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How Does it Work?

Marisa identified that regardless of their issue, in sessions clients benefitted from her applying a
particular set of techniques in a particular way that almost always brings about phenomenal
changes for the clients. These insights provided the foundations for Rapid Transformational
Therapy™ to emerge as a distinctive therapeutic approach.
In diagnosing what works with real clients in real sessions, Marisa has developed a unique
therapy and a range of different techniques and tools that your therapist may draw on dependent

On May 6th (13 days ago), the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team
alerted the WordPress community to vulnerabilities in Elementor Pro
and Ultimate Addons for Elementor. At the time we did not release
details of the vulnerabilities because the vendors had not had time to fix
them. We made the urgent announcement because we were seeing an
active attack campaign and sites being compromised.

Today we can release full details of the attack campaign and associated
vulnerabilities. Today’s report includes details on how attackers were
using a combination of two vulnerabilities to compromise sites. Now
that the vendors have released fixes and the community has had time to
update, we are releasing a video walkthrough of a site being exploited,
and a full disclosure of all technical details of these vulnerabilities and
the associated attack campaign. 

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