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54 Chapter 3. The Dirac Field We are now ready to write H in terms of the a’s and b's. After another short calculation (making use of the orthogonality relations (3.60), (3.63), and (3.65), we find u=[ aes (Eon ~ Epbs!b) (3.90) Something is terribly wrong with the second term: By creating more and more particles with b!, we can lower the energy indefinitely. (It would not have helped to rename b < bt, since doing so would ruin the commutation relation (3.89).) We seem to be in rather deep trouble, but again let’s press on, and inves- tigate the causality of this theory. To do this we should compute [(), w*(y)] (or more conveniently, (w(x), B(y)]) at non-equal times and hope to get zero outside the light-cone. First we must switch to the Heisenberg picture and restore the time-dependence of and y. Using the relations iHt)s p-iHt — 9s p—iEpt iHtps .-tHt _ ps ,+iEpt ellltgee tt = gheniFot, — gilltys etl = pret tEpt (3.91) we immediately have “(phe Uh ne): ve) = sh ss He) = [Se Fa Dost yer” + ago e”*). We can now calculate the general commutator: water atoll = f Soo LE (weorab ee MOY + gCon4 MERE”) (3.92) aoe (w+ m)aveP EY) +. (= m)ane” ow) = (i, + ms | aoeaR (cio) — mov) 7, ‘P = (8, +m) (6), o(y)]. Since [4(z),¢(y)] (the commutator of a real Klein-Gordon field) vanishes outside the light-cone, this quantity does also. There is something odd, however, about this solution to the causality problem. Let |0) be the state that is annihilated by all the a3, and 68; a, |0) = bs, (0) = 0. Then (vale), Pow)] = Cl [vala), bo(y)] 10) = (0 a(x)ebe(y) 10) — 0] de(y)wva(x) 0),

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