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Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471

Descriptive sensory analysis: past, present and future

J.M. Murray a,*, C.M. Delahunty b, I.A. Baxter a
Consumer Science Program, Food Science Australia, 16, Julius Avenue, Delhi Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Sydney, Australia
Nutritional Sciences, Department of Food Science and Technology, University College, Cork, Ireland

Received 5 December 2000; accepted 31 January 2001

Descriptive sensory analyses are distinguished from other sensory testing methods in that they seek to profile a product on all of
its perceived sensory characteristics. In this paper, the process of implementing a descriptive sensory programme will be reviewed,
with some discussion of new approaches and applications. Variations of descriptive sensory analysis will also be considered,
including The Flavour Profile MethodTM, Texture Profile MethodTM, Quantitative Descriptive AnalysisTM, Quantitative Flavour
Profiling, SpectrumTM method and Free-Choice Profiling. Advantages and disadvantages of these methods will be discussed in a
comparative way and the future of descriptive sensory analysis is also considered. In addition, some current assumptions of sensory
panel training are questioned and potential new applications of descriptive techniques are discussed. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.

1. Introduction vant instrumental and/or preference measures are highly

desirable and increasingly, are being utilised within the
Descriptive sensory tests are amongst the most food industry.
sophisticated tools in the arsenal of the sensory scientist Descriptive sensory analyses are also used for quality
(Lawless & Heymann, 1998) and involve the detection control, for the comparison of product prototypes to
(discrimination) and description of both the qualitative understand consumer responses in relation to products’
and quantitative sensory components of a consumer sensory attributes, and for sensory mapping and pro-
product by trained panels of judges (Meilgaard, Civille, duct matching (Gacula, 1997). It may also be used to
& Carr, 1991). The qualitative aspects of a product track product changes over time with respect to under-
include all aroma, appearance, flavour, texture, after- standing shelf-life and packaging effects, to investigate
taste and sound properties of a product, which distin- the effects of ingredients or processing variables on the
guish it from others. Sensory judges then quantify these final sensory quality of a product, and to investigate
product aspects in order to facilitate description of the consumer perceptions of products [e.g. Free-Choice
perceived product attributes. Profiling (FCP)].
Recent surveys (e.g. Anon., 1999) suggest that the use There are several different methods of descriptive
and application of descriptive sensory testing has analysis, including the Flavour Profile Method (Cairn-
increased rapidly, and will continue to do so in the next cross & Sjöstrom, 1950), Texture Profile Method
5 years. A major strength of descriptive analysis is its (Brandt, Skinner, & Coleman, 1963), Quantitative
ability to allow relationships between descriptive sen- Descriptive AnalysisTM (Stone, Sidel, Oliver, Woolsey,
sory and instrumental or consumer preference measure- & Singleton, 1974), the SpectrumTM method (Meilgaard
ments to be determined. Knowledge of ‘‘desired et al., 1991), Quantitative Flavour Profiling (Stampa-
composition’’ allows for product optimisation and vali- noni, 1993a,b), Free-choice Profiling (Langron, 1983;
dated models between descriptive sensory and the rele- Thompson & MacFie, 1983) and generic descriptive
analysis. The specific methods reflect various sensory
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-2-9490-8464; fax: +61-2-9490-
philosophies and approaches (Lawless & Heymann,
8499. 1998), however, generic descriptive analysis, which can
E-mail address: combine different approaches from all these methods is
(J.M. Murray).

0963-9969/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0963-9969(01)00070-9
462 J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471

