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Genre:​ Adventure

Film:​ Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

An example of an Adventure film is the “Pirates of the Caribbean'' series. The lead actor is

Johnny Depp who plays Captain Jack Sparrow. The specific movie “Pirates of the Caribbean:

The Curse of The Black Pearl '' is followed by Captain Jack Sparrow without a crew and a boat.

He is trying to get the Black Pearl ship back. Barbossa and his crew are cursed including the

Black Pearl because of Will Turner’s father. Will And Jack Sparrow ``teamed” up to find

Elizabeth. She was taken by Barbossa because they thought she was the one they needed to break

the curse but it was Will who they needed. The film is considered Adventure because it has an

exotic storyline​. The movie always keeps you on your feet. The​ suspensefulness​ makes it a part

of the adventure genre. The movie is about Jack’s mission to get the Black Pearl and adventure

movies are about a ​conquest​. Pirates are also a​ historical myth​ and most adventure movies are

myths or things that aren’t real.

Genre: ​Romance

Film: ​The Notebook

The Notebook is about Noah and Allie’s love story. Noah is played by Ryan Gosling and Allie is

played by Rachel McAdams. Noah was a poor man while Allie was very rich. Allie and Noah

end up falling in love but her parents don’t approve and Noah then heads off into war. While he

is gone, Allie meets someone new and they are about to get married until Noah comes back

home. When he returns their love story continues and they find out that they still love each other

so much. The film features an element of ​love at first sight.​ Noah first sees Allie at the fair. He

instantly falls in love and starts to pursue her. Allie and Noah struggle to be together because of

family and money issues. ​Struggling​ is a part of a romance genre element. A ​passionate

relationship grows within Noah and Allie. Another interest also comes into play because Allie

finds another while Noah is gone. A ​love triangle ​occurs until Allie tries to figure out what she

wants. The end of the story is a ​happy ending. ​ Luckily, in the end, Allie and Noah end up

together, despite their struggle to be together, they finally made it.

Genre: ​Animation/ Family

Film: ​Cars

Cars are about Lightning McQueen traveling to the championship race but end up falling off the

truck. Lightning McQueen is voiced by Owen Wilson. He ends up in Radiator Springs and

destroys the road. Lightning McQueen then has to repair the roads. The film includes a lot of

creative ​things that can happen in real life, such as talking cars. Car’s is more of a ​children’s

story​, children love animation. Although “Cars'' is aimed towards children more, it still acts for

all ages​. The film also contains ​witty jokes and humor​. Another element it includes is that the

family movie​ revolves around family​ somehow and in the movie, all of the cars come together

for Lightning McQueen and they all became a family.

Genre: ​Action

Film: ​Maleficent

Maleficent is about the real story behind Sleeping Beauty. It is told from her point of view and

explains why everything happened and proves that she did try to stop the curse. Maleficent is

played by Angelina Jolie and proves that Maleficent wasn’t the bad guy in the story. Maleficent

contains a lot of ​stunts​ such as flying and fighting. It revolves around a​ hero​ who in this case is

Maleficent who is trying to break the curse that she cast. An important​ battle ​also occurs

between Maleficent and the kings’ castle. A ​chase ​also occurs between the kingdom hunting

down Maleficent. The use of ​CGI​ is another element of action movies. CGI is used in the movie,

a specific part is when her wings go back to her.

Genre: ​Drama

Film: ​I Still Believe

I Still Believe is about Jeremy Camp’s life with his wife Melissa. Jeremy Camp is played by KJ

Apa and Melissa is played by Britt Robertson. The story is true about how Jeremy and Melissa

meet and fall in love. The drama starts when they fall in love and they find out Melissa is sick

with cancer. They both met not too long ago and she doesn’t want to marry him because she is

sick. The film contains ​one main problem ​which in this film is that Melissa is diagnosed with

cancer but Jeremy still wants to be with her. Everyone around them doesn’t think it’s a good idea

to build a relationship when she doesn’t know her future. The audience gets ​invested​ in their life

by seeing the beginning, middle, and end of their relationship. It builds this connection with their

audience. The movie contains​ emotions​ that the audience can feel are real, in their relationship

they build this emotional connection that makes everyone want them to win together. The movie

also contains some type of tragedy. Drama includes death, some type of loss, or a​ tragedy​ of a

person and that is what happens in this film. The ​perspective of life​ also is what makes it a

drama. Their moral values are what helps the story plot move on. It is important to the main


“Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” uses a lot of ​special effects.

