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Online learning has to be the greatest revolution in contemporary education.

It made a huge change in

the system and opened great opportunities for everyone who wants to learn something. It’s no wonder
why millions of students from all around the world opt for online degree programs or take at least one
college course through an online platform. .
In school, teachers have to deal with 40–50 students in the class and they just focus on covering their
syllabus for subjects in the time allotted to them. Due to some reason, if a student is absent, he misses
out on the important topic and loses track of studies. Students are not able to cover the missed-
concepts even if they want to because every day they have to follow the ongoing concepts in the
classroom. With all those budget cuts, busy classrooms, and course shortages, students won’t always
get the chance to study exactly what they want. Forget about attending classes for hours, sitting in an
uncomfortable chair, and suffering from back pain by the end of the day. Students will not be bound to
physical class session when opting for online education. All lectures and needed materials are provided
via online platforms, so they can easily access them from the comfort of their home. Students will not
take public transport to get to campus, and won’t have to spend money on gas for their car, they won’t
have to get up early to get dressed for class… the list of conveniences goes on and on.
Nowadays, the cost of education is rising with each passing year, and not all students are intelligent who
without seeking the coaching institutes could score well, for those students, parents have to afford extra
expenses on education so that their child gets good scores in academics. The fact that online programs
are cheaper when compared to the ones held in a traditional campus setting is enough to convince you
to consider them.
Along similar lines, it can be easier for students to cheat on online exams. The Internet is the largest
library in the history of the world and a great resource for anyone seeking information. But doing
research on the Internet is not without its risks. For example, if a student reads three articles and uses
ideas from the articles to make his arguments in an essay without quoting or citing from the original
work, the student is plagiarizing. Internet-related plagiarism has become such a problem because it is so
easy to find and copy information online. There are thousands of resources for students who wish only
to copy or cheat. However, the Internet also makes it easier for educators to check for plagiarism. Often
a simple Internet search for a quote will be enough to expose copying. Some educators are more
concerned about unintended plagiarism. Because copying and pasting is so easy, it is becoming more
and more common for well-meaning students to mix up source material with their original ideas. While
this kind of plagiarism usually happens innocently, it is still an offense.
While experience has shown that online students are forced to become more self-disciplined, those that
remain unengaged could be a challenge as their activities cannot be monitored in class.
Since students don’t have to be physically present in a classroom, it might be more difficult (or nearly
impossible) for them to get in touch with other learners. Online couraes give a strong advantage, but it
can go both ways. Students mustn’t allow themselves to get too comfortable when studying from home,
so it would be best to abandon the couch for few hours a day and set up an inspirational studying
environment in their home.
After all, the best thing about online learning is that you can learn in a relaxed manner even if you don’t
want to get certified. You only need passion for learning and a quick online search that will take you to
the right course. From that point on, you will be the master of your own education.
1. What is the fourth paragraph focusing on?
A. In addition to being a dishonest practice, plagiarism is a lost opportunity for students.
B. Plagiarism is a serious problem in digital transformation of higher education
C. How students misunderstand and depend on the internet search
D. The concerns and criticism that educators imply in nowadays online courses

2. Which of the followings is the best title for the text?

A. Mixed blessings of learning online
B. The best way of learning for students
C. The trend of studying without going to classes
D. Online courses: overlooked disadvantages

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