frequently employed during practical applications in motivation and ability of panellists to understand the
order to meet specific project objectives. need for meticulous experimental design, for delays
Reviews of descriptive analysis have been published during tasting samples, for control of eating habits prior
by Amerine, Pangborn, and Roessler (1965), Einstein to attendance, and so on.
(1991), Heymann, Holt, and Cliff (1993), Jellinek Personality has a large impact on the success or fail-
(1964), Lawless and Heymann (1998), Meilgaard et al. ure of sensory panellists. Piggott and Hunter (1999)
(1999), Moskowitz (1983), Piggott, Simpson, and Wil- discussed the evidence that elaborate screening proce-
liams (1998), Powers (1988), Sjöstrom (1954) and Stone dures (e.g. Lesschaeve & Issanchou, 1996) did not
and Sidel (1993). necessarily predict ability to perform well as a panellist
This review paper aims to discuss the implementation and that concentration and personality tests may be the
of a descriptive sensory program (namely selecting a best predictor of future ability (e.g. Zuckermann sensa-
panel to conduct the sensory evaluations, determination tion seeking scale, Wilson learning model), together
of a sensory language by which to describe product with verbal creativity (e.g. Wechsler, 1944) and tests of
attributes, and finally calibration of the panel in order discrimination ability. Comprehensive dietary ques-
to quantify the product attributes) in light of recent tionnaires (e.g. food frequency questionnaires) can also
developments and new ideas. Specific descriptive meth- be revealing about panellist eating habits and reluctance
ods and their application in sensory science will also be to eat unfamiliar (e.g. experimental) products may be
discussed and potential new approaches to descriptive measured using the Food Neophobia Scale (FNS; Pliner
sensory analysis will be considered. & Hobden, 1992).

2. The selection of a descriptive analysis panel 3. Descriptive attribute generation

All descriptive methods require a panel with some The training phase of descriptive sensory analysis
degree of training or orientation. In most cases (with the techniques begins with the development of a common
exception of FCP) panellists are also required to have a language which comprehensively and accurately
reasonable level of sensory acuity. To achieve this, 2–3 describes the product attributes (with the exception of
times as many panellists as required for the project are FCP). Generally, a new panel will develop the sensory
generally screened and those selected should perform language themselves, however, input from an experi-
well in a variety of tests, pertinent to the project objective enced panel leader or other members of the organisation
(Table 1). can assist the learning process. An existing language
Many texts and papers discuss the selection of sensory may also be adopted by a new panel, although if this
panellists, which screening tests to perform and how was developed by another laboratory, or in a different
panellist performance may be monitored (ASTM 758, country or region, difficulties in understanding and
1981; Basker, 1988; Issanchou & Lesschaeve, 1995; interpreting the terms may occur. A solution to this
Lawless & Heymann, 1998; Meilgaard et al., 1999; problem could be to ensure that full definitions and
Moskowitz, 1983; Piggott & Hunter, 1999; Powers, standards are available to demonstrate the sensory
1988; Stone & Sidel, 1993). attributes (Hunter & McEwan, 1998).
Of the utmost importance to the overall success of the During term selection, the panel is generally exposed
project is the commitment and motivation of the panel- to a wide range of products in the category under test.
lists. Regardless of how well potential panellists per- Sometimes it is assumed that descriptive analysis is truly
form, if they are unable to attend the training or descriptive, and that the scaling of products for sensory
evaluation sessions they are of no value to the pro- attributes is conducted independently. In practice, this is
gramme. Individual interviews can be used to assess extremely difficult to achieve. In all cases, a number of
commitment and motivation. Availability can also be products are assessed together and the descriptive pro-
determined by filling out a ‘‘timetable’’ of available file of one product is comparative to and in the context
hours per week, however, candidates will nearly always of other products. Therefore, at this stage it is crucial
over-estimate their availability. Education, although not that the range of products to be assessed are defined, and
linked to ability to perceive, may play a role in the if the experiment is cross-laboratory or cross-cultural,

Table 1
Factors to consider when selecting analytical sensory panellists

Selection factors

Health status; allergies; availability personality; verbal creativity; concentration; motivation; team player; smoker; dietary habits; education;
sensitivity; specific anosmias; previous experience; dentures; medication; user of products; supplements
J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471 463

