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The counseling program at Twin Lakes Elementary School in the Federal Way School

District has provided a very unique counseling internship experience. Upon beginning this

internship, the counseling program was assessed for strengths and growth areas. Based on the

demographic of the school population and history of discipline rates, this counseling program

focused curriculum and lessons primarily around SEL (Social-Emotional Learning). However,

this assessment of the program along with data analysis provided information on the decreasing

trend of disciplinary rates due to behavioral violations. It also showed that there is no emphasis

on academic standards being utilized within the counseling program. Therefore, a small-group,

academic intervention was brainstormed and implemented during the 2019-20 school year.

Literature was analyzed and reviewed to support the reasoning for implementation of the

intervention groups. The case studies analyzed supported the benefits of academic counseling on

students within a school environment. Students participating in small-group school counseling

with a focus on academic standards have showed increases in both academic achievement and


The groups that were created were targeted towards fifth-grade students who were

performing below grade-level standard in ELA (English-Language Arts) and were not currently

receiving support from outside of the classroom from SPED (Special-Education Services), ELL

(English-Language Learning) or reading intervention. There were two small-groups created

consisting of four students each were they would focus on study skills including goal-setting,

time management and organization.

The COVID19 global pandemic caused a quarantine within Washington State which

included a closure of school buildings and moving to remote-instruction. Due to this school

closure, the academic intervention groups had to come to a halt after only two meetings. Without

the completion of the remaining six intervention sessions, accurate outcome data could not be

collected to assess the impact of the intervention.

The COVID19 pandemic created a very unique school year and internship experience.

Although the school closure may have set many students back academically and socially from

where they may have ended the year, it also created a situation in which our students and our

community could come out stronger than ever before; stronger in compassion, awareness, health

and many more areas that may not have been reached without such a serious pandemic. It also

supported a deeper understanding of my abilities to overcome obstacles as a school counselor to

best reach the needs of all students.

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