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114. You see an 18 y/o woman with a hx of C.

trachomatis infection and a total of five

lifetime partners. You recommend:
A. Pap smear only
B. Pap smear and HPV testing.
C. Pap smear and STI testing.
D. STI testing only

116. A 45 y/o woman just had a normal Pap test result and has a absence of high-risk
HPV. You recommend her next Pap test in:
A. 1 year
b. 3 years
C. 5 years
D. 7 years

120. You see a 33 y/o women whose Pap smear result reveals atypical cells of
undetermined significance (ASC-US). She is also positive for HPV, with genotype
testing revealing the presence of HPV type 16. You recommend.
A. Repeating Pap test immediately.
B. repeating the Pap test in 3 to 4 months.
C. referral for colposcopy.
D. administering the HPV vaccine.
121. You see a 41 y/o woman who Pap smear results reveals high-grade squamous
intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). The HPV test is negative. You recommend:
A. repeating the Pap test in 3 to 4 months.
B. repeating the Pap test in 1 year.
C. referral for colposcopy.
D. referral for biopsy

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