that the same range of products be used in each case. The formation of sensory concepts generally involves
The task of generating initial vocabulary should focus two processes, abstraction and generalisation (Munoz &
on the differences between the products, rather than Civille, 1998). The simplest example of concept forma-
simply compiling a dictionary of adjectives. Methods tion and definition is probably that of colour. Concepts
such as simplified repertory grid method (e.g. Barcenas, of colour in Western societies are similar because people
Elortondo, Salmeron, & Albisu, 1999) or the natural are taught to associate certain labels with certain sti-
grouping method (Steenkamp & Van-Trijp, 1988) can muli, e.g. green grass. An abstract concept of colour is
help give more structure to the vocabulary development thus formed. The second part, generalisation refers to
stage. the fact that the sensory concept is broadened beyond
Selecting the descriptors for inclusion in the final lan- the stimuli from which it was extracted, thus we are then
guage is generally a consensus procedure. However, this able to generalise our concepts of green to other stimuli,
method could be subject to bias from group dynamics such as trees. The description and understanding of
and in many instances panellists may not agree on other sensory attributes, for example flavour is not so
which attributes to select. The panel leader may also easy, particularly in the case of complex attributes such
bias the descriptor selection process by encouraging or as creamy or fruity which represent weakly structured
emphasising certain attributes which have been reported concepts.
in the literature (however, this is sometimes necessary). Many authors have therefore recommended the use of
Murray (1999) suggested that a less subjective method reference standards to achieve concept alignment in
for descriptor selection could be to quantitatively rate sensory panels (Civille & Lawless, 1986; Murray &
the appropriateness of different terms that represent Delahunty, 2000a; Nielson & Zannoni, 1998; Rainey,
similar sensory concepts. A more structured and 1986), which are both quantitative as well as qualitative
balanced method for descriptor selection could be to use (Meilgaard et al., 1991). Reference standards have been
the consensus procedure (particularly during attribute defined as ‘‘any chemical, ingredient, spice or product’’
generation) and an individual procedure (especially (Rainey, 1986). This definition could be extended to
during the final selection process). include non-food related materials which demonstrate
The final descriptive language should be precisely sensory stimuli, e.g. grass for ‘‘grassy’’ or ‘‘green’’,
defined and contain enough terms to include all attributes cardboard for ‘‘oxidation’’, colour charts and so on.
likely to be encountered, yet should not be so large as to However, there is some evidence that for complex
be cumbersome in use (Piggott & Canaway, 1981). attributes, assessors may be unable to generalise sensory
concepts to products outwith the category under eva-
luation (e.g. Murray & Delahunty, 2000a). The super-
4. Concept formation iority of product specific training has been
demonstrated. Noble, Arnold, Masuda, Pecore,
Once terms are selected, the panel is trained to use a Schmidt, and Stern (1984) and Noble, Arnold, Buech-
common ‘‘frame of reference’’ to illustrate/define the senstein, Leach, Schmidt, and Stern (1987) determined
product attributes and their intensity in the products better agreement between assessors when standards
under test. This is generally achieved by exposing the were presented in neutral wine bases. Meilgaard, Dal-
panel to the range of products in the category under gleish, and Clapperton (1979) indicated similar results
test. A common ‘‘frame of reference’’ has been defined when standards were presented in beer. Sulmont, Les-
as ‘‘the background information and reference points schaeve, Sauvageot, and Issanchou (1999) compared
(frame of comparison) that assessors mentally refer to three methods of training a descriptive panel for odour
when evaluating products’’ (Munoz & Civille, 1998). profiling of orange juice and concluded that a panel
Prior to training, assessors use their own personal frame who had learned descriptors from the product, not
of reference to evaluate products, qualitatively using external standards had superior performance.
their own words to describe perceptions, and quan- Product specific training and reference standards may
titatively, using their previous experiences to rate therefore improve the performance of descriptive
intensities. Trained assessors, however, through the panels. However, external to product standards still
training process acquire a common qualitative and have an important role to play, in particular, chemical
quantitative frame of reference, allowing for the use of a standards assist to define relationships between volatile
standard language to describe sensory concepts and if composition and descriptive sensory flavour profiles.
required by the method, a common scale. It should be Murray and Delahunty (2000a) successfully used an
reinforced to panellists that they are rating products in appropriateness scale to allow sensory panellists to
the context of all those which they have been exposed select reference standards for a Cheddar cheese flavour
to during term generation and concept formation ses- vocabulary. Thus, the sensory panel, who best under-
sions, not in the context of what they have personally stood the meaning of their selected attributes, was
experienced. responsible for standard selection and all panel mem-
464 J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471

