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Dynamic smile visualization and quantification:

Part 1. Evolution of the concept and dynamic
records for smile capture
David M. Sarver, DMD, MS,a and Marc B. Ackerman, DMDb
Vestavia Hills, Ala, and Bryn Mawr, Pa

The “art of the smile” lies in the clinician’s ability to recognize the positive elements of beauty in each patient
and to create a strategy to enhance the attributes that fall outside the parameters of the prevailing esthetic
concept. New technologies have enhanced our ability to see our patients more dynamically and facilitated
the quantification and communication of newer concepts of function and appearance. In a 2-part article, we
present a comprehensive methodology for recording, assessing, and planning treatment of the smile in 4
dimensions. In part 1, we discuss the evolution of smile analysis and review the dynamic records needed. In
part 2, we will review smile analysis and treatment strategies and present a brief case report. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2003;124:4-12)

or its 100th anniversary, the American Associ- appearance requires us to revisit fundamental concepts
ation of Orthodontists designed a logo that of art and beauty that were present during the early
featured the message, “Orthodontics—100 years development of orthodontic doctrine.
of smiles.” However, a MEDLINE search from 1967 to Art played an important role in Angle’s orthodontic
the present of the keywords “orthodontics” and “smile” school. Wuerpel, an art professor and a visiting profes-
yields only 23 articles, whereas a search of the key- sor in Angle’s school, taught the students about Greco-
words “orthodontics” and “profile” yields 153 articles; Roman sculpture and facial proportion. At the memo-
perhaps a more appropriate slogan might have been, rial meeting of the Eastern Association of the Graduates
“Orthodontics—a century of profiles”! of the Angle School of Orthodontia in 1931,1 Wuerpel
Esthetics in orthodontics has been defined mainly in delivered a tribute to his late friend and summarized his
terms of profile enhancement, but if you ask lay people own role in the school. Angle originally told Wuerpel,
what an orthodontist does, their answers will usually “I have been forced to conduct this school because I
include something about creating beautiful smiles. The cannot get any college to conduct it [orthodontia] the
current interest in smile enhancement is overdue. Clas- way it should be conducted. I want to give my students
sification schemes have generally been based on static the finest instruction that I can get for them. When I
morphologic features, such as molar relationships and inquired for an artist who might write for me some
the extent of facial divergence. We focus on the profile fundamental rule which might govern the character of
because the lateral cephalogram is the lynchpin of the faces that came into the hands of my students so that
orthodontic treatment planning. As a result of our they and I would have the assurance that all deformity
efforts to be as scientific as possible in our diagnosis would be corrected, I couldn’t find any one to give me
and treatment planning, we have tended to drift away the rule.” Wuerpel replied, “Only a fool would reason
from clinical examination of the patient and the art of like that!” Thus began a debate between lifelong friends
physical diagnosis. The goal of enhancing patient about the need to define individual beauty rather than to
set strict rules based on classical norms. Angle never
Adjunct professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of North Carolina, used cephalometric radiography, because it was intro-
Chapel Hill; and private practice, Vestavia Hills, Ala.
Clinical associate, Department of Orthodontics, University of Pennsylvania
duced 1 year after his death.2
School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia; Director of Orthodontics, Division of There is little debate about the many advancements
Dentistry, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; and private practice, Bryn that Angle made in orthodontics, most notably his
Mawr, Pa.
Reprint requests to: David M. Sarver, DMD, MS, 1705 Vestavia Parkway, system of classifying malocclusion. But perhaps more
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216; e-mail, attention should be paid to his inclusion of art in the
Submitted, August 2002; revised and accepted, December 2002. orthodontic search for quantifying facial beauty. Wuer-
Copyright © 2003 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2003/$30.00 ⫹ 0 pel said that if Angle “had imagination and would
doi:10.1016/S0889-5406(03)00306-8 develop it properly, he would be able to understand my
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver and Ackerman 5
Volume 124, Number 1

