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This is my message for a rotting country (Philippines) and a

generation, let’s be honest ,most of you will read the first
chapter then head of to watch porn, play video games, or waste
your time on mainstream social networks, for it is true of You
people are Degenerates, Lazy, and too stupid or distracted by
what ever the media has spouted for the uneducated masses.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, most of us are idiots. With the
arrival of leftism in our country I can assure you they will be
more vapid and barbaric in Their tactics to see the downfall of
this nation. I have to remind you this used to be an honorable
country, a God loving country, and a country on which our
ancestors fought for, a hundred years from now your children
will remember your sacrifices, in which you held your
conviction and faith for us to fight back and reclaim this

Chapter 1: The enemy among us
1.The liberals are always against the common
man, ever since the end of Marcos and his
failed dictatorship this country was in total
control of the liberal, they lost popularity and
reputation after decades of utter incompetence
the common man lost Their trust, and that’s a
common response for years of corruption and
nepotism the people grew tired of their games
then came the era of duterte in which a large
push by the younger generation came leftism,
yes I know leftism had always been with us,
especially with the youth but we cannot deny
the sudden appearance of it in mainstream
media, it is no sudden surprise for me to see
youth adapting leftist views, for the majority of
leftist ideas require its followers to have the
Messianic mentality in which most immature
children have, as a communist once said: “all
modern western leftist are nothing but useful
2.The leftist can never be trusted. If any of you
have read any history books you would realize
that leftism has done Major damage not only to
the physical world but also the cultural spirit of
our people, while the conservatives stupidly
label everyone a communist or authoritarian
while the liberals praise such murderous
regimes in such a way they blindly or will fight
you for pointing out such visible flaws of leftism.
3.It is not pure coincidence that most leftists are
among our youth, as I said in paragraph 1, they
are delusional and are clearly retarded, it is also
not a pure coincidence that most of them are
sodomites, predominantly lustful women,
homosexuals and, low testosterone males. A
common occurrence, for degenerate ideologies
will attract a Degenerate following, and the
troubling thing is most of these people are not
part of the working class but of the petty
bourgeoisie, as you can notice in the 2022
election here in the Philippines most of the
leftist predominantly on the side of Leni
Robredo are disgusting people, I personally like
her economic plan especially her plan in
Distributing land for the working class farmers
and as a son of a farmer I highly Support her
plans until I noticed her Supporters, with that I
separated myself from those who call
themselves kakampink it’s sad and ironic on
how most of her plan and beliefs are
fundamentally traditionalist and practical while
sadly her Supporters are nothing but a bunch of
lazy sodomites, with the majority of them are
fat & ugly urbanites.
4.The leftist do not want you to succeed, modern
leftism is a losers ideology, always have been ,if
your ideology is based upon the murder of
people better than you, people more
competent than you, and more genetically
gifted than you then your ideology May have an
impact but your audience will always be the
most disgusting members of society. Yes I do
Support social equality, only to the extent to
give proper leverage to those with unfair
economic upbringing and to be honest true
equality can never be achieved so as long as we
are free competent people will out pace or will
achieve more than you , freedom and equality
can never be in equal footing, but the substitute
will be the freedom of opportunities. I can
already hear the leftist who is probably reading
this saying “But that would not help people who
are below average”, the implications of “below
average people” will not easily destroy my
argument for even say a physically disable
person can still work on non physical activities
that is fundamentally beneficial to his/her own
5.The Pinoy leftist are Hypocrites. As I stated on
paragraph three most of these people are
upper-class petty bourgeoisie, the over
socialization of these people and the
encroachment of American leftism in our
country it is not surprising that they stumbled
upon leftism, which in Their mind the answer to
all their problem. The leftist will say “we’re
fighting for the poor and the oppressed”, while
in reality the poor are against them and they
are the ones contributing to the oppression on
the way they practice their upper-class urbanite
lifestyle the bourgeoisie and capitalist suck-out
the labor from the working class, the leftist will
tweet “#angatbuhaylahat” on Twitter on their
₱40,000 iPhone while drinking Starbucks coffee
in their luxury living spaces worth ₱15,000 per
month. While on rallies they spew hate against
the uneducated masses who obviously voted