bers had an equal opportunity to contribute their opi- studies have been published in the literature on fish
nion. Sulmont et al. (1999) also reported superior per- (Chambers & Robel, 1993) and beer (Spooner, 1998).
formance from a panel who were trained using by doing An advantage of the FPM/PAA is that the panel are
learning, rather than by being told learning where stan- highly trained and therefore sensitive to even small
dards were chosen by a panel leader and imposed on product differences. In addition, the amount of work in
assessors. However, one must also bear in mind that at running FPM panels is generally less due to the small
least one or two assessors will nearly always disagree number of assessors involved, they also are easier to co-
with the consensus, thus some degree of imposition will ordinate and the panel is very cohesive in comparison
always be required. Time constraints may also be limit- to, for example a Quantitative Descriptive Analysis
ing in these training methods, although they may be (QDA) panel. The major disadvantage of FPM is that it
considered to be timesaving in the long run. depends on a small number of highly trained experts
Overall, training procedures to facilitate concept and even the departure of one panel member can have a
alignment in descriptive analysis should be as extensive severe impact on the sensory programme. The technical
as possible. However, the procedures adopted during language used by assessors may also be difficult to
training will depend to a large extent on the approach of interpret by marketing personnel in terms of relating the
the method chosen, the time available and the products data to consumer preferences.
under test (in terms of complexity and the range
involved). 5.2. Texture Profile Method

The Texture Profile Method (TPM) was developed by

5. Descriptive methodologies scientists working for General Foods in the 1960s and
was based on the FPM. Initially, Szczesniak (1963)
The following section distinguishes between/describes developed a texture classification system which pro-
the specific descriptive methodologies that can be used posed to bridge the gap between expert and consumer
and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. texture terminology, classifying perceived texture into
three groups, ‘‘mechanical’’, ‘‘geometric’’ and ‘‘other’’
5.1. Flavour Profile Method characteristics. The classic TPM (Brandt, Skinner, &
Coleman, 1963) was then based on this classification.
The Flavour Profile Method (FPM) was the first The technique aims to allow the description of texture
reported descriptive method, developed in the late 1940s from first-bite through complete mastication and also
at Arthur D. Little and Co. (Cairncross & Sjöstrom, accounts for the temporal aspect of attributes.
1950) to complement existing formal and informal Attributes in TPM are rated on scales developed by
sensory techniques for the expanding food industry Szczesniak (1963) to cover the range of sensations in
(Piggott, Simpson, & Williams, 1998). FPM is a con- foods, and scale points are anchored with specific food
sensus technique, and vocabulary development and products. The method was expanded over the years
rating sessions are carried out during group discus- (Civille & Liska, 1975) which included modifications to
sions, with panel members considering aspects of the some of the food products used to anchor the scales and
overall flavour and the detectable flavour components adding new scales for evaluating other product
of foods. aspects such as surface properties and attributes such as
FPM uses a panel of four to six judges, who are then ‘‘cohesiveness of mass’’.
trained to precisely define the flavours of the product Screening procedures are conducted to eliminate can-
category in a 2–3 week period. The selection criteria for didates with dentures and those who are unable to dis-
the FPM panel are particularly rigorous. The panel is criminate between and describe texture differences
then exposed to a wide range of samples in the product (Civille and Szczesniak, 1973). A minimum of 10 panel-
category and during training panellists review and refine lists are then trained, with the number of training hours
the flavour vocabulary. Term definition and reference for a TPM panel being as many as 130 h over a 6–7
standard selection also occur during the training and the month period (Lawless & Heymann, 1998). The original
temporal order of attributes is recorded. TPM used an expanded 13 point scale, however, TPM
The original FPM results used numbers and symbols panels have recently been trained using category, line
(or were graphically represented by the ‘‘Sunburst’’ and magnitude estimation scales (Meilgaard et al., 1991).
diagram). However, with the introduction of numerical The extent of panel training in TPM may be perceived
scales FPM became Profile Attributes Analysis (PAA). as a disadvantage, however, this reportedly leads to
This allowed statistical analyses of data to be con- greater consistency and accuracy by the TPM panel (e.g.
ducted. Although one of the oldest techniques, FPM is Otremba, Dikeman, Milliken, Stroda, Chambers, &
still used frequently in industry particularly in flavour Chambers, 2000). Unfortunately, many of the products
houses and the brewing industry. Several recent FPM used to anchor the scales have become unavailable.
J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471 465

