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Grover <#>

Kylee Grover

Mrs. Cramer

College Composition I Honors 8

15 May 2020

Quarantine Has Shown Our True Colors

The COVID-19 Crisis has spiked in many countries such as Italy, United Kingdom, and

New Zealand. One of the countries being most affected is the United States. Americans all across

the country are losing their jobs, education, and even food sources. Every state in America has

been mandated to quarantine in hopes to permanently put an end to this virus. Although, our

quarantine is mandated to do good, it does the exact opposite. Through selfishness about leaving

our homes, lack of empathy for those struggling, and our own need to reopen despite those still

in harm, quarantine has ruined society.

As citizens of the United States, we were mandated to stay at home and only to go out for

necessities such as groceries, essential jobs, and medication. The government recommended

picking up two or three weeks of groceries instead of having to leave your house every week.

Going out as little as possible stops the spread of the virus and limits who you’re around so it is

unable to be transmitted. Many Americans are not following these guidelines. Frequently, I see

citizens travelling to their friends’ houses, eating out every night, and roaming around Walmart

two or three times a week for nonessential items. It is as if we as a country have lost all

compassion for others. Just because you or your family may not be compromised or at risk does

not mean you are not potentially exposing others who are just doing their necessary biweekly

shopping. Many act selfishly and do as they please, lacking empathy for those who are trying to

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Secondly, with this quarantine, it brings many emotions. Thousands of people all over the

country have lost their jobs and are struggling to survive. Others are compromised and are too

afraid to leave their homes. We are struggling as a country. Citizens are hoarding items so those

who are struggling or even those who are not struggling financially cannot gain access to these

items. Instead of stocking up – as we should – many take mass amounts of toilet paper, meat, and

other types of food. More than what is needed for their household, or their two weeks before

returning to the store. These people do not donate to food shelters, either. It is all for personal

gain, and almost half will most likely be wasted. They do not care, they just take as much as they

see. When did we as country decide that hoarding was better than helping those in need?

Finally, our want to reopen our stores despite being unready to do so. States have

maintained their stay at home orders and some have “flattened the curve” meaning that their

infection rate has slowed down or maintained. This does not mean everything should reopen

immediately and life will return to normal. However, people are taking it that way. Riots all over

the country have began. Those who are healthy and are not at risk for hospitalization gather in

large groups in front of government or state buildings, demanding reopen. Yet again, we as

Americans not thinking of others. We are not putting into consideration those who still have the

virus, or how rapidly it could spread again. Many just want their “normal” lives back, so they are

not taking precaution of the protocols still in place for a good reason.

Some may argue that this virus is not a big deal, or maybe you are struggling from the

repercussions like the rest of the country. Maybe losing jobs or missing out on graduation. It is

painful. We are all bored, struggling, and needing of those necessities. By showing that amount

of selfishness or lack of empathy, you are being the reason why this quarantine is lasting months

and months. Buying out stores or roaming freely will not get the country any closer to the end of
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this pandemic. By following the guidelines, not rioting, and respecting the needs and well beings

of others, we could all fight this virus together.

By selfishly visiting our friends or going out, lacking empathy for those affected by this

crisis, and rioting to reopen, we have ruined society. Instead of banning together as a country and

fighting this virus, thousands of Americans have put others at risk of getting sick or going

hungry brought on by our own greed. This is a time where we need to ban together. We only are

making it worse. Americans have shown their true colors. The only way to solve the problem is

to fight it together, not ruin society and put others at risk. We need to work as a country, not

allow our own self greed to ruin society.

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