’ friend say the
following prayer: lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, forgive me and wash away my sins
with your precious blood come into my life now and be my lord and savior and write my name in the
book of life. Thank you lord for saving me. Amen.



The university of LIGHT is offering free admission to all who intend to acquire a degree in any field of
their endeavor. No qualification is needed, no school fees, all you will ever need for the completion of
your program in UNILIGHT has been provided.

The term and condition for graduation is that you must pass all your courses before your stipulated
graduation period.

All interested candidates are to apply now.

The UNILIGHT is liken to the kingdom of God that has offered to all admission not because we are
qualified but He (God) has qualified us through the death of his beloved son Jesus Christ (Titus 2:11)
Who shed his blood for us on Calvary tree has qualified us, purchased for us eternal life, good health,
joy, peace etc. you cannot enjoy these privileges the kingdom of God has offered except you accept
the admission

Being a student of UNILIGHT with MAT NO: EDU0702345 does not necessary mean you will graduate if
you refuse to meet the terms and conditions of graduation. Likewise, in the kingdom of God you may
also have MAT NO: APO 19985, PAS200034, CHOR 17890 as a student but if you don’t pass courses
like ADUL201, ADV ADU 801, FOR 302, Gos 101 CULT 502 etc. (Gal 5vs 21) you will not see the
kingdom of God. therefore, study to show yourself approved unto God (2 Tim 2 vs 15) until you study
and pass some of these courses you are having as carry-over you may not graduate.

For you to be admitted into the kingdom of God and for you to graduate you need to make a friend
with just one man and that is Jesus Christ (John 14vs6). If you are ready be Jesus’ friend say the
following prayer: lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, forgive me and wash away my sins
with your precious blood come into my life now and be my lord and savior and write my name in the
book of life. Thank you lord for saving me. Amen.

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