Munoz (1986) selected new products to anchor the that changes are related specifically to the cheese and
intensity points of the scales to overcome this difficulty, not to panel drift (a frozen reference can sometimes be
however, these products may now also be unavailable or used, however sensory changes, particularly textural
have been re-formulated. Another limitation of TPM is changes can be problematic). It is possible to compare
that the reference products may not be available to between laboratories by concentrating on relative dif-
researchers outside the US. Modifications made to the ferences between products and work currently being
TPM scales in Columbia (Bourne, Sandoval, Villalobos, carried out and the Profisens (1998–2001) project should
& Buckle, 1975) and Argentina (Hough, Contarini, & help to address this issue.
Munoz, 1994) demonstrate how this problem may be QDA1 training takes less time than other methods
overcome. such as FPM or Spectrum and has been applied in many
diverse studies, although often the experiments may not
5.3. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis1 have been carried out as detailed by Stone and Sidel
(Lawless & Heymann, 1998) which effectively invalidates
Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA1) was the QDA1 name.
developed during the 1970s to correct some of the per-
ceived problems associated with FPM (Stone & Sidel, 5.4. The Quantitative Flavour Profiling Technique
1993; Stone et al., 1974). There were several distinct
differences between FPM, TPM and QDA1. Subjects Quantitative Flavour Profiling (QFP: Stampanoni,
for QDA1 methodology were recruited from sources 1993a,b) was developed by Givaudan-Roure, Switzer-
removed from the project and were screened with diet- land as a modified version of QDA. As opposed to
ary questionnaires and the products under test on the QDA, which profiles all sensory attributes of products,
understanding that individuals who were frequent con- this technique concentrates on the description of flavour
sumers of the product were more sensitive to product only. In addition, the descriptive language used in QFP
differences and thus more discriminating (Sawyer, is a common standardised flavour language, developed
Stone, Abplanalp, & Stewart, 1962). The language by a panel of 6–8 people, who are typically flavourists
source in QDA1 is non-technical, everyday language, to and not directly involved in the project. The language
avoid biasing response behaviour that may occur by used is technical and a proposed advantage of this
providing a language, thus implying correct/non-correct method is that no erroneous terms will be included in
answers. Reference standards are only used in QDA1 the vocabulary as the flavourists have a wide technical
when a problem with a particular term is identified and knowledge. This language however, may also be con-
it is expected that subjects only need references 10% of sidered a challenge when attempting to correlate the
the time (Stone & Sidel, 1993). data with consumer perceptions and preferences.
The panel leader is not an active participant in QDA1 QFP depends to a large degree on the use of reference
in order to prevent bias and unstructured line scales are standards to demonstrate concepts and estimated
used to define/score the intensity of rated attributes. intensity. An exchange of results and comparison of
This limits number biases, however, panellists require a data across time and products can thus be made and
certain level of practice before they can confidently use cultural differences between subjects can be counter-
these in evaluation sessions. The panel is trained over a balanced so that sensory panels in different countries
period of perhaps 10–15 h to understand the meaning of can be equally trained. QFP is therefore highly suitable
the attributes. Unlike many other methods, QDA1 for cross-cultural or cross-laboratory projects. This
assumes that judges will use different parts of the scale method has been used for the flavour profiling of dairy
to evaluate product attributes, therefore it is the relative products, particularly cheeses, yoghurt and sweetened
differences among products, not absolute differences milks (Stampanoni, 1994) and tends to be used by
that provide the information. Results of successful flavour houses and perfumeries.
QDA indicate that the panellists are calibrated with
respect to the relative differences between samples. The 5.5. The SpectrumTM Method
design for descriptive analysis are based on repeated
measures and the statistical analyses is generally con- The SpectrumTM method was developed by Gail
ducted using Analysis of Variance. Often the cobweb Vance Civille in the 1970s. The principal tool for the
or spider diagram is used to graphically represent the SpectrumTM method is the extensive use of reference
data. lists, specialised panel training and scaling procedures
A limitation of QDA1 is that it is difficult to compare (Meilgaard et al., 1991). Spectrum is based on the
results between panels, between laboratories, and from philosophy of the TPM, however, rather than con-
one time to another with this technique. For example if centrating on only the textural aspects of products, the
we consider a situation where cheese needs to be method examines the complete ‘‘spectrum’’ of product
profiled at 3, 6 and 9 months maturity, one must ensure attributes.
466 J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471

