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English Science Average of Each Student Sorted Data-Science Col

1 78 98 88 12
2 56 89 72.5 28
3 78 34 56 34
4 57 75 66 65
5 24 67 45.5 66
6 62 28 45 67
7 78 12 45 67
8 36 78 57 75
9 28 75 51.5 75
10 73 98 85.5 75
11 67 87 77 76
12 67 89 78 76
13 15 65 40 78
14 16 84 50 79
15 90 87 88.5 84
16 100 79 89.5 86
17 12 87 49.5 86
18 9 98 53.5 87
19 64 87 75.5 87
20 67 97 82 87
21 19 76 47.5 87
22 54 75 64.5 87
23 38 67 52.5 89
24 30 86 58 89
25 59 76 67.5 89
26 69 99 84 97
27 86 87 86.5 98
28 66 66 66 98
29 76 89 82.5 98
30 49 86 67.5 99

(a) 1623 2321 3944

(b) Coloumn - D Average marks of each student
(c) 77.3666666667 Average of Science marks
(d) 54.1 Average of English marks
(e) 60.5 Median of English Coloumn
(f) 87 Mode of Sciece Coloumn
(g) 98 Selecting the second last data in sorted data of science coloumn
(h) 100 Using the MAX Function

Sum of all English, Science, Both

Average marks of each student
Average of Science marks
Average of English marks
Median of English Coloumn
Mode of Sciece Coloumn
Selecting the second last data in sorted data of science coloumn
Using the MAX Function

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