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Investigation of Amenorrhoea/Infertility

A Menopause
B Polycystic ovary syndrome
C Hypothyroidism
D Prolactinoma
E Premature ovarian failure
F Anorexia nervosa
G Hypopituitarism
H Hyperthyroidism
I Pregnancy
J Turner’s syndrome
K Addison’s disease

For each set of results below choose the SINGLE most likely underlying cause for
amenorrhoea or infertility from the above list of options. Each option may be used
once, more than once or not at all.

1 A 45 year old woman with 3 months amenorrhoea preceded by 6 months

irregular periods. Beta-HCG positive. Normal LH & FSH, raised
prolactin, normal testosterone. Raised TSH & thyroxine.

2 A 25 year old woman of short stature. High LH & FSH, normal prolactin
& testosterone. Buccal smear examination – no Barr bodies.

3 A 25 year old obese woman with heavy periods & infertility. Normal LH
& FSH, high prolactin, normal testosterone, high TSH & low thyroxine.

4 A 20 year old woman with weight loss & amenorrhoea for 2 years. Beta-
HCG negative. Low LH& FSH, normal prolactin & testosterone.

5 A 26 year old obese, hirsute woman with irregular periods & infertility.
Beta-HCG negative. Moderately raised LH, normal FSH, normal prolactin
& slightly raised testosterone.

6 A 45 year old woman with 3 months amenorrhoea preceded by 6 months

irregular periods. Beta-HCG negative. High LH & FSH, normal prolactin
& testosterone.


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