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Free Questions Banks - Very Important

1. 1700 Questions

Source: Study Material
Number of questions: 1700
Answers: unexplained
Cost: free
Importance: you must cover these. You will find multiple versions of 1700 (Dr. Khalid’s
1700, Sush’s 1700 and PLABABLE’s 1700). Each version of 1700 has more or less the
same questions; these versions only differ in the explanations provided for the answers.
You can go through any version which suits you best.

2. Mocks

Source: Files section
Number of questions: unlimited
Answers: unexplained
Cost: free
Importance: you must cover these. You will find multiple mocks. All of them are equal in
importance. Solve as many mocks as you can, as many times as possible.

Books - You should study from the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine and Oxford
Handbook of Clinical Specialties. They're the Bible!

Question Bank - PLABABLE's 1700 or Dr Khalid's 1700, Samson's Question Bank,


Notes - Samson's PLAB 1 notes

Study Material for PLAB 1 - Important

1. Samson’s PLAB 1 Notes

Source: Samson PLAB
Type: exam-oriented notes
Subjectwise distribution: yes
Cost: £200
Importance: they are helpful but very pricey. They are not vital or necessary. Go through
these notes only if you have enough time and resources. This subscription also includes the
Samson question bank.


Type: website for references
Subjectwise distribution: no
Cost: free
Importance: this should be your first go-to source of information. Please read only for
references. No need to read the whole website.

3. Oxford Handbooks

Source: Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (OHCM) & Oxford Handbook of Clinical

Specialties (OHCS)
Type: pocket textbook
Subjectwise distribution: yes
Cost: £10-£45
Importance: please read these only for references. No need to study them cover to cover.

Clinchers - Helpful

1. Clinchers

Source: Files section
Cost: free
Importance: they are one-liners for revision. They are helpful but not vital.

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