for BBM since they are easily brainwashed .
6.The leftist hates you and they’re honest about
For those apes who voted for BBM I bet you
experience being called a “hampas-lupa”,
“pulubi” , or uneducated because you voted or
Supported BBM . They hate you and want to
destroy your world from the fact the world that
you grew up in is gone and they took it from
you, for a predominantly religious nation
it’s safe to assume that you are a Christian or
religious , you can see the invasion of these
Godless animals in our churches, our
schools ,and at a worse extent our
communities. They are not fueled by love for
their kin or a sense of responsibility to protect
Their people but for the hatred of what is good
in our society. Our culture, our faith, our
children, and our way of life, they promote
things even our fore fathers don’t even dare to
do on behalf of Their clear mind such as
prostitution, homosexuality, and the
Degeneration of the youth, with millions of
porn addicted Boys ,hyper sexualized young
women, and a majority of young children
Attached to Their phones. The leftist will say
“we just want equality” but in reality they never
keep even Their own words, like for example
most of our academia are pro leftist but before
they were a minority , before they shout “we
want equality” then when they became the
majority they attack or silence those who
oppose them.
7.The leftist wants you to be obedient. There can
never be a permanent middle ground between
of leftism and freedom,
as I stated on paragraph 5, leftist are
Hypocrites ,and for the leftist who’s probably
reading this ,yes you are a hypocrite you claim
to love the poor then after the election and Leni
Robredo didn’t win you wish the poor masses
death and that the coming tragedies and
incompetence of the idiot who is BBM are
Their own fault, never forget that those are the
poor people you constantly say to yourself and
others that you protect and defend against
oppression without even considering the fact
that most of them are gullible and uneducated
and can be easily impressed by populism and
false promises, this points out my arguments on
paragraph 4 & 6 ,the leftist don’t want to help
you they want to use you, the leftist don’t want
you to be free they want you to become
obedient, the leftist don’t want you to be
successful they want you to be dependent on
8. Leftist especially those of the over socialized
types are the perfect example of the
degenerative effect consumerist corporate
capitalism. In terms of their lifestyle most of
them are chosen in behalf of impulsive
consumerism and undisciplined hedonistic
desires so it’s not surprising that most of them
homosexuals, and in itself homosexuality is a
bourgeoisie sexual fantasy as seen in classical
literatures weak and rich aristocrats are
flamboyant and deceitful while the working
men are strong and have a sense of morals and
dignity. They claim to be oppressed because of
their own hedonistic delusions and the
concerning part is their privileges to use the
legal court against you, and trust me they will
use it against you.
9.The conservatives are fools, the conservatives
will ask “why is the country losing it’s values
and morals?” yet they continue to vote the
same populist morons who have no intentions
to safeguard Their faith and culture and is only
there to profit from your hard owned labor.
(P.S this is the ironic reason why I don’t pay
The conservatives have no plan to move and
will never move. They are too afraid and too
un-organized to accomplish anything and most
importantly they have no common enemy and
in this moment I give you Their true enemies
which is logically the leftist horde, and you the
reader may ask “but why don’t they do anything
, I thought they are against leftism” some are
fake classical liberals and some are just small
kabala of religious groups, and the most
pathetic ones are the ones who call themselves
((conservatives)) or ((traditionalist)) as a
bandwagon mostly by demoralized young boys
who are too anxious and too afraid to take a
step for his own ideals. You the reader will say
“but what can we do everything’s against us,
the state, the media, the culture, and the
market are all against us.
We must Remind ourselves that we are not
outnumbered , we are only out organized.
We must be Organized to fight, organized to be
heard, organized to make a difference.
Even a small group of you and your trusted
Friends may influence your community, if you
can influence your self to be Better then you
can influence your friends ,your family ,your
community, your society, and to save your
country. All of it starts with you.
10. conservatism and leftism are two sides of
the same globalists coin, this also goes for
capitalism and bolshevism. The sad truth is the
artificial ((struggles)) of the average leftist are
developed by Their own consumerist lifestyle
which is the most ironic example of the
degenerative nature of capitalism. I say unto
you the leftist are sheep, they do not think for
themselves but their thinking are centered
upon which new leader they have to worship,
This is the main reason why leftist Excel in
identity politics. Never forget that you’re the
lower class not the leftist, the leftist will preach
on how they’re oppressed and on how they’re
