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3.razred – 22.4. - 9.


Draga djeco,

Lesson 18 - Home Sweet Home

(udžbenik, stranica 60 i 61)

Među navedenim riječima pronađite nazive prostorija koje u ovoj kući na slici ne vidite ? (Which
rooms you can't see ?)

Hall, bathroom, garage, kitchen, study, children's room, living room, bedroom.

Gdje se nalaze članovi ove obitelji ? (Where are the members of this family? ) Dodaj osobe
na zadane crte. (Add the persons) . Prepiši u bilježnicu za vježbu.

Granny dad and baby girl mum and little brother nobody (nitko -

__________________________________________ are in the kitchen.

__________________________________________ is in the hall.

__________________________________________ is in children's room.

__________________________________________ is in the bathroom.

__________________________________________ are in the living room.

__________________________________________ is in the bedroom.

Teacher Vesna

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