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DIRECTIONS: Explain each area in 35 to 50 words.

Name: Sidony Gatchell

Title of Project: Maternal mortality senior project #momsmatter

Title of Research Paper: Maternal Mortality At A Glance

Synopsis of Research Paper:

This paper summarizes the issue of maternal mortality and its effects on the world as a whole.

Background information on the maternal mortality rate around the world, highlighting the

alarmingly increasing rate of the United States is provided.The paper includes factors that

influence maternal mortality in the United States, while placing emphasis on preventable deaths

occurring, as well as factors including but not limited to; legal action taken both nationwide and

locally, organizations created to spread awareness and create change, and a review of the

information discussed throughout the paper in its entirety.

Project Description:

The project was an informational “booklet” on maternal mortality and my research paper that

was shared on the “momsmatter_” instagram page, along with other posts about places to go to
help mothers in need, organizations to learn and donate, and posts that aim to have a healthy

mother and child. The informational was also printed out and put in a salon, where anyone can

read through it at their own leisure. The whole goal of the project is to make you stop and think

about maternal mortality and spread awareness to other people.

Relationship between Project and Paper:

The project used information that came from the paper, and prior research to write the paper.

Both the paper and project discuss the rate in developing nations and America, as well as the

current legislation, and organizations from Virginia Beach to around the world. The more people

with knowledge the more change we can expect.

My background experience in the area:

One of the main reasons I chose this topic is because I had not known much about it at all before

I began researching for my paper. It seemed scary that I had not heard about maternal mortality a

lot before seeing as it happens in our own state of Virginia, and is so impactful. Being as I am

also a sister to three girls, this is so important for my own family too.
Special things I’d like judges to consider and look for:

The main goal of my project is to spread awareness, inform the people around us of maternal

mortality and its impact on the world. I hope the judges can see how very driven I am by this

topic, and that it is more than a paper and project to me, I want to continue to help these families

and spread awareness. As well as my original project, and the new plans that had to be created

and met by a certain time.

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