Panellists for use with the SpectrumTM method may 5.6. Generic descriptive analysis
be selected and trained to evaluate only one, or a variety
of products. Terminology is usually derived by the Many organisations today use generic descriptive
panellists, however in the case of cross-laboratory trials, analysis, which allows the most suitable philosophies of
one panel may adopt a language developed by another. the various methods to be used and combined according
Generally, panellists are trained with the technical prin- to the needs of the project (e.g. MacDaniel, Henderson,
ciples of each modality to be described (e.g. appearance, Watson, & Heatherbell, 1987; Muir & Hunter, 1992;
odour, taste and flavour) and are expected to have a Murray, 2001a). Indeed, it appears that more and more,
basic understanding of the physiology and psychology companies are to be adopting variations on particular
of sensory perception. For example, a panel describing methods according to their research requirements. For
colour should understand colour intensity, colour hue example, we may be faced with two different sensory
and chroma. Panellists develop their list of attributes by challenges.
firstly evaluating a broad array of products within the Case 1 is a situation where neither the company, panel
category. Products may be described in terms of only leader or panel have had previous experience of the
one sensory modality (e.g. appearance or aroma) or, product (e.g. cheese). There is a need to conduct a one-
they may be trained to evaluate all modalities. Each off descriptive profile of 10 cheeses in order to conduct
panellist produces a list of terms to describe the preference mapping and select the two cheeses that are
products, which are then compiled and organised into most liked by consumers. There is a limited amount of
a comprehensive yet not idiosyncratic list. This pro- money available and the evaluation must be completed
cess includes using references to best represent the within four weeks. Case 2, however is a quite different
term so it is understood in a similar way by all situation. The company produces cheese and has being
panellists. doing so for 100 years, there are experienced graders on
The scales used in the SpectrumTM method are based staff and the panel leader has much technical experience
on the extensive use of reference points along their of cheese production. However, the company has
range which correspond to food reference samples. The recently employed an external panel and wishes to begin
use of these points purportedly greatly reduces panel descriptive analysis of cheese for future quality control,
variability allowing for better correlations with other product development and to help understand the
data, e.g. instrumental data. The Spectrum method underlying flavour structure of the cheese from infor-
requires an extensive training schedule and typical times mation derived from gas chromatography mass spec-
required for each stage are 15–20 h for terminology trometry results. Management are committed to a
development, 10–20 h for introduction to scaling, 15–40 considerable financial investment.
h for initial practice, 10–15 h for small product differ- Both of these situations require descriptive analysis,
ences and 15–40 h for final calibration. The intensity but it would not be wise to approach them in the same
scales are said to be absolute, that is, they are created to way as they have different objectives. It is these many
have equi-intensity across scales, therefore 5 on a varied objectives which prompted the development of
sweetness scale is of equal strength to 5 on a salty scale descriptive methods which have different principles. In
and so on. In addition, it is thought that absolute cali- this instance, a QDA-type evaluation may be best for
bration is feasible for most attributes (Lawless & Hey- situation 1, but a Spectrum-type evaluation may be
mann, 1998). Such assurances would make the time and more suited to situation 2, but what may really be nee-
financial investment required for a SpectrumTM panel ded is a hybrid of several methods for both situations.
worthwhile. Many studies using generic descriptive analysis have
As with the TPM, however, reference products for been carried out with a great deal of success for different
anchoring attribute intensities are not available to product categories including alcoholic products, meat,
researchers outside the US. It may also be problematic dairy products and others (Lawless & Heymann, 1998).
to take attributes out of context, for example having to
relate hardness in the product under evaluation, to 5.7. Free-Choice Profiling
hardness in nine other products. Cultural differences
may also cause difficulties when identifying an attribute Free-Choice Profiling (FCP) was developed in the UK
in an unfamiliar product. during the 1980s (Williams & Arnold, 1985) com-
The Spectrum MethodTM has been applied success- plemented by the development of Generalised Pro-
fully in several published studies (Civille & Dus, 1990; crustes Analysis (GPA: Gower, 1975). FCP was
Johnsen & Civille, 1986; Johnsen & Kelly, 1990; John- developed to assist the demands of marketing and pro-
sen, Civille, & Vercellotti, 1987; Johnsen, Civille, Ver- duct development teams who required information on
cellotti, Sanders, & Dus, 1988) and many international target consumers’ perceptions of products rather than
studies use the principals of this technique in sensory the more technical descriptions of the products typically
research. produced by trained sensory panels. The method allows
J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471 467

