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1) What belongs to you but other people use it more then you other people use it more then

a) Your name

2) If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?

(a) secret

3) Question: How do you make the number one disappear by adding to it?

Answer: Add the letter 'G' and it's 'Gone'.

4) Question: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Answer: Lunch and dinner!

5) If you throw a blue stone into the red sea what will it become?

a) wet

6) Mr. blue lives in blue house, Mr. yellow lives in yellow house, Mr. black lives in the black house. who
lives in white house.

a) the president

7) people always buy me to eat but they never eat me what am I

a) plate

8) you can break me easily without even touching me or seeing me what am I.

a) promise

9) I have no bones and no legs but if you keep me warm I will soon walk away. what am I?

a) An egg

10) when the water comes down when it rains I go up. what am I?

a) an umbrella

11) what two things can you never eat in breakfast.

a) dinner and lunch

12) how do you make the number one disappear.

a) add the letter “g” and it’s gone.

13) what has a face two hand but no arms or legs.

a) shirt

14) what goes up and never comes down.

a) your age.

15) you can’t keep it until you give it.

a) promise

16) what spend all the time on the floor but never gets dirty.

a) your shadow.

17) ten ladies try to fit under a small umbrella none of them got wet how did they do it?

a) it wasn’t raining

18) It has a neck but no head and wears a cap? what is it?

a) bottle

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