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Facts: Ruling; YES.

96. Philippine - Philippine Education Co. contracted with Austin Craig Section 2 of the Copy Right Law – enumerates the things that may be
Education Co. v, for the preparation and publication of an original article copyrighted such as books, composite and cyclopedice works,
Vicente Sotto and to be written by him concerning Mrs. Jose Rizal to be manuscripts, commentaries and critical studies.
Alindada published exclusively in the Philippine Education
Magazine. Pursuant to such Craig wrote an original Section 4 – writings published without names of the authors or under
article entitled “The True Story of Mrs. Rizal” and pseudonyms are considered property of publishers
delivered it to plaintiff which paid him for it and
thereby became the exclusive owner of the article. Section 5 – news items, editorial paragraphs, and aarticles in
- Plaintiff then printed and published the article in its periodicals may also be reproduced unless they contain a notice that
December issue and was on sale to the public as it has their publication is reserved or a notice of copyright but the source of
exclusive right to print and publish the article and it the reproduction or original reproduced shall be cited.
gave notice in that issue “that all rights thereto were
reserved.” - The court said that neither professor Craig nor plaintiff applied
- Philippine Education claimed that defendants Vicente for or obtained a copyright of the article in question under the
Sotto unlawfully and w/o knowledge or consent of terms and provisions of this act.
Plaintiff to the fact that the article published without - Defendants claim that after it was published once in the
permission and requested that they publish in their magazine, it became public property and that he had a legal
next issue that the said article was taken from plaintiff. right to publish it in his magazine without giving the source of
- Defendants claim that no theft was committed since reproduction.
the right over such article was not registered under the - Analyzing the language used in the law, it says, first, that such
copyright law and that any newspaper can reprint the news items, editiorial paragprahs, and articles in periodicals
article of professor craig without permission from may be reproduced unless they contain a notice that their
anybody. publication is reserved or second that may also be reproduced
- Defendants then filed a demurrer upon the ground that unless they contain a notice of copyright. But in either event,
it did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of the law provides that the source of the reproduction shall be
action which was overruled. They then made a general cited and is not confined to a case where there is a “notice of
and specific denial of all the material allegations of the copyright.”
complaint. - In this case, plaintiff did not give notice of its copyright for the
- RTC ruled against defendants. simple reason that it did not have a copyright but it did notify
- defendant that in the publication of the article “we reserved
ISSUE: WON the article is protected by copyright law? all rights,” which was equivalent to notice that their
publication is “reserved.”
- The court said that Defendants had the right to publish the
article but it must give the source of the reproduction. Plaintiff
bought and paid for the article in question and published it
with notice that it reserved its right to such thus when
Defendants published such w/o disclosing the soruce of
reproduction, it violated plaintiffs right.


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