profession as well as I understood it myself, even though physiologic lip–tooth–jaw relationships and their es-
he might not be a creator of artistic work. At that time I thetic and functional desires.12 In the art of treating the
did not know what beautiful things he could do with his smile, we orthodontists are faced with a 2-fold task.
fingers. He was truly an artist; he did all sorts of things in First, in problem-oriented treatment planning,13-15 the
a most artistic way.” Art instruction was an integral part of orthodontist must establish a diagnosis that identifies
the Angle curriculum, but it has gradually disappeared and quantifies which elements of the smile need cor-
from the modern residency program. rection, improvement, or enhancement. We propose
When did modern orthodontics diverge from art? that further evolution of the concept of problem-
Advances in orthodontic technology, especially radio- oriented diagnosis and treatment planning should entail
graphic cephalometry, led to a shift away from the art identifying the positive elements of the smile that
of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning as should be maintained. In other words, we want to
practitioners increased their reliance on measurements. identify the positive attributes of a patient’s smile to be
Clinical examination, once the hallmark of orthodontic sure that we protect them as we direct treatment at the
diagnosis, became secondary to the information gained more problematic aspects. Second, a visualized treat-
from lateral cephalometric radiographs and plaster ment strategy must be created to address the patient’s
study models. Today’s “art of the smile” is being driven chief concerns. The complete treatment effort cannot
by the orthodontist’s ability to clinically examine the focus solely on unilateral problems, such as Class II
patient in 3 dimensions and use the latest technology skeletal patterns and open bite, but must include facial
(computer databasing of the clinical examination and balance and smile esthetics. The dramatic increase in
digital videography) to document, define, and commu- interdisciplinary collaboration is a direct result of the
nicate the treatment strategy to patients and colleagues recognition that orthodontists and dentists are commit-
involved in interdisciplinary care. ted to the same goals—function and esthetics— but
A smile is defined and described differently by neither field can provide all of the necessary treatment
different dental specialists.3-9 In dentistry, we often alone in many cases.8,16-19 Computer imaging technol-
diagnose in terms of what we do mechanically. For ogy has greatly facilitated recognition of the effect of
example, the cosmetic restorative dentist has a more our orthodontic treatment plans on facial appearance,
standardized approach to the improvement of the smile, causing us to step back from seeing the teeth only and
which is logical considering he or she is working with helping us to recognize the entirety of facially directed
a relatively static system in terms of growth and or facially responsive treatment plans. Imaging tech-
dentofacial development. The cosmetic dental patient is nology has also greatly enhanced communication be-
generally a mature adult who presents for restoration or tween doctors and patients, and among doctors them-
improvement of anterior dental appearance. selves.
Why is there no accepted standard for “smile The contemporary orthodontist no longer evaluates
analysis”? The primary reason is that the orthodontic patients in terms of only the profile, but also frontally
specialty has only recently focused its attention on the and vertically, to complete the 3 spatial dimensions,
multifactorial nature of the smile, combined with a shift and statically and dynamically. Our philosophy man-
toward patient-driven esthetic diagnosis and treatment dates that the orthodontist now add a fourth dimension:
planning.10 A century ago, the orthodontic paradigm time (Fig 1). Simply stated, orthodontists are the first in
was geared toward achieving optimal proximal and line in a decision-making process that ultimately affects
occlusal contacts of the teeth within the framework of a patient’s appearance for the rest of his or her life. The
a balanced profile, along with acceptable stability, all of burden on the orthodontist is to understand not only
which were measured statically. The early concepts of dentoskeletal growth and development, but also soft
esthetics revolved largely around the patient’s profile, tissue growth, maturation, and aging.
and we believed that, once the “ideal” tooth–jaw The orthodontist must work with 2 dynamics. The
positions were achieved, then the soft tissues would fall first is that of soft tissue repose and animation assessed
in line.11 When cephalometric-based diagnosis and at the patient’s examination20-25 and includes how the
treatment planning hit full stride in the 1950s and lips animate on smile, gingival display, crown length,
1960s, esthetics in orthodontics was defined primarily and other attributes of the smile. The second is the
in terms of the profile. facial change throughout a patient’s lifetime—the im-
In the contemporary orthodontic paradigm, we pact of skeletal and soft tissue maturational and aging
examine patients in both resting and dynamic relation- characteristics, which are well documented. Both can,
ships in 3 spatial dimensions and then attempt to in a way, be considered moving targets, hence the
harmonize the discrepancy between their anatomic and difficulty in standardization. Think for a moment about
6 Sarver and Ackerman American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2003

