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Textual Analysis


In 2015, this campaign was launched in the UK and was used to encourage
more black people to vote so that we can achieve a society that is more equal
for people of all ethnic backgrounds. In the ads they all have the same text on
them, that implies that if people of different ethnic backgrounds don’t vote we
will get a leader who doesn’t support our view and make life harder for us, the
ad then goes on to show the name of the organisation and the celebrity
featured in the same box. The name of the company is memorable as it was
shortened to just OBV, and has a website in the same name so it is easily

The image on the poster will be famous actor David Harewood, football legend
Sol Campbell, British rapper Tinie Tempah and British television presenter and
wheelchair basketball player Ade Olayiwola, the celebrities are famous
figures who can help push this ad to more people so that the ethnic
minority can get someone who will represent them, people admire these
celebrities so they will listen to their views. The picture was taken in a close
up and they all look at the camera on eye level which means that they see
us as equal to them and that adds a level of respect that can make the
public agree with them. The pictures also have various levels of white and
on the celebrities; this was done to reflect their quote because if people in
the ethnic minority don’t vote then we can’t make progress and eventually
have someone to represent us. The white also was used to suggest how if
we don’t vote the majority will prosper whilst we will find life harder as our
best interests will not be focused on.

The main quote can also be seen as a tagline because it is memorable and
makes people want to vote. Overall this ad was really successful and
persuasive, as it won an award for having one of the strongest messages
and following behind it, this ad campaign was done really well as it created
build up in the weeks leading up to the vote and as a result of the campaign
the number of BME MPs rose from 25 in 2010 to 41.
Broadcast and on

This ad was made by basketball legend LeBron James and it talks about how
humble beginnings are admired by many and he wants to change that by giving
more youths better opportunities to make something of their life. For the ads
LeBron partnered up with Nike to make this happen this branding is good
because Nike is a high profile company.

This ad focuses mainly on low key lighting and natural to help show that he is
tackling a serious matter to him, when the video is searched on youtube the
thumbnail is just his face with maybe the fill light on, this makes him come
across as wanting to have a serious conversation as he is trying to change how
poor people who make it seem to the public as he wants to get rid of humble
beginnings all together. The props used in this ad are a basketball, a net, a TV,
soft drink etc. these props are used in everyday life which reflects on how he
grew up in a poor neighbourhood and wants to do right for the kids of that

The tagline of this campaign is ‘Beginnings’ it was named this to reflect on

LeBron’s background as he had a humble beginning, the release of this ad was
doesn’t in time with the ‘promising school’ that he opened in his
neighbourhood. He opened this school because he feels as though there
shouldn’t be any humble beginnings anymore as all kids should have equal
chances to get the recognition they deserve. This campaign was able to inspire
millions by persuading them to practise the things they love so that they can
make something of themselves, this was also very successful because of
LeBron James.


This ad campaign was created by apple to get people to use their creativity
during lockdown as it is a better way to spend your time rather than just being
sad. Apple is a trillion dollar company that creates phones and other gadgets,
so by them makes this ad they are persuading people to by their products to
help them release their creativity by drawing, making music etc. by them doing
this ad they help the general public with any motivation problems but also
themselves as a company.

The thumbnail of the video was of a little boy (or girl I cannot tell) who looks
sad and the colour scheme even connotes sadness as well, this is meant to sum
up how some people are feeling about lockdown so in the ad it changes from
people being sad to them being happy and doing productive things.

The tagline of this is, ‘creativity goes on’ and this important to the campaign as
it lets the public know that even though we are in lockdown you can use your
time for creative things which can improve your self-esteem and help your
mental state as well. This ad released around the same time as lockdown so
that is why it is so important as apple were one of the first companies to
address the situation like that. This ad was very successful with its persuasion
as it got a lot of people doing more like building things and just being more
productive overall.

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