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General Review Tasks Part 1

1 Underline the correct choice.

1 I don’t approve of/get on very well with my boss because he thinks I don’t work hard enough.

2 Vegetables are good for you; you should eat at least two portions/parcels a day.

3 If we don’t do something soon, global warming will eventually cause a drop/rise in sea levels.

4 Remember to save all your work before you shut down/log in the computer.

5 There is a marked contrast/variation between the poverty of the poorest members of society and the
affluence of the richest.

6 Shortages/Emissions from factories do considerable harm to the environment.

7 He’s had an unusual career road/path from market trader to company owner.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 They are unlikely to come (come) home early tonight.

2 The children were not accustomed to ________ (live) in a village.

3 The play we saw at the theatre was ________ (symbol).

4 The up and coming ________ (art) finally exhibited her paintings in a gallery.

5 _________ (parent) can be an enjoyable experience. Yet, more and more couples these days are
deciding to remain _________ (child).

6 I get paid ________ (month), which puts a lot of ________ (press) on me ________ (finance) at the
end of the month. I’m _______ (hope) at _______ (control) my money over a long period of time.

3 Underline the correct choice.

1 My neighbours are Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez. I (have known/had known) them ever since I was a child.

2 At ten o’clock last night, we (were still trying / used to try) to finish the job.

3 We (had made / made) the right decision in emigrating to Canada in the mid-1990s.

4 I want to get married, but I (haven’t met/didn’t meet) the right person yet.

5 I’m really glad you (are going to / ’ve visited) my hometown next year.

6 Last summer, I had a temporary job. I (would work / worked) as a waiter.

7 Right now the tide is low, but when the tide comes in, the ship (will leave / is leaving) the harbour.

8 It was the most sensible thing he (used to say / had said) all day.
4 Complete the paragraphs below with the words in parentheses in the correct TENSE/FORM.

A. It’s very satisfying to do things that seem nearly impossible (possibility) at first. That’s why, as soon
as I finish one challenge, I’m off to face the next, ____________ (much) difficult one. For example, last
year I ____________ (run) half a marathon. This year, I ____________ (train) to run the whole marathon.
Next year, I want to climb ____________ (tall) mountain in the UK.

B. By the time the fire engines _______________ (arrive) at the cottage, Tom and his neighbours
_______________ (already, put out) the fire and _______________ (carry) furniture out of the blackened

C. Every summer many people _______________ (try) to swim from France to England and vice versa.
The distance at _______________ (near) points is only about twenty miles, but because of the strong
currents the distance that _______________ (must swim) is usually twice as far. The first man to succeed
in _______________ (swim) across the Channel _______________ (be) Captain Webb, an Englishman in
August 1875. He landed in France 21 hours 45 minutes after entering the water at Dover. Since then there
_______________ (be) many successful swimmers and the time _______________ (shorten). One French
swimmer crossed in 11 hours and 5 minutes.

5 Underline the correct choice.

1 The businessman owes his (success/ goal) to his excellent public relations.

2 During the gold rush, many settlers travelled to California in (search/charge) of gold.

3 According to police reports, crime has (progressed/increased) in our city.

4 The defendant tried to (convince/urge) the jury of his innocence.

5 There will be a one-hundred-dollar (reward/donation) for anyone who finds my Siamese cat.

6 What we had in (private/common) was an interest in stamp collecting.

7 Daniel feels safe in his (community/circle) because he used to be a boxer.

8 The opening of a new car factory (stimulated/supplied) the local economy and improved employment

6 Match the sentences which have a similar meaning.

1. It wasn't a good idea for her to buy that car. [ C ] A. She must have bought that car.

2. It would be a good idea for her to buy that car. [ ] B. She can buy that car.

3. I'm sure she bought that car. [ ] C. She shouldn't have bought that car.

4. It isn't necessary for her to buy that car. [ ] D. She is going to buy that car.

5. Her plan is to buy that car. [ ] E. She should buy that car.

6. She has enough money to buy that car. [ ] F. She needn't buy that car.
7 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 I would be more than happy to provide you with our company’s catalogue.

2 You shouldn’t be proud ______ yourself. What you did was wrong!

3 The journalist was praised ______ his report ______ the starving children of Africa.

4 Joe looks very worried _______ his job. Why doesn't he talk to someone about it?

5 Jane was late _______ Susan’s birthday party _______ Friday night.

6 The captain demanded more effort _______ his team.

7 Why must you always argue _______ Donald about football?

8 I applied ______ a computer company ______ the position ______ sales representative on offer.

8 Complete the text with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives.

o We asked a player to tell us about Dark City, 1the newest (new) computer game on the market.

o ‘It’s 2____________ (fast) and 3____________ (exciting) game I’ve ever played,’ says teenager
Andrew Milroy. ‘Dark City has a much 4____________ (good) soundtrack than The Shadow, and the
special effects are far 5____________ (realistic). It’s also a bit 6___________ (easy) to play.’

o However, it isn’t cheap. At £150 it’s 7___________ (expensive) game in the shops. And it’s also
8____________ (violent). Yet it will probably be one of 9___________ (popular) games this year.

9 Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence.

1 My aunt loves ice cream with chocolate sauce. She is rather greedy.

 My aunt, who is rather greedy, loves to cream with chocolate sauce.

2 My uncle’s cottage has been damaged by floods. We usually spend our holidays there.

3 The chemistry exam was actually quite easy. We had been worrying about it.

4 My brother got into a fight near the school. His classmates had been teasing him.

5 There are dreadful traffic jams during the summer. Everyone goes on holiday then.

6 My parents enjoyed that film very much. They don’t often go to the cinema.

7 Have you ever been back to the town? You were born in the town.

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