panellists (consumers) to use any number of their own discusses several aspects of descriptive analysis that may
attributes to describe and quantify product attributes be useful for the future development of this method.
and is based on the assumption that panellists do not
differ in their perceptions but merely in the way in which 6.1. Is the psychophysical model appropriate for
they describe them. The number of attributes generated complex attribute description?
is limited only by the perceptual and descriptive skills of
the panellist (Oreskovich, Klein, & Sutherland, 1991). Some potential problems using descriptive analysis
The distinct advantage of FCP is the avoidance of for complex odour characterisation were recently dis-
panel training, participants need only to be able to use a cussed by Lawless (1999). When conducting a descrip-
scale and be consumers of the product under evaluation tive analysis, panellists generally discern the attributes
(Piggott, Sheen, & Guy, 1989). However, sometimes the (e.g. of odour) and provide an intensity rating for each
handling of individual ballots for each panellist can one. This process is based on the psychophysical model
prove time-consuming and the interpretation of the for intensity and an assumption of this model is that the
resulting individual descriptors by the sensory analyst odour percept can be analysed and reported using a set
can also be challenging. GPA reduces the information of independent descriptors. However, the assumption
from studies to two or three dimensions, therefore, that attributes used in descriptive analysis are indepen-
while FCP can reveal large differences between samples, dent and that they are perceptually separable features
it does not show the more discriminatory differences that we can attend to individually within a complex sti-
that would be revealed by conventional profiling (e.g. mulus may be incorrect. . . ‘‘the use of simple and
Cristovam, Paterson, & Piggott, 2000). apparently independent intensity scales may produce
However, by allowing panellists the freedom to select the illusion that the odour experience is a collection of
idiosyncratic attributes it may also be possible to iden- independent analysable notes when it is not’’. Lawless
tify characteristics of products, which may not have thus suggested that for complex odours (and also for
been considered using a more traditional approach giv- colour) the psychophysical model may be a poor choice.
ing researchers new ways to differentiate products. At Supporting this viewpoint, the work of Laing and
present FCP is particularly useful for perceptual map- colleagues (e.g. Laing, 1991) have discussed the limited
ping of product spaces (Lawless & Heymann, 1998) and capacity humans have to distinguish components of
in situations where conventional profiling is not recom- mixtures. Indeed, it is unlikely that humans can identify
mended, for example, Murray (2001b) used FCP to any more than three or four components in odour or
measure cross-cultural perceptions of snackfoods attri- taste mixtures. Furthermore, Laing and Livermore
butes in the English and Chinese languages. (1992) found that humans identified the complex odour
Delahunty, McCord, O’Neill, and Morrissey (1997) of chocolate as a single entity. So, perhaps there should
determined a better consensus of the differences between be another model for these specific cases of descriptive
products using Soft Independent Modelling of Class analysis? And can we realistically expect an accurate
Analogy (SIMCA) to classify similar terms and Baxter, odour profile of a product when humans can only dis-
Dijksterhuis, and Bower (2001) have developed a method tinguish at best three or four of these? Recent work has
for the conversion of FCP to consensus data. These indicated that descriptive analysis may only reveal one
advances may improve the interpretation of FCP data layer of sensory character, when in fact, many layers
and help relate these data to that from other sources, for are discovered upon further analysis. For example,
example instrumental measures or consumer preference. McDonnell, Delahunty, and MacNamara (2001) deter-
FCP has been successfully used in numerous studies mined that when a distilled beverage was taken apart by
with a variety of products, e.g. cheese (Jack, Piggott, & fractional distillation, the re-constituted fractions were
Paterson, 1993) salmon (Morzel, Sheehan, Delahunty, very different in character from one another and that
& Arendt, 1999) meat (Beilken, Eadie, Griffiths, Jones, characteristics perceived in some fractions of the bev-
& Harris, 1991) alcoholic beverages (Gains & Thomp- erage were hardly perceived in the original beverage or
son, 1990) and coffee (Williams & Arnold, 1985). total reconstitute.
It may be possible, however, to get under this top
layer of sensory character by using descriptive sensory
6. Further considerations for descriptive sensory analysis analysis in conjunction with other methods such as
Time-Intensity sensory analysis (Dijksterhuis, 1996). TI
Descriptive analysis is undoubtedly one of the most sensory analysis is now achieving widespread applica-
valuable tools in the field of sensory analysis and is tion in research as the dynamics of aroma and flavour
extensively used by many sensory professionals. How- release have attracted attention (Piggott, 2000). Asses-
ever there are still some aspects of descriptive metho- sors can be trained to score one attribute at a time
dology which need to be considered and potential whilst ignoring interference by specialised training,
applications to be discussed. The following section however training guidelines must be correctly adhered
468 J.M. Murray et al. / Food Research International 34 (2001) 461–471