ries: static records, dynamic recordings, and direct bio-

metric measurements.
In clinical practice, standard records include film or
digital photographs, radiographs, and study models
(mounted or unmounted plaster or electronic models).
The universal standard for facial images consists of
frontal at rest, frontal smile,28 and profile at rest images.
Although these orientations provide an adequate
amount of diagnostic information, they do not contain
all of the information needed for smile visualization
and quantification. To treat smiles, we need to expand
our records and databasing of direct clinical examina-
Fig 1. Contemporary orthodontists evaluate smiles in 3 tion. The records needed for contemporary smile visu-
dimensions: transverse, vertical, and sagittal. A fourth alization and quantification can be divided into 2
dimension, time, should also be considered. groups: static and dynamic. We recommend that in
addition to the accepted 3 facial image orientations,
how we document our patients and make diagnostic and photographic recordings should also include profile and
treatment decisions. A cephalogram is taken in a oblique smile and oblique and frontal smile close-ups
fraction of a second. The data generated from measur- (Fig 2).
ing the dentoskeletal relationships are a major under- The dynamic recording of smile and speech is
pinning of our treatment decisions to be delivered over accomplished with digital videography. Digital video
2 years; the dentoskeletal relationships are expected to and computer technology enables the clinician to record
be stable for the rest of the patient’s life. Scammon’s anterior tooth display during speech and smiling at the
growth curve is smooth and represents the variable equivalent of 30 frames per second. We typically take
rates and timing of physical growth. In reality, we 5 seconds of video for each patient, yielding 150 frames
recognize that this curve represents the averaging of for comparison. The videos are recorded in standard-
many data sets that fall on either side of that smooth ized fashion with the camera at a fixed distance from
line. When we take the cephalogram in that fraction of the subject. One segment of video is taken in the frontal
a second, on which plot, on which side of the line, have dimension (Fig 3), and another segment of video is
we gathered information? This might validate the taken from the oblique view. These clips, taken before
popularity of “therapeutic diagnosis,”26 in which the and after treatment for all patients, allow us to use
orthodontist begins treatment with a fairly definite matched frames to analyze changes in smile character-
diagnosis but with a flexible treatment plan that allows istics. The patient’s head is placed in a cephalometric
adjustments for unanticipated growth changes or vari- head holder to obtain natural head position, and the
able treatment responses during treatment. Brodie27 patient is asked to rehearse the phrase “Chelsea eats
cautioned that cephalometrics was never intended as cheesecake on the Chesapeake,” and then to smile. The
the sole factor in orthodontic treatment plans and said video is downloaded to the computer, and the video clip
instead that its main strength was in quantification of is compressed. Each clip is approximately 4 MB. The
growth and research. video clip is reviewed, and the frame that best repre-
In this first part of a 2-part article, we offer sents the patient’s natural unstrained social smile is
guidelines by which the orthodontist can record the selected.29
dynamics of the smile. In the part 2, we will focus on Dynamic digital video clips also allow us to ascer-
smile analysis and treatment strategies involved in tain which smile style a patient exhibits. According to
achieving optimal smile esthetics. the classification of Rubin,30 there are 3 smile styles. In
the commissure smile, the corners of the mouth turn
RECORDS IN TREATMENT OF THE SMILE upward due to the pull of the zygomaticus major
Standard orthodontic records have not changed signif- muscles. This is sometimes called “the Mona Lisa
icantly in many years, but contemporary needs are rapidly smile.” In the cuspid smile, the upper lip is elevated
evolving. We suggest that, to meet demands of treating all uniformly without the corners of the mouth turning
dimensions in orthodontics, our records must provide the upward; the entire lip rises like a window shade. In the
information and documentation required in the new soft complex smile, the upper lip moves superiorly, as in the
tissue– dominated treatment-planning regimen. Orthodon- cuspid smile, but the lower lip also moves inferiorly in
tic records fall into 3 separate but interdependent catego- a similar fashion.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver and Ackerman 7
Volume 124, Number 1


