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Advise the patient to follow and take the prescribe medication regimen needed
for effective treatment and fast recovery.

 Instruct patient to avoid strenuous activities
 Instruct the patient to limit heavy exercise and plan regular naps and quiet
activities gradually increasing over the following weeks
 Instruct the patient to ambulate by walking around the house for a short period of

 Encourage patient to eat nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables
 Educate and perform the patient on how to aseptically clean the umbilical cod of
the baby

 Educate the patient about proper perineal hygiene and its importance
 Encourage patient to perform proper cord care and breastfeeding

Out Patient:
 Advise the patient to come back for follow up check up
 Instruct to notify the physician if any problem or complication arises

 Encourage the patient to eat nutritious foods like fresh fruits, vegetables and
whole grains to provide the right energy it needs.
 Instruct patient to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.


 Instruct the patient to always pray and have faith in God in regards with her

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