part of the working class which is largely false
for the majority of them are Petty bourgeoisie
or upper-class rich people, these people don’t
want to help you they want to help themselves,
when you ask any radical leftist on their
position after their so called Revolution which
will never happen since we know that they are
too physically weak to do any action even more
actual violence, they will always say after the
“revolution” they will be one of the bureaucrats
in charge of production or governance but
never will they say they want to be one of the
workers, they will never say they want to be the
poor bastard who will be hammering metal in a
factory for the rest of their life. As I stated in
paragraph 1 they don’t really care for you nor
do they care for the poor which they proudly
claim to be a champion of, and for the leftist
reading this, “hindi ka isang egalitarian socialist
hero, Isa kang burgis na nakatira sa subdivision
na feeling magsasaka”
11. I can already feel the leftists who are
reading this are making weak arguments and
coping in their twitter echo chamber. The leftist
will say “yes we use capitalism but because we
are forced to by the system, first of all fuck you
and second of all your own hedonistic lifestyle
and consumerist habits are not forced to you by
the ((system)) it is your own choices and your
own lifestyle that gives the rise to exploitation
of the actual working class, by your rampant
consumerist lifestyle the bourgeoisie are
obviously going to use unfair capitalist practices
in which will give disadvantages to it’s worker,(I
use “it” because bourgeoisie are animals and I
don’t like them) . Leftist are Naturally
Hypocrites from the fact that they secretly hate
the poor makes it even more clear for you the
average man not to trust them. The only
difference between a rich conservative and a
rich leftist is that rich conservatives are honest
about how they hate poor people.
12. The rich minority are a problem for this
country , especially when the entire national
economy is in the mercy of these people is the
indication that they have a significant power in
our so called democratic country in which our
politician are at the pay grade of corporate
entities and a collective of rich families. In this
case socialism will play an important role to
bring equality for our nation. Our perception of
socialism have been ruined and warped by
communist and neo-liberals, communism is not
as equal to socialism. The western leftist have
stolen the term and its purpose. Unlike
communism , socialism does not take away
ones freedom to own ones labor. The leftist will
say “that is not communism , communism is a
stateless society and a which a classless
population control Their own labor in some kind
of collective commune”. Which is true in theory
but not in reality and as we see in history most
communist Revolutions will lead to a
dictatorship or a totalitarian state. Unlike
communism ,true socialism is patriotic. Unlike
communism , socialism is a ancient idea of our
people to help one’s community in pre-Colonial
yet they are free to own properties. Unlike
communism, socialism is a cultural idea of our
people we call “bayanihan” in which unlike
communism which is fueled by class conflict and
envy , socialism is a collective idea of helping
those who are suffering in their own regional
Chapter 2 : Indio society
1. The State and the leftist: We must never
forget that the state is our enemy, you may not
like to hear this but they are, it may be an
outrageous claim to say that all government
employees and enforcers are morally corrupt
but they are susceptible to abuse the power
that they have been given. You may interpret
this as a call to be an anarchist or a anti state
advocate but no, we must always remember to
that these people hold power that they may or
may not abuse power, we may respect their
authority but never trust your government for
at the end of the day it’s ruled by politicians
paid by corporate entities or rich people who
grew from a collective of rich families who are
probably behind said corporations.
2. You may ask on how is the leftist
connected to the state and ironic enough this
goes to your Average Filipino so called
((conservatives)). As I said in chapter 1
paragraph 7, leftist are probably the most
statist group of people you can ever meet, they
indulge themselves into the application of
authority especially when the legal authority
not the state benefits them, they will use the
state against you and people who disagree with
them, one of such example is the sogie-bill a bill
to penalize any criticism of homosexual and it’s
just logical for leftist to support that because
most of them are social degenerates and freaks
and with this bill they are taking away the
freedom of speech of any normal thinking
person and those who are practicing Their faith
and way of life, it is mind boggling to me on
how the state takes away the Freedom of
speech from the majority of the population for
a bunch freaks who are not even a small
minority of the people, and for socially diverse
nation with different religious like Islam and
numerous Christian dominions silencing the
way they think so just a minority of freaks won’t
get Their feelings hurt is outrageous.