2A 2C

Fig 2. Routine patient photos should include several new views, including A, profile and oblique (not
pictured) facial smile; B, oblique smile close-up; and C, frontal smile close-up. Profile smile shows
nondental characteristics, including position of nasal tip with animation and allows evaluation of
upper lip curtain characteristics and proclination or retroclination of maxillary incisors. Oblique smile
close-up facilitates evaluation of curvature of molars (when visible), premolars, and anterior teeth in
relation to lower lip, enhancing closer evaluation of any anteroposterior cant to palatal and occlusal
planes. Frontal smile close-up image permits closer scrutiny of crown height, gingival architecture,
relationships of maxillary gingival margins to upper lip and incisal edges and canine tips to lower lip.

Fig 3. Digital technology enables clinicians to record and evaluate anterior tooth display during
speech and smiling.

DIRECT MEASUREMENT AS A BIOMETRIC TOOL resting and dynamic lip–tooth relationships is critical to
Direct measurement permits the clinician to quan- smile visualization, so that the information gathered
tify resting and dynamic lip–tooth relationships. Obser- from measuring smile characteristics can then be trans-
vation of the smile is a good start, but quantification of lated into terms meaningful to the treatment plan.
8 Sarver and Ackerman American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2003

Fig 4. A, Systematic measurements of resting relationships include 1, commissure height; 2,

philtrum height; and 3, interlabial gap and incisor show at rest. B, Systematic measurements of
dynamic relationships include 1, crown height; 2 gingival display; and 3, smile arc relationships. In
low smile relationships, percentage of incisor display on smile is measured. C, Ideal smile arc has
maxillary incisal edge curvature parallel to curvature of lower lip upon smile; term consonant is used
to describe this parallel relationship.

Direct measurement also has application in research between the upper and lower lips when lip incompe-
efforts relative to time-related changes and the re- tence is present.
peatability of the social smile. The dynamics of the The amount of maxillary incisor show at rest is a
smile also interact with the maxillary teeth and affect critical parameter esthetically, because that is an inev-
the appearance of the smile. Systematic measurement itable characteristic of aging.31 Thus, an adult patient
of resting tooth–lip relationships virtually leads the with 3 mm of gingival display on smile and 3 mm of
clinician to a quantified treatment plan. We suggest maxillary incisor display at rest should consider max-
that the following frontal measurements should be illary incisor intrusion or maxillary impaction to reduce
performed systematically (Fig 4): philtrum and com- gingival display only with great care, because reducing
missure height, interlabial gap, incisor show at rest gingival display also diminishes incisor show at rest
and smile, crown height, gingival displace, and smile and during conversation (a characteristic of the aging
arc. face).
The philtrum height is measured in millimeters When smiling, a person shows all or part of the
from subspinale (the base of the nose at the midline) to maxillary incisors. The lower the smile index (defined
the most inferior portion of the upper lip on the in part 2 of this article), the less youthful the smile
vermilion tip beneath the philtral columns. The abso- appears. The percentage of incisor display, when com-
lute linear measurement is not particularly important, bined with crown height, helps the clinician decide how
but its relationship to the upper incisor and the com- much tooth movement is required to improve the smile
missures of the mouth is significant. In the adolescent, index.
the philtrum height is often shorter than the commissure Crown height is the vertical height of the maxillary
height, and the difference can be explained in the central incisors; in adults, crown height is normally
differential in lip growth with maturation.31-34 between 9 and 12 mm, with an average of 10.6 mm in
Commissure height is measured from a line con- men and 9.6 mm in women.35 The age of the patient is
structed from the alar bases through subspinale, and a factor in crown height because of the rate of apical
then from the commissures perpendicular to this line. migration in the adolescent.
The interlabial gap is the distance in millimeters The amount of gingival display on smile that is
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver and Ackerman 9
Volume 124, Number 1