to (Peyvieux & Dijksterhuis, 2001). Such analysis, may 2000). These factors should be at least investigated
also provide better discrimination between products when considering the use of sensory analysis for deter-
than is available through descriptive analysis only. mining the food preferences of a specific market seg-
These observations require further investigation. ment.

6.2. Use of descriptive analyses with children and the 6.3. Descriptive analysis of packaging/labelling/other
elderly? consumer goods?

Children and the elderly are becoming increasingly The visual appearance attributes of food product’s
important segments of the consuming population with packaging are powerful influences on acceptability
many products aimed specifically at these two groups. It (Cardello, 1994). The packaging attributes of products
may therefore be desirable to train these two groups for include aspects of shape, colour, design, symbols, logos
descriptive profiling, as their perceptions may not be and item names (Hutchings, 1977). Moskowitz (1998)
interchangeable with those of adults who are under 60 suggested that the next step in the analysis of product
years. image/packaging could be to develop a standard lexicon
Children have been documented as having different with reference standards to demonstrate the attributes.
taste thresholds compared to adults (Glanville, Kaplan, Considering these factors, Murray and Delahunty
& Fischer, 1964; Hermel, Schonwetter, & Samueloff, (2000b) recently used descriptive analysis to objectively
1970) however, other studies have found no difference in analyse the packaging attributes of cheese. In addition,
their taste sensitivity (Anliker, Bartoshuk, Ferris, & statistical modelling of this data, with other hedonic
Hooks 1991; Oespian, 1958). While the evidence is con- data, allowed preference mapping of packaging to be
flicting, it is apparent that children have different diet- conducted, as it has been done previously for products’
ary habits and preferences compared to adults. Whether sensory attributes (Murray & Delahunty, 2000b,c).
this is due to differences in perception per se, familiarity Descriptive analysis is increasingly concentrating on
and learned behaviours, or a combination of both, is the visual, colour and tactile aspects of products and
not yet clear. It may therefore be desirable to train packaging (in addition to more traditional uses, e.g.
children for descriptive profiling or certainly to investi- flavour, aroma) as reported for example, in Civille and
gate these implications more thoroughly. The children Dus (1990), Imram (1999) and Murray and Delahunty
would need to be objective and be able to use scales (2000b,c). There are also further considerations as to
correctly. Other studies have indicated that this is fea- whether the psychophysical model is appropriate for
sible (Baxter, Jack, & Schröder, 1998; Chen & Resur- these evaluations. Perception of visual/tactile/colour
reccion, 1996; Moskowitz, 1994). attributes may not necessarily represent a psychophysi-
It is reported with a great deal of confidence that the cal continuum from a little to a lot and therefore other
ageing process is characterised by a decline in olfaction methods for measuring attributes could be considered.
(Cain & Stevens, 1989) and taste sensitivity (Stevens,
Cruz, Hoffman, & Patterson, 1995). In addition, older
consumers have different texture perceptions, most 7. Conclusion
likely related to physiological factors such as difficulty
of chewing and swallowing, state of dentition, muscular Descriptive analysis still stands as the most compre-
co-ordination and soreness of the mouth cavity (Peleg, hensive, flexible and useful sensory method, providing
1993). Again, it may be that they perceive different detailed information on all of a products’ sensory
characteristics to regular adults who conduct the properties. In the next millennium, it is expected that
descriptive profile. However, these changes in elderly descriptive analysis will be used increasingly for a wider
consumers’ perceptions may not be heterogeneous (Cain range of end uses than ever before (Anon., 1999). Con-
and Stevens, 1989) which would not guarantee that sidering this, it is vital that investment continues in the
differences in how one elderly panel described products development of descriptive analysis that challenges tra-
were interchangeable with another. The interest in ditional ideas in order to ensure optimal potential is
older consumers’ preferences and perceptions is gained from this method in the future.
increasingly rapidly, with the dramatic increase in size
of this population segment recently (e.g. HealthSense,
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