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The Seventh Chakra

Exercise for Following one’s thoughts

The Fountain of Light Exercise

Chakra Seven - Associations

Crown Chakra Foods

The Seventh Chakra

At last we approach to the end of our voyage, rising to the nectar

flower head — the thousand petal lotus that is positioned at the top of
the head. This is the chakra of thinking, realization and information. It
is our most conceptual and resourceful level of all the chakras. Like the
Muladhara, which has its roots in substance, the Sahasrara chakra,
which means “thousand fold”, has its thousand petals of inner self
reaching into the never-ending universe. To the Hindus, thousand is a
technique of conveying perpetuity, and certainly, this chakra has no
restrictions in its range.

The element of Sahasrara is thinking, an essentially separate and

beyond measure unit that is the first and barest demonstration of the
superior subjects of realization all-around us. In the same way, the
purpose of the chakra is to understand, just as other chakras speak
about observing, doing, or emotion. It is all through the crown chakra
that we stock up and regain information and progress it all through our
lower chakras to bring objects into materialization.

The crown chakra is most considerably distinguished by an excellence

of "within ness," standing out against the outside materialization in
time and space of the lower chakras. A single human brain holds some
13 billion interrelated nerve cells, accomplished of making more
associations amongst themselves than the number of atoms in the
universe. This astounding contrast leaves us with an appealing
extraordinary mechanism. As there are 100 million sensory receptors
in the body, and 10 trillion synapses in the nervous system, we find
that the mind is 100,000 times more responsive to the organism’s
interior surroundings than the exterior. It is truthfully from a place
within that we obtain and development our information.

Within ness is a technique of entrée in a feature that has no position in

point in time and breathing space. If we assume that each chakra
stands for a feature of minor and quicker vibration, we hypothetically
arrive at a place in the crown chakra where we have a wave of never-
ending speed and no wavelength, permitting it to be all over the place
at once and yet containing no perceivable position. Definitive
conditions of awareness are explained as universal. By reducing the
world to an outline organization, concerning no substantial feature, we
have never-ending storage capability for its signs. In other words, we
contain the entire world within our heads.

Pattern involves orderliness. To the Hindus, instruction is the one

fundamental universal authenticity, and that order reflects on identical
with awareness. Realization, then, is a subject of prearranged model.
Chakra 7 is our entryway to "cosmic consciousness" or "higher
consciousness." These expressions simply refer to consciousness of a
deeper, more encircling orderliness. It is the opinion of meta-patterns,
deep central reality about our celestial command system. Showing our
thinking - appearances into realism is a subject of following the lines of
order we recognize.

The crown chakra is the position where we learn perception itself, even
though each chakra replicates a state of consciousness. It must be
kept in mind, this study that what we are looking for is the very idea
that is doing the looking. Intelligence is not as much of a subject of
finding the answers as of understanding who and what are requesting
the questions.

Thought is comprised of small pieces of information that we consume

time to put in order. Through our familiarities, each one of us
constructs an individual environment of information inside our mind.
From the first look of our mother’s face to our doctoral thesis, we use
our time trying to lay information about our world into some
impression of arrangement. The very act of deliberating is the method
of chasing lines of instructions. Our matrix construction becomes our
personal principle systems and the ordering principles of our lives. Not
only do we put in order new information into our personal formation,
but we also order the actions of our lives that fetches us that

Kundalini is the "force" of awareness. As she ascends and descends,

she modifies the inner order of the personal environment, each time
allowing a superior observation of the whole. Each of the chakras
symbolizes a level of orderliness, applicable for the work on its
meticulous level. Each time Kundalini ascends, we find ourselves
necessitate to reorder our lives to equalize the superior order she
brings us.

While each chakra is a disk, planned with information connecting to its

precise job, the seventh chakra can be understood as the complete
operating system for the entire bio-computer. It symbolizes our faith
systems, the way we classify our information and even our capability
to be alert at all. Thoughts are articles, and they are the seeds from
which all manifestation cultivates. Similar to all seeds, they include the
prototype that outlines the flower as it is nurtured.
Exercise for Following one’s thoughts

Lie down or take a seat in a comfortable meditation arrangement.

Permit your mind to become comparatively calm and settle down,
using whatsoever method is most efficient for you.

Steadily let yourself concentrate to the ideas that pass through your
mind. Choose one and ask yourself where it arrived from—what ideas
came first. Then trail to the beginning of that thought. It may be
something that happened years ago or something that is pressing on
you right now. Then again trail that thought to its foundation and on to
each thought’s starting point. Eventually, we draw closer to a type of
never-ending foundation that has no purpose origin.

Come back and select another thought that occurs through. Do again
the same cycle, going further and further back. See how many of your
thoughts emit from a similar supply —either a subject you’re working
with in your existence right now, past principles, or your individual
location of association with the endless.
The Fountain of Light Exercise

An ether body, also known as the aura, surrounds each and every
individual. This energy area is thought to be comprised of the
emanations of your energy force, what the Middle Eastern belief called
Prana, the Chinese call Chi and the popular religious convictions called
it the Soul.

A complete New Age cottage industry has jumped up around the idea
of capturing electromagnetic images of these phenomena using Kirilian
or electromagnetic photography. Psychics and Channel Tuners take
clues from the colors exposed in these photographs to make a
diagnosis and understand bodily, spiritual and emotional situations.

The most important constituent of Ether Body, or soul- formation as it

is also well-known, is said to consist of the aura itself, which is said to
typical expand about three feet all-around the physical body in all
directions. This looks a lot like a bubble of light that is naturally
preserved by a little thicker membrane that conserves the self-
sufficiency of the individual.

