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58 Chapter 3 The Dirac Field eral result, first derived by Pauli*: Lorentz invariance, positive energies, pos- itive norms, and causality together imply that particles of integer spin obey Bose-Einstein statistics, while particles of half-odd-integer spin obey Fermi- Dirac statistics. The Quantized Dirac Field Let us now summarize the results of the quantized Dirac theory in a systematic way. Since the dust has settled, we should clean up our notation; From now on we will write 6, (the operator that lowers the energy of a state) simply as bp, and bf, as bh. All the expressions we will need in our later work are listed below; corresponding expressions above, where they differ, should be forgotten. First we write the field operators: Sys —ip-e St y,8 ipx\. veo= {ee yar» Loerie” + bslo*(w)e™*); 8.99) 7 Bp 1 = 1 ans aE, % The creation and annihilation operators obey the anticommutation rules {ap, agi} = {05,041} = (2m)85(p — qo", (3.101) with all other anticommutators equal to zero. The equal-time anticommuta- tion relations for y and yt are then {¥al), Vi(y) } = 6 (x = y)ban3 YE (He we” +astas(p)e”*). (3.100) : 7 (3.102) {val), voly)} = {vh(x), vily)} =0. The vacuum |0) is defined to be the state such that ag, |0) = 08, |0) = 0. (3.103) The Hamiltonian can be _ af pD Ep(agias + 55105), (3.104) where we have dropped the infinite constant term that comes from anticom- muting bf and os. From this we see that the vacuum is the state of lowest energy, as desired. The momentum operator is ; ap sige + potye P= [ee yt-iv)y = een x p(aslas + 05'b3). (3.105) *W. Pauli, Phys. Rev. 58, 716 (1940), reprinted in Schwinger (1958). A rigorous treatment is given by R. F. Streater and A. S$. Wightman, PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That (Benjamin/Cummings, Reading, Mass., 1964).

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