3. The Average member of our society are not

mentally free individuals. Leftist or moderate
they are all bug men in a collective hive of
information, this is why Democracy is a failure
for the Filipino race, the people do not think for
themselves they just repeat thing they heard
from the media making them an easy target for
demoralization and physically & spiritually
degenerative ideas. We are afraid to think for
ourselves for the fear of being isolated you can
hold such beliefs but live among the average

4. The boomer economy is at its final heel.

We are thought at a young age that main goal in
life is to graduate high school, graduate college
and then get a job, seem simple right??, but in
reality this rarely happens for the average
Working class, and to be honest with you there
is nothing wrong with but for you spending a lot
of money for a degree just for you to work for a
big company or a corporation is a solid waste of
your life, the upper-class kakampink will
probably disagree with this because they are
brain washed to believe that Americans
capitalist cosmopolitan lifestyle are the ideal
way of life, which I can assure it is not, I’m not
encouraging you to drop out of school or quit
your job I’m just saying you should value your
time and labor. We live in a society to
dependent on companies, the cosmopolitan
urban lifestyle you see in television or movies
are not real as a working class you will suffer in
Manila. Manila is trap because that’s how
cosmopolitan urban living is designed to do to
create ghettos and poverty. It’s no surprise that
most leftist, liberals, or kakampinks or what
ever you want to call them are predominantly
urbanites mostly living in apartment and
indulge themselves on films music that
encourages Sodomy ( like for example the edgy
atheist kid you knew back in college while his
parents are moderately religious, they hate
religion not because of its contents or it’s ideas
but only hate it out of spite for Their parents
which is just very childish and immature.)
5. The demoralization of a generation of young
boys. You may confuse this with the current rise
in popularity of the sigma male which I find
quite intriguing but do not be an emotionless
cocoon you’d be similar to the bug men, I’m
talking about the stoic mindset one must have
to live ones life especially in this day of age, yes
we all suffer in our own ways but we must
always remember that most of our problem
come from our mindset, it is honestly
concerning how today we over glamorize
depression and suicide to the point where it has
become some sort of aesthetic form of
expression of one’s suffering. But I can tell you
this life is worth living for, if one does not have
a reason to live then you must find one or make
one your self, hope for the best but prepare for
the worst life can give you, if you’re suffering
for your goals and the suffering is bearable then
there is no point of complaining, we as a society
have been domesticated to the point of having
no Conflict with our masters especially young
men. Now imagine a current action actor you
know because they probably where force to
wear a dress by their studio or managers, I
think this is an attack to the minds of young
boys in which young men are made to belittle
masculinity and made it into a joke.
6. The new culture wants young men to be weak
because weak men can’t fight back this is how
authoritarianism starts for an armed society is a
free society. The capitalist society where we live
upon wants consumerist, a constant addiction
to buying things they don’t need with money
they don’t have, set yourself free from these
woes, find productive hobbies and no playing
videogames and scrolling to social networks are
not a hobbies, you can try exercising, gardening,
reading usefull books and other hobbies that
help you grow in some aspect in your life. Your
ancestors have lived through famine

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