Visualize a soap bubble filled with light and you get the impression.
Some people have better, more extensive auras, and often you can
identify these individuals by the way they seem to strangely fill their
space with their existence. Others have very high auras that appear to
enlarge as far as six feet over their head. This elongation of the aura,
towards the skies and the kingdom of the ascended masters, saints
and the angels is a objective of many dedicated Buddhists, Christians
and spiritual seekers.

All of the chakras perform significant responsibility in retaining the

healthiness of the aura, but the chakra directly involved in contact with
angels is the Crown Chakra. Over the Crown Chakra, hanging about
six feet above your head is thought to be the foundation of what is
generally called the Higher Self, the Divine Imagination, the Holy
Guardian Angel, or the center of Christ Consciousness. This is
frequently seen as a miniature Sun or ball of shining light that radiates
rays down through the Crown Chakra. In order for this to happen the
crown chakra has to be open to collect what the Buddhists call

One way to know the Chakra schemata is to visualize that there is a

thread of multicolored Christmas illuminations linked from your bottom
chakra up through your body to the crown of your head. Associated to
that is an extension card that further plugs into this force foundation
about six feet above you.

The idea is to propel light up those bulbs by plugging into your power
source. That ball of illumination six feet above your head is what talks
to other spirits on your behalf, and also to the guardian angel. It
conveys messages to your chakras that in turn exchange with issues of
continued existence, sexuality, and interaction, your capability to offer
or obtain love, self-expression, second sight and the capacity to
receive celestial guidance.

If you cope to plug into this superior source and light up all your
chakras, you are said to have awakened your Kundalini.

The sphere of light known as the Higher Self, the Divine Imagination
or the center of Christ consciousness relies very sturdily to the Heart
Chakra, which is look into as a pinpoint of light and the 3rd Chakra.
The 3rd chakra is employed as a type of bellows to strengthen the
heart chakra every time you take a breath within your body.

Strengthening the 3rd and 4th chakras, by controlling the breath is

though to open the Crown Chakra so that it can obtain the light and
knowledge of the messages sent from the higher self to the physical
body. This pathway develops a kind of circuitry that energize and
strengthens your relationship to your higher self and the angels.

To unlock your Crown Chakra it is recommended to try the following

uncomplicated key exercise:

Breathe in and as you do, see in your mind's eye the white sunlit ball
of ferocious bright light that we are going to call the Higher Self Sun
suspended about six feet above your head.

Now visualize that there is one more sunny ball of yellow light shining
in your upper abdomen (your solar plexus.).

As you breathe out envision the Higher Self light firing a Star Trek-like
pointed focused beam of light, straight down through the crown (the
very top of your head to energize this ball of light that is in your solar

For the next ten breaths, imagine energy shooting up from your solar
plexus region to the Sun Ball above your head as you breathe in, and
the energy shooting back down with every exhale. Visualize your
entire abdomen area packed with a luminous, honey-colored,
lukewarm golden light.

Now suppose your heart's center as a minute pink pinpoint of light.

Every time you inhale, your solar plexus reaches for that energy from
the Higher Self in the sky.

Now when you breathe out, the super-charged solar plexus chakra
propels energy back up towards your heart center. The pinpoint of
light in your heart is similar to a little shining star that becomes
brighter and larger with each breathing. You are nourishing the heart's
center, using the solar plexus chakra as a medium for the energy from
the higher self.

With each breath that you breathe out, this pinpoint of light in your
heart chakra becomes brighter and brighter and larger and larger.
Until it begins to look like a little fountain.

This fountain sprinkles white light upwards, higher and higher, until
lets go a spray of light that drops from the crown (the top of your
head) to your feet. Whenever you breathe out, your body is freshening
up in a spray of rainbow colored lights. Visualizing a fountain of
diamonds is for all time good.

By now, whenever as you breathe, the following progression should be

taking place: you inhale and drive solar plexus energy up through the
crown of your head to the Higher Self Sun six feet above your head.
You exhale and the Higher Self transmits energy downwards to the
solar plexus which conveys energy to the heart’s center which burst
out into a fountain of light that flows to the top of head, showers to
your feet and back up again.

With each breath, you are now cleaning yourself with holy light from
the Higher Self. This is a well-organized way of opening your chakras
and escalating your receptiveness to messages from your higher self
and the angels.
Chakra Seven - Associations

• Color - violet, white

• Element: Thought
• Color: Violet
• Verb: I know
• Attributes: Information, understanding, awareness, consciousness,
pattern, meditation
• Physical Location - top of head
• Purposes - intuitive knowing, connection to one's spirituality,
integration of the whole
• Spiritual Lesson - spirituality, living in the NOW
• Physical Disfunctions- mystical depression, diseases of the
muscular system, skeletal system and the skin, chronic exhaustion
not associated with physical ailments, sensitivity to light, sound,
• Mental and Emotional Issues - discovery of the divine, lack of
purpose, loss of meaning or identity, trust, selflessness,
humanitarianism, ability to see the bigger picture in the life stream,
devotion, inspiration, values, ethics
• Information Stored Inside Crown Chakra - duality, magnetism,
controlling patterns, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear)
• Area of Body Governed - top center of the head, midline above
the ears

Crown Chakra Foods

• Air: fasting / de-toxin

• Incense and Smudging Herbs: sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense,
and juniper (These herbs are not to be eaten but are ritually inhaled
through the nostrils or can be smoked through a ceremony pipe for
purification purposes)

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