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The Blood Covenant

The New Testament is in the Old concealed, the Old Testament is in the New revealed!!
(St Augustine)
 Introduction
Why study covenant?
- To gain more intimate understanding of God and His Word
- Because God deals with man based on covenant
- To understand our identity in Christ (the New Covenant).
Covenant with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David
Can use info below
If you've been around Christians you've probably heard the idea of having a personal relationship with
God, which could mean different things in the Bible like having God as a friend, or your Father, or
maybe your teacher.

But there's one particular way that the Bible talks about this relationship that you find all over but
strangely we don't talk about it that much and that's the idea of a partnership with God.

A partnership like working alongside someone to accomplish a goal together. And this is actually what
you see at the beginning of the Bible. God creates this good world full of all of this potential, and then
God appoints these unique creatures, humans, as his partners in bringing more and more goodness out
of all that potential.

But the humans don't want to partner with God they rebel and try to create a world on their own terms.
And so this broken partnership is the Bible's explanation for why we're stuck in a world of corruption
and injustice and the tragedy of death. It's not like they're just one or two humans have bailed on this
relationship. In a story in the Bible everyone has abandoned the partnership with God

So what God does is select a smaller group of people out of the many, and makes a new partnership
with them called a "covenant". And in a covenant God makes promises and then in exchange asks his
partner to fulfill certain commitments. And the purpose of all of this is to somehow use this covenant
relationship to renew his partnership with everybody else.

Now, they're actually four times in the Old Testament that we were told God initiates a covenant

With Noah, Abraham, the Nation of Israel, and King David.

And it’s through these that God is forming a covenant family into which all people will eventually be
invited. The first one is with Noah. So in this story God has just brought the flood to cleanse the world
of humanities corruption. And Noah and his family are the only ones left. And so God makes a
covenant with Noah saying, "Listen...I know that humans will continue to be evil But despite that I'm
not going to destroy it like this again. Instead, the earth will be this reliable place for us to work
together. That’s what's so interesting about this first covenant, is that God is promising to be faithful
even though he knows humans won't be.
The next time we see God make a covenant is with a man named Abraham. God chooses him, promises
to bless him, give him a large family, lots of land where they can flourish. And in return got asks
Abraham to trust him and train up his family to do what is right and just. And the whole reason for this
covenant is that God says that somehow he is going to bring his blessing to all families of the world
through this one family.

The next time we see God make a covenant is when Abraham's family grows into the tribe of Israel.

And this covenant is with the whole tribe. Got asks them to obey a set of laws, which are these
guidelines for living well as a community of God's partners. And if they do this then God promises to
bless them and that they will become a people who then represent him to the rest of humanity. That's
the covenant with Israel.

The last covenant is with King David. The tribe of Israel has become this large nation ruled by David.
And God asked David and his descendants to partner with him by leading Israel in obeying the laws in
doing what is right and just. And God promises that one day one of David's sons will come and extend
God's kingdom of peace and blessing over all the nations.

So those are the four covenants that God makes in order to restore his partnership with the whole
world. Israel breaks the Covenant. They worship other gods, they allow horrible injustice, so they lose
their land and are forced off in exile.

So it seems hopeless. But during this time Israel's prophets talked about a day when God would restore
these covenants in spite of Israel's failure...somehow. They called it the 'New Covenant'. And this is
actually what's so interesting about Jesus, is that he is introduced into this story as the one who fulfills
all of these covenant relationships. He’s from the family of Abraham. And so he will bring the
blessings of that family to the whole world. He is the faithful Israelite who was able to truly obey the

He is the King from the line of David. And so he goes about extending God's kingdom of justice and
peace to all. And that's really remarkable for one guy. What it highlights is perhaps the most
surprising claim of all made about this man: that Jesus is no mere human, but rather God become
human. And God did this in order to be that faithful covenant partner that we are all made to be, but
have failed to be. And so through Jesus God has opened up a way for anyone to be in a renewed
partnership with him. So Jesus calls people to follow him and become part of this new covenant family.
And despite their failures, Jesus is committed to making them into partners who are becoming more
and more faithful. The story the Bible ends with is a vision of a fully renewed world full of goodness
and peace. And there's this renewed humanity there partnering together with God to expand the
goodness of his creation. The end of the Bible's story is really a new beginning.

The concept of covenant has largely been replaced today by the idea of contract.
Covenant is rooted in mutual trust
Contract is rooted in mutual distrust
Jesus did not make a contract with His disciples but a covenant, 1 Cor. 11. Holy communion
 Meaning of Covenant- cutting a covenant – it has a suggestion of an incision
where blood flows
The blood covenant began in the garden of Eden when God cut the covenant with Adam.
1. If a strong tribe lives by the side of a weaker one, and there is danger of the weaker
tribe being destroyed, the weaker one would cut the covenant so that they may be
2. Two businessmen entering into a partnership might cut the covenant to ensure that
neither would take advantage of the other. (Today’s contract at work)
3. If two men loved each other devotedly like David and Jonathan or a man loves a
woman, they cut the covenant for love’s sake ( reference to marriage)
The blood covenant is so sacred that children to the third and fourth generations revere it
and keep it. It is a perpetual covenant that cannot be annulled.
Curses and blessings Deuteronomy 27, 28
Memorial – Tree planting (still done even in Mauritius when guests from other countries
come for state visits). They are called memorial trees or tree of the covenant
Where there are no trees they make pillars of stones or erect a monument to remind them
and their descendants that they are partners in a covenant ( lambs given by Abraham to
Everything a blood covenant man owns in the world is at the disposal of his blood brother
if he needs it. They are then known to be blood brothers (Chinese movies and dramas)
 Covenant with Abraham - Gen 17
 Jesus coming to earth, his passion and death on the cross

Need for the shedding of his blood to wash us from sins

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