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Unabia, Mary Claudette V.

Class # 39 TPE 1202 TTh 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM


Upon watching the whole video, I noticed that all of the routines

involved upper, lower, and core strength exercise. I also noticed that the

body workout focused more on toning the abdomen. The workout does not

only make your body physically fit, but it also makes your body healthier like

improving your shortness of breath. I tried visualizing the workout in my

head, and I realized that this is the perfect workout for beginners who wants

to tone their body. As much as I want to follow this body workout, I am not

able to do it because of some circumstances. I would highly recommend this

to my friends, and if time will come that I will be able to do this, I would

gladly use this body workout as my reference when I exercise.

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