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Group Assignment.

Case 1.

Patient Information:
 Name: Mrs. Johnson
 Age: 35 years
 Gestational age: 32 weeks
 Medical history: No significant medical history, no previous pregnancies
 Family history: No known history of hypertension or preeclampsia
Presenting Complaint:
Mrs. Johnson presents to the antenatal clinic with complaints of persistent
headaches, blurred vision, and swelling in her hands and feet over the past week.
She also mentions occasional/rare upper abdominal pain.
Clinical Presentation:
On examination, Mrs. Johnson's blood pressure is elevated, with readings
consistently above 140/90 mmHg on multiple occasions, at rest. Her height is 5'4"
(162 cm), and her pre-pregnancy weight was 150 lbs (68 kg). Her current weight is
165 lbs (75 kg). Her fundal height corresponds to 32 weeks of gestation, and the
fetal heart rate is normal.
Laboratory Findings:
 Urinalysis: Presence of proteinuria (protein-to-creatinine ratio >0.3
mg/mmol or 300 mg/24 hours)
 Complete blood count, liver function tests, and renal function tests: Within
normal limits
Case 2.
Patient: Sarah, 28-year-old female

Chief Complaint:
Sarah presents to the gynecology clinic with complaints of vaginal itching,
burning, and an abnormal vaginal discharge.

History of Present Illness:

Sarah reports experiencing vaginal itching and discomfort for the past week. She
also notices an increase in vaginal discharge, which is frothy, greenish-yellow in
color, and has a foul odor. Sarah has been sexually active with her long-term
partner and denies any recent changes in sexual partners.

Past Medical History:

Sarah has no significant past medical history. She has had regular gynecological
check-ups in the past and has not previously experienced similar symptoms.

Sexual History:
Sarah has been in a monogamous relationship with her partner for the past three
years. They do not use condoms.

Physical Examination:
On examination, the external genitalia appear normal, without any visible lesions
or inflammation. A speculum (vaginal device) examination reveals a frothy-
greenish-yellow vaginal discharge. The vaginal walls appear inflamed, and there is
mild tenderness on palpation. No other abnormalities are noted.
Case 3.
Patient: caisha, 32-year-old primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation

Chief Complaint:
Caisha presents to the obstetric clinic with complaints of persistent headache,
swelling in her hands and feet, and occasional upper abdominal pain.

History of Present Illness:

Caisha is a first-time pregnant woman who is currently at 34 weeks of gestation.
She has been experiencing a persistent headache for the past week, which is not
relieved by over-the-counter pain medication. Additionally, she has noticed
significant swelling in her hands and feet, particularly towards the end of the day.
Caisha also reports occasional upper abdominal pain, which she describes as a dull
ache. She denies any visual disturbances, but feels generally unwell and fatigued.

Past Medical History:

Caisha has no significant past medical history. She has had a healthy pregnancy
thus far, with regular prenatal visits and no complications reported during previous

Family History:
There is no significant family history of hypertension, preeclampsia, or other
pregnancy-related complications.

Physical Examination:
On examination, Caisha's blood pressure is elevated at 150/95 mmHg. She has
generalized edema in her hands, feet, and face. No visual disturbances or signs of
neurological abnormalities are observed. The fetal heart rate is within the normal
range, and the fundal height corresponds to the gestational age.
Based on symptoms, physical examination findings for every case write:

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