Fig 5. Direct measurement of static and dynamic relationships is facilitated by computerized

database programs.

acceptable esthetically can vary widely, but the rela- 4, C). In a nonconsonant or flat smile, the maxillary
tionship between gingival display and incisor show at incisal curvature is flatter than the curvature of the
rest is important. In broad terms, it is better to treat a lower lip on smile. The smile arc relationship is not as
gummy smile less aggressively, because aging will quantitatively measurable as the other attributes, so the
naturally diminish this characteristic. A gummy smile observation of consonant, flat, or reverse smile arcs is
is often more esthetic than a smile with less tooth generally cited.
display. The direct measurement of these static and dynamic
The smile arc from the frontal view (the oblique relationships is greatly facilitated by the use of com-
view will be discussed in part 2 of this article) is the puterized databasing programs, which allow the clini-
relationship of the curvature of the incisal edges of the cian to complete the examination quickly and effi-
maxillary incisors and canines to the curvature of the ciently; usually, a staff person enters the information as
lower lip in the posed social smile.18,29 In an ideal smile the orthodontist performs the examination. The infor-
arc, the curvature of the maxillary incisal edge is mation is then stored for recall and analysis, and it can
parallel to the curvature of the lower lip upon smile; the even have predefined parameters to identify problem-
term consonant describes this parallel relationship (Fig atic measurements automatically16 (Fig 5).
10 Sarver and Ackerman American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2003

Fig 6. Patient referred for anterior open bite treatment. A, Resting relationships characterized by
extremely short philtrum relative to commissure. Note reverse resting lip line with short philtrum,
resembling frown. B, 8-mm gingival display on smile, with thin vermilion and deepening of nasal
groove. C, Correcting 3-mm anterior open bite might require LeFort I osteotomy. D, E, Improved
final resting relationships, with lip competence, attractive Cupid’s bow, and, most remarkably, an
increase in philtrum length relative to commissures. F, Posttreatment, patient has 100% incisor
show; gummy smile has been eliminated.

CASE ILLUSTRATION resting lip posture, resembling a frown. The short

This case demonstrates how important it is to assess philtrum also contributed to her excessive gingival
soft tissue resting and dynamic relationships in achiev- display of 8 mm on smile (Fig 6, B). A previous
ing superior esthetic results in orthognathic and orth- orthognathic procedure had fallen short of the desired
odontic cases. This patient was referred for treatment of result, and she sought further consultation. An anterior
anterior open bite and vertical maxillary excess through open bite of 3 mm was present (Fig 6, C), so a LeFort
combined orthodontic therapy and orthognathic sur- I osteotomy was recommended to achieve bite closure.
gery. At rest, she clearly had a short philtrum height The systematic evaluations of the upper lip–tooth
relative to the commissures (Fig 6, A) with a reverse resting and dynamic relationships were as follows:
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Sarver and Ackerman 11
Volume 124, Number 1

Table. Direct biometric data CONCLUSIONS

Resulting Visualization and quantification of the dynamics of

Expected gingival the smile is a 2-stage process. The first crucial step is
Procedure change display the clinical examination. The key element in this
Original 8 mm evaluation is the direct measurement of lip–tooth rela-
Periodontal crown lengthening ⫺3 mm 5 mm tionships both dynamically and in repose. Record
Philtrum lengthening ⫺3 mm 2 mm taking is the second step in this process. We use digital
Maxillary impaction ⫺2 mm 0 mm photography, digital videography, radiography, and
plaster study casts to accurately record the dynamic and
static attributes of a patient’s smile. These records are
taken frontally and obliquely to allow for a 3-dimen-
1. Philtrum height (25 mm) was 7 mm shorter than sional description of smile characteristics. From this
commissure height (32 mm); database, one can then perform a smile analysis.
2. Incisor crown height was 8 mm; Part 2 of this article will focus on smile analysis and
3. At rest, 8 mm of incisor showed; treatment strategies involved in achieving optimal
4. On smile, 100% of the incisors showed; smile esthetics.
5. Gingival display was 8 mm.
The excessive gingival display on smile was therefore
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