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Foods that are bad for your brain and

There is a saying, “what we eat is what we
become”. The saying explains the meaning
itself. In a life full of hustle-bustle, we often
eat subconsciously. We do not give much
thoughts to the food we eat. For many of us,
our taste buds dominate our decisions. We
often hear and read lots of preaching related
to our diet or food that we eat. Some foods
are bad for our gut, some for heart and some
for brain. Yes, the brain. There are foods
which can affect our brain health. Consuming
such foods can hamper our cognitive powers,
intelligence or memory. Keeping these foods
at bay should be your first step If you have
growing children or pregnant ladies around
you. Sharing some foods that are bad for your
brain health.
Raw Cabbage or Cauliflower
Making a salad? Adding cabbage in it can
make you sick! According to some researches,
raw food contains tapeworms. Though in
many veggies you can see them with naked
eyes but in case of cabbage it is difficult.
Tapeworms lives in a camouflage inside the
layers of cabbage. These tapeworms include
brain worms that attack you brain. These
worms can give you headaches followed by
epileptic attacks and you can even go
unconscious. Good news is that the disease
caused by consuming cabbage is treatable in
Diet soda or flavoured fruit drinks
Did you know that drinking diet sodas or fruit-
frizzy drinks can make your brain slow? Yes,
the sweet tasting, sugar free sodas can have
aspartame as artificial sweeteners. According
to research, this artificial sweetener when
taken in excess than permissible amount can
hamper your learning, cause dementia or
Junk foods
French fries are moth-watering. Doughnuts
are heavenly and a pizza is delectable! These
are just three common foods that are
consumed all around the world. These foods
contain trans-fats and saturated fats. The
consumption of saturated and trans- fats are
big no for our brain helath. Binging on some
instant, frozen foods can also lower our
thinking power and increases the risk of
altimeters. A lazy day can make you
depended on these junks but I am sure you
don’t want a junky brain.
A stumbled walk, blurry vision or a slurred
tone, usually happens if you have consumed
alcohol in excess. These temporary looking
effects of alcohol can have drastic effects on
your brain health. Consumption of alcohol in
excess can cause thiamine deficiency. This
deficiency can result in brain disorders and
memory loss.
Adults and children both have cravings for
chocolates and good frosted cakes. The
excessive cravings of this sort can cost you
“memory”. According to a research, over
consumption of sugar can make your brain
slow. Excessive sugar can disrupt synaptic
activity of brain cells.
These were the 5 foods that are bad for your
brain health. It is often hard to restrict our
temptations but it is important for a healthy
lifestyle. Pregnant and growing children can
often binge on certain foods but remember
moderation is the key for a healthy life and

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