The motion capture is able to turn the Black Pearls crew from humans to dead skeleton people

when they walk into the moonlight. The effect gives off the illusion of what the curse is

supposed to do. Other effects were the ship out on the ocean. For how real it looks they didn’t

actually film in the middle of the ocean while a storm occurred. The special effect crew would

move the water in ways it looks like they are in the ocean. The special effects help make the

movie look real and not fake.

The movie’s ​costumes​ also help make the movie. The movie is about pirates and some

scenes with the British Empire. The movie is set in the 18th century. Their costumes are needed

to reflect the time period. The pirates are dressed up in either rags or scarfs and hats. The British

Empire wear fitted clothes and have coats and big dresses or breeches. Their different clothing

style distinguishes exactly where they belong. Captain Jack Sparrow has the specific clothes he

needs to make him who he is such as his hat. Elizabeth is forced to dress nicely and wear big

heavy dresses that are very tight. She can barely breathe but that is okay because that’s how it

was in the time period.

Make-up and hair ​are just as important as the costumes. Pirates' hair is usually pulled

back or very greasy, disgusting looking. Most pirates usually have long hair or barely any at all.

Their makeup is used to make them look dirty and old. The British Empire soldiers have curly

powdered hair. They have their hair twisted and pinned back. 50 makeup artists and 30 hair

stylists were needed for the movie. Johnny Depp had to use special contact lenses for the film.

The contact lenses were to block the sun so he wouldn't squint. Although this isn’t part of the
movie, it is an important part to help make the movie better. The dirt on their face was chocolate

powder. The powder was used in the scene where Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner were in

a sword fight.

Many ​sound effects and music ​were used in the movies to show that a gun is being shot

or the swords hitting each other. The water sound makes it more realistic that they're out in the

ocean. The other music sound is an essential part of the movie because it connects each other.

The sound is equal to the scene. The dramatic music helps set the scene and gives off the more of

an emotional feeling such as when the ship is sinking. The action music that is known for being

the theme of the movie plays while the sword fights. The music helps set the scene and make it

move forward.
“Maleficent” uses of ​costumes​ are important. Her wings and her horns are what you can

easily distinguish whether in bright light or dark shadows. They are also what makes her who she

is. Her clothes are what shows her wickedness but also her elegance. Her costume helps tell the

story and makes her more complex. Aurora’s clothes are also light and flow to show her bubbly

personality. King Steffan is dressed up as a king with extra armor to show how important he

thinks he is. It shows that he is ready to fight at any time. Their costumes show who they really

are inside.

The movie also uses ​lighting​ to set the scene​. ​Most scenes are dark and gloomy because

that is where Maleficent’s heart was at. The setting where she lived seemed dead and unhappy.

Even the castle was dark because they hated each other. When Aurora came to Maleficent's

world everything started to light up and show color. Each scene is supposed to give off a creepy

dark look. At the beginning of the film, the color and lighting were bright because the world was

happy but when war broke out everything went to gloom. In the end, the war was resolved and

went back to being bright, colorful and happy.

Colors​ are used in Maleficent. The color green is to show off Maleficent’s power. Her

style is black and gray while Aurora is blue and yellow. King Steffan is dark gray and brown.

The fairies are blue, red, and yellow. The darker the color the more hatred they feel are felt

towards. Maleficent colors are dark to show her power and scariness. King Steffan is gray

because he is full of hatred. Aurora shows yellow and blue to show her bubbliness and

peacefulness. The color is used to show emotion and pain each character felt. The colors go back

to bright in the end to show that love is back and hatred is gone.
The ​editing​ is important in Maleficent. The way they edited had to think and remember

that it is a Disney film. They can't make a Disney movie and completely terrify little children.

They have to make a balance. The way they edited and filmed helped that,]. Different angles and

moving shots also helped make it feel like you are a part of the movie hiding in the trees. Visual

effects also took place in editing to make sure that it looks realistic. The blue screen they filmed

in front of help makes editing easier and helps make the background come to life.

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