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Angel Eyes

Brand New
Our time together is small & it is not enough
Angel Eyes
I will go to extremes to keep you in my days
You’re my Passion.

Game Changer
Our time together is a lot more as we share the same home
Angel Eyes
We travel from a Milwaukee area code to an Oshkosh area code
You’re my Passion.

Year 2006
Our time together is never ending as we exchange left – hand rings
Angel Eyes
The dream is to turn old & grey in the midst of a beautiful journey
You’re my Passion.

Bed is Burning
Our time together is intertwined as the years go on
Angel Eyes
There are 2 Boys making us into our own little family
You’re my Passion.

Love is Strong
Our time together is a history of memorable photographs
Angel Eyes
I carry no regrets because it is all a blessing
You’re my Passion.

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