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Assignment 1

1. Write the brief history of creating java.

2. List major differences between C++ and Java.
3. Explain the below Java Statement
public static void main(String[] args)
4. Java is both a compiled and interpreted language-discuss.
5. Explain the characteristics of Java.
6. What are the features of using java?
7. How is java more secure than other languages?
8. What is Statement? Discuss all the statement used in java programming with suitable example.

9. What do you mean by object-oriented programming?

10. How the constants and variables important in developing a java programs?
11. Explain difference between interface and inheritance.
12. Define Polymorphism with suitable example.
13. Define object and class.
14. What is an array? Write a statement to declare an integer array of 10 elements. 
15. Write a java program to find greatest number among two integer numbers.
16. WAP in java to calculate the factorial of a given integer number.
17. What is JDBC? What are different types of JDBC Drivers?
18. Write all the steps to connect the application to the database.
19. How will you create DSN?
20. Write a java program to access record from database.
21. Discuss different type of operator used in java programming
22. What is data type? Discuss basic data types used in java. Give examples.
23. Discuss exception handling with suitable example.
24. Write a program using Applet to display a message in the Applet.

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