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What is Stress?

 A physical and emotional reaction to pressure,

change, fear or the unknown.
 It is your total response to an environmental
condition or stimulus, also known as a stressor
Work Stress

 Also known as Occupational

 It is “the adverse reaction
people have to excessive
pressures or other types of
demand placed on them at
 Stress is not an illness – it is a
state. However, if it becomes
excessive and prolonged,
mental and physical illness
may develop.
Stages of Stress


Factors Influencing Work Stress

 Demands
 Relationships
 Change
 Management Style
 Working Conditions
ABC Strategy

A= Awareness

B= Balance

C = Control
How to Manage Stress

Action Oriented:

 Managing your time:

 Identify where you can improve and use time
management tools like to-do lists etc.
 Managing other people:
 People can be a significant source of stress.
Being assertive and managing conflicts will
ensure that your needs are addressed.
 Managing your work environment:
 Workspace stress can come from irritating,
frustrating or uncomfortable conditions
workspace. Take action to minimize stress in this
How to Manage Stress

Emotion Oriented Approaches:

Emotion oriented approaches are useful when the
stress you are experiencing comes from the way
you perceive a situation.
 Be aware, use rational & positive thinking to
change the way you perceive stressful events
 Use affirmations & imagery to overcome short-
term negative thinking
How to Manage Stress

Acceptance Oriented Approach:

Acceptance-oriented approaches apply to situations where you have
no power to change what happens, and where situations are
genuinely bad.
 Use techniques like meditation and physical relaxation to calm
yourself when you feel stressed.
 Take advantage of your support network – this could include your
friends and family, as well as people at work and professional
providers, such as counselors or family doctors.
 Get enough exercise and sleep, and learn how to make the most
of your down time, so that you can recover from stressful events.
 Learn how to cope with change and build resilience, so that you
can overcome setbacks.
In Conclusion

 To control your stress, conduct a job

analysis, so that you know your most
important priorities at work.
 Learn good time management
strategies, so that you can handle your
priorities effectively.
 Try to let go of negative thinking habits,
and become a positive thinker by using
affirmations and visualization.
 Create defenses against stressful
situations that you cannot control – use
your network, be sure to get enough
exercise and sleep, and learn how to

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