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As far as I can tell, over 99% of brazilian reactionaries on Twitter are fake, and that's not a figure of

speech. Other social networks are similarly fagged up, tho I can't tell their extent.

First, I have to make clear that a rightist base can always be divided into two types. One, the
minority, is composed of the pathological cases about which I constantly ramble on. Everything I'm
about to say, however, concerns the majority of morons, which inevitably make the bulk of any
rightwing group which succeeds at becoming a mass movement. They're distinguished by buying
into reactionary claptrap against their own material interests. The pahotolgical reactionaries are
always on board by virtue of their disorder, whereas the morons are the normal people whom they
work to convert to their cause. (For practical matters, the non-pathological cases which support
reactionarism because it actually does serve their personal material interests behave like the
pathological cases.)

I know it sounds insane that a horde of bots and shills are somehow keeping an illusion of normalcy
over a bizarre situation, but it's bonafide truth. Simply having an illusory majority on social media
is enough, via herd effect, to manipulate the opinion of the people at large. Humans, being highly
social animals, get a lot of their ideas shaped unwittingly through social cues, and the crowd behind
the internet side of this shitshow, largely Olavo cultists, managed to be the first to truly leverage the
internet into creating a virtual multitude with which to goad untold tens of millions in real life. At
this moment, the cost-benefit of shills and bots overshadows that of any media's capacity to, openly
or dissimulatedly, manipulate public opinion, so much so that this was achieved here largely by
Olavo cultists, who are relatively internet-savvy thanks to their leader having been an internet-only
living meme for decades. As the anti-PT campaign spiraled out of control and the election neared,
they slowly coalesced with other sorts of bottom-feeders, including, of course, rich backers.
Congress and Supreme Court, each of which has an ongoing investigation on this shitshow (despite
having known it existed before the election), have recently revealed a bit of the dirt they found. At
least 5m BRbux are spent a month on this, between shills, botfarms, similar shit like buying likes
and followers, and just plain buying ads. This might not seem much by American standards, where
this would barely get enough media presence to be noticed, but here, it's enough to fool an entire
fucking country into thinking that this literal chicken-fucking retard must be amazing what with all
those people defending him so fiercely. Hell, the bulk of the damage was done by cultists who did it
for free -- and now are being paid with our tax money to lie to us, as they have infested the staff of
the scumbags bags they have helped elect -- so this 5m is just gravy.

If it surfaced just how many of the supporters of the new scum simply doesn't exist, tens of millions
of people would start to twig up to the abnormality of this whole situation and Bozo would be out
on the street before the end of the week, as it would become painfully obvious how little actual
support he has. And I repeat that I'm not exaggerating. The trick they pulled was to create enough
false support to fool the actual silent majority into thinking Bozo diehards are the real majority. And
crazy as it is, this makes sense when you examine reactionarism. Being elitist by definition, every
collective political action of theirs involves some degree of falsehood in order to get enough
members of the hoi polloi on their side. Given that the latter can't possibly empathize with
reactionary's fears of losing privileges, this is typically done by eliciting a surrogate sense of loss in
the people, in the form of the various spooks they keep using: race, religion, nation, whatever the
fuck. Since converting the morons to their cause requires active effort, they count on another key
strategy, which is the illusion of majority. It really can't be overstated how important social cues are
in mass movements because, no matter how damn much we try to do things differently, popularity
is sadly still a massive bias in our decision-making. In fascism's case, this was fundamental for their
ascension. Needless to say, it's impossible for a fascist movement to gain a majority by appealing to
to their rational interests, assuming they even try to play that angle. This fascist core, a Venn-like
union of the pathological cases and actual beneficiaries, has to create that illusory majority.
A peculiarity ofreactionarism is that, true to its idealist nature, it doesn't even have to get the people
to think that the bastards are the majority at the moment; it suffices to get the people to think that
everyone else thinks that fascists are the majority. This is a subtle but important distinction.
Generally, people who think they are in the majority will behave in a different way than they would
if they were in the minority. This gap is inversely proportional to the degree of equality in that
society. It's relatively low in a functional liberal democracy, with all that talk of multiculturalism
with equal rights, and theoretically, zero under socialism. Conversely, the more reactionary a
society, the more hierarchy matters and the bigger this gap of behavior, with fascism being the
terminal case in the modern age. Now think back on their dilemma regarding the masses. They have
to get them to play along, but playing along does not require buying into it. Simple fear of
retribution for not being perceived as a chest-thumping chauvinist in a society which actively
punishes this is enough to coax most people into behaving akin to someone who is. And even if
someone is aware they're doing this, they still have to go through the motions because they can't tell
how every person around them thinks. For all they know, everyone single damn person in the
country might be acting on this cautious but wrong assumption and thus playing the role of a good
lil fashie in front of others doing the exact same thing. Even if they all hate fascism, they have to
play along to simply be left alone. Fascism always has this ghastly element of universal play-acting
enforced by the core bastards, with everyone being perenially afraid of "breaking character" as even
the most hardcore fascist is at risk of being a labeled an enemy in the fantasy world forced upon
them. It's 100% grade A military-strength PURE IDEOLOGY. How's that for aesthetics as politics?

Obviously, reactionarism doesn't have to reach such extremes to benefit from this illusory majority.
And Brazil is currently under that illusion maintained by a non-existent multitude of Bozo
supporters. Being a functional liberal democracy, being an outsider doesn't present a risk most of
the time, so the masses don't have to play-act this universal farse, but at the same time, they're
(wrongly) aware of their status as a minority, and act more passively in political matters, if not out
of fear of retribution then by simple respect of other people's ideas. Here, in a relatively open
society, the universal farce effect doesn't take place, but it doesn't have to, as democracy's tolerance
of dissent is abused by reactionary dipshits. And here we are, with the gaggle with the very worst
ideas, deserving of nothing but a gulag and/or an asylum, having fooled an entire fucking country
into thinking the abominable bullshit conceived by their broken brains is acceptable or even normal
or, God help us, commendable. And they were the first to pull this old reactionary hoax with
fucking computer software. Cyberbarbarism.

I might be wrong, but this is my sincere analysis. Brazil was vulnerable to this because of the anti-
PT campaign, but make no mistake, this will grow to be a worldwide threat. That's how badly
reactionaries are abusing the internet, just like they do with every fucking thing which could be
constructive and valuable to mankind. Reactionarism is partially defined by erosion of civilization.

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