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72 Basic Piano

Welcome to! I'm Nathan Andersen and I've been
teaching piano chords to people through the internet since 2003. The
piano chords on this page are the 72 most basic piano chords that I
think every piano player should know by memory. These are also the
chords I teach in my "three finger piano method". (To find out more
about that visit I also have more extensive lists of
chords (see the links at the bottom of the page). Anyway, have fun
exploring and feel free to contact me with any questions or feature
requests! Thanks!

C# Db
Chor Chor
C Chords ds ds D Chords
C major (C) D major (D)
C# major (C#) Db major (Db) D minor (Dm)
C minor (Cm)
C# minor (C#m) Db minor (Dbm) D major 7th (DM7)
C major 7th (CM7)
C# major 7th Db major 7th D minor 7th (Dm7)
C minor 7th (Cm7)
(C#M7) (DbM7) D dominant 7th (D7)
C dominant 7th (C7)
C# minor 7th Db minor 7th D diminished 7th
C diminished 7th
(C#m7) (Dbm7) (Ddim7)
C# dominant 7th Db dominant 7th
(C#7) (Db7)
C# diminished Db diminished 7th
7th (C#dim7) (Dbdim7)

D# Chords Eb E F Chords
Chor Chor F
7th (D#M7)
7th (D#m7) ds ds F
7th (FM7)
7th (Fm7)
Eb major (Eb) E major (E)
Eb minor (Ebm) E minor (Em)
Eb major 7th E major 7th
D# dominant 7th (EbM7) (EM7)
F dominant 7th (F7)
(D#7) Eb minor 7th E minor 7th
F diminished 7th
D# diminished 7th (Ebm7) (Em7)
(D#dim7) Eb dominant 7th E dominant 7th
(Eb7) (E7)
Eb diminished 7th E diminished 7th
(Ebdim7) (Edim7)

Gb G
Chor Chor
F# Chords ds ds G# Chords
F# major (F#) Gb major (Gb) G major (G) G# major (G#)
F# minor (F#m) Gb minor (Gbm) G minor (Gm) G# minor (G#m)
F# major 7th (F#M7) Gb major 7th G major 7th G# major 7th (G#M7)
F# minor 7th (F#m7) (GbM7) (GM7) G# minor 7th (G#m7)
F# dominant 7th (F#7) Gb minor 7th G minor 7th G# dominant 7th (G#7)
F# diminished 7th (Gbm7) (Gm7) G# diminished 7th
(F#dim7) Gb dominant 7th G dominant 7th (G#dim7)
(Gb7) (G7)
Gb diminished 7th G diminished 7th
(Gbdim7) (Gdim7)

A A#
Chor Chor
Ab Chords ds ds Bb Chords
Ab major (Ab) Bb major (Bb)
Ab minor (Abm) A major (A) A# major (A#) Bb minor (Bbm)
Ab major 7th (AbM7) A minor (Am) A# minor (A#m) Bb major 7th (BbM7)
Ab minor 7th (Abm7) A major 7th A# major 7th Bb minor 7th (Bbm7)
Ab dominant 7th (Ab7) (AM7) (A#M7) Bb dominant 7th (Bb7)
Ab diminished 7th A minor 7th A# minor 7th Bb diminished 7th
(Abdim7) (Am7) (A#m7) (Bbdim7)
A dominant 7th A# dominant 7th
(A7) (A#7)
A diminished 7th A# diminished
(Adim7) 7th (A#dim7)
B Chords
B major (B)
B minor (Bm)
B major 7th (BM7)
B minor 7th (Bm7)
B dominant 7th (B7)
B diminished 7th

Dynamic Javascript List

This list includes the 72 chords above, plus many others, it uses an
interactive piano image to view the chords.
See the dynamic piano chords list.
Piano Chord Type Directory
This directory organizes the piano chords by "chord type".
See the chord types directory.

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