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Tech Tips

Metals in contact – Avoiding

Electrochemical Incompatibility.

W H Y G A L V AN IZ E ? All metals have an electrochemical

Hot dip galvanized coatings pecking order that determines whether
are applied to steel to im- they will act as an anode or a cathode to
other metals in the Series. The following
prove the anti-corrosion
table (overleaf) illustrates the relative
performance of the steel to
position of the common metals in the
ensure that it lasts as long Electrochemical Series.
as possible with a minimum The electrochemical protection provided
of maintenance to steel by zinc coatings is a vital element
in the effectiveness of galvanized coatings
in protecting steel from corrosion. All pre-
Different metals in contact: can cause problems such as galvanized products rely on the cathodic
C O A T IN G S D IF F E R accelerated corrosion. protection provided by zinc to prevent
Only hot-dip galvanizing corrosion of exposed steel at cut edges.
gives a coating that can The derivation of the term ‘galvanizing’ Industrial Galvanizers has frequent
reach the 50 year life re- has absolutely nothing to do with protect- requests for information about the effect of
ing steel from corrosion. The name galvanized coatings in contact with other
quired of structural building
comes from the Italian physiologist, Luigi metals. The most commonly asked
products. Galvani, who identified the effects of elec- questions involve the use of stainless
tric current on the nervous system of steel fasteners in contact with galvanized
dead frogs. In the formative years of elec- coatings and contact between galvanized
trical science, zinc was the most widely and un-galvanized reinforcing bar in
used metal for producing galvanic elec- concrete.
Compared to other zinc-rich
tricity. In 1837, French scientist Sorel took
coatings, hot-dipped galva- Electrochemical Corrosion and
out a patent in France for a process of
Galvanized Coatings
nizing is:- dipping steel in molten zinc and provided
the process with the name `galvanizing’ in Tables of Electrode Potentials (ee
honour of Galvani, who died in 1798. overleaf) are of value in drawing the
 HARDER attention to the dangers of
 FULLER The Electrochemical Series of Metals
electrochemical corrosion between
When metals are in electrical contact, one
dissimilar metals but such tables can be
metal will give up electrons and oxidise
misleading. While the potential difference
(the anode) while the current generated
between metals is the prime driving force
H O T - D IP G A L V A N IZ E D will prevent oxidation of the other metal
providing the corrosion current, it is not a
P R O D UC T S L AS T (the cathode).
reliable guide to the rate and type of
L O N G E R ... corrosion occurring at a particular point of

Industrial Galvanizers and its representatives have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this publication,
but it does not constitute product advice. The information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your individual situation or
needs. It should not be used, relied upon, or treated as a substitute for specific professional advice. Industrial Galvanizer s recommend that you
obtain your own independent professional advice before making any decision in relation to your particular requirements or circumstances.
Information Technology Solutions

Metals in contact – Avoiding

Electrochemical Incompatibility.
T R IE D & P R O V EN Bi-metallic corrosion rates are greatly re-
Metal / Alloy Potential (Volts)*
Over 40 years of field test- duced if electrical resistance is high due
Magnesium - 1.55
ing shows that galvanized to the presence of insulating films or other
Zinc - 1.10 non-conductive membranes.
coatings perform well in
harsh mining environments. Aluminium - 0.86 Where the points of contact between gal-
vanized coatings and other metals are not
Cadmium - 0.77
subject to wetness, no bi-metallic corro-
Cast iron - 0.68
sion will occur. This is important with gal-
Carbon Steel - 0.68 vanized reinforcing bar in contact with
Stainless Steel - 0.61 uncoated rebar. The points of connection
W H Y G A L V AN IZ E W IT H are inevitably deep within the concrete
Lead - 0.57
IN D U ST R IA L mass and after curing of the concrete, are
Solder - 0.52
G A L V A N IZ ER S ? maintained in an inert environment.
For steel users requiring Tin - 0.49
The use of stainless steel fasteners on
fast, proven corrosion Copper - 0.43 hot dip galvanized items in well drained
protection for local or Aluminium bronze - 0.41 atmospheric exposure conditions will also
national projects Industrial All voltage values with respect to copper sulfate half cell. (Zinc Handbook, Porter cause minimum stress to the galvanized

Galvanizers is the coating, because of the very high zinc/

established hot dip The severity of bi-metallic corrosion also stainless surface area ration and the short
depends on the ratio of the areas of met- periods of wetness to which the assem-
galvanizer with nationwide
als in contact, the duration of wetness (bi- blies are exposed in Australian weather
metallic corrosion can only occur in the conditions.
presence of a conductive solution) and the Electrochemical Protection and Coat-
conductivity of the electrolyte. The pres- ing Mass
ence of oxide films on the surface of one
In any situation where zinc is corroded
or both of the metals can greatly inhibit bi-
sacrificially to protect exposed steel, the
metallic corrosion.
mass of available zinc will determine the
In general, galvanized surfaces may safe- anti-corrosion performance. Corrosion
ly be in contact with most aluminium al- rates of zinc coatings required to cathodi-
loys, stainless steel 304 and 316F, cally protect uncoated steel in aggressive
chrome steel (>12% chrome) and tin, pro- environments (saltwater/marine) may be
vided the area ratio of zinc to metal is 2:1 25 times as high as the normal zinc corro-
or higher and oxide layers are present on sion rate.
the aluminium alloys and the stainless

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Macquarie Park, NSW 2113

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