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Sunday School Christmas Program, 2019

Welcome: The Sunday School children will be sharing the Christmas story from Luke 2
with us tonight. Please join us in singing the hymns between the Christmas account.
We will be using a hymn Martin Luther wrote for his 5 year old son, Hans. In the Luther
home, a man dressed as an angel would sing the first 5 verses of “From Heaven Above to
Earth I Come”, and the children would sing the rest of the hymn.
We start this evening with an Advent hymn,
Hymn 332 v. 1-4, Savior of the Nations Come

Luke 2:1-7 Jesus birth

Hymn 358 v. 1-5 From Heaven Above to Earth I Come (the message of the angels)

Luke 2:8-14 The angels come to the shepherds

Hymn 358 v. 6-8 (our response to the news of the angels)

Luke 2:15-18 The shepherds go to Bethlehem

Hymn 358 v. 9-11

Luke 2:19-20 The shepherds leave the manger

Sunday school children - recitation



Hymn 358 v. 12-15 (our response to the miracle of Christ's birth)

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