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Which method can be applied to determine purity of a metal

a) Boyle’s law b) Pascal’s law
c) Archimedes principle d) Newton’s law

2. In which temperature the density of water is maximum?

a) 1000C b) 00C
c) 40C d) 2730C

3. The newton’s first law is also referred to as

a) Law of inertial b) Law of friction
c) Law of moments d) Law of motion

4. Which instrument is used to measure atmospheric humidity?

a) Tintometer b) Tachometer
c) Hydrometer d) Thermometer

5. Specific gravity of milk can be measured by?

a) Elacometer b) Dosimeter
c) Lactometer d) Odometer

6. The colour of stars depends on

a) distance b) Temperature
c) Atmospheric pressure d) Pollutants of air

7. Decibel unit is used to measure?

a) Speed of light b) Intensity of heat
c) Intensity of sound d) Radio wave frequency

8. Golden view of sea shell is due to

a) diffraction b) Reflection
c) refraction d) Polarization

9. Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?

a) Sphygmomanometer b) Thermometer
c) Hydrometer d) barometer

10. Good conductor of electricity is

a) kerosene b) Paper
c) Dry air d) Graphite

11. The fourth state of matter is known as

a) vapor b) Plasma
c) gas d) None of this
12. Spectacles used for viewing 3D films have
a) polaroid b) Concave lens
c) Convex lens d) Bifocal lens

13. Red is used as an emergency or danger signal as

a) It is scattered b) It has very high energy
c) Its wavelength is longest d) None of these

14. Pure water is poor conductor of electricity because it is

a) A non-polar solvent b) A very good solvent
c) Non volatile d) Feebly Ionized

15. A pond water appears less deep due to

a) polarization b) Refraction
c) diffraction d) Reflection

16. The word ‘insolation’ means

a) Insoluble matter b) Matters which insulate
c) Incoming solar radiation d) None of this

17. Intensity of gravitational field of earth is maximum at

a) surface b) Poles
c) equator d) Centre of earth

18. A green leaf when seen in red light would appear to be

a) white b) Cyan
c) Magneta d) Yellow

19. The sky appear blue because of

a) Mie scattering b) Back scattering
c) Rayleigh Scattering d) None of these

20. The hottest part of a candle flame is

a) Outer zone b) Middle zone
c) Innermost zone d) None of the above

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