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Scene I (:31)

1. Fade in to Luca walking through the door :03

2. Cut to MS of Millie sitting on the bay window reading her book, then getting disturbed

why Luca is talking :05

3. Cut to TS of Luca walking towards Millie :02

4. Cut to CU of Millie realizing who she’s talking about :02

5. Cut to OTS of Luca’s shoulder showing Millie’s face showing Millie’s reaction of being

annoyed that she keeps talking about it. :03

6. Cut toOTS shots of them having a conversation :08

7. Cut toFS of Luca walking away from Millie while she’s still speaking :08

Scene II (:35)

1. Fade in to CU of Luca’s feet walking into her room :02

2. Cut to MS of a front shot of Luca walking into her room :03

3. Cut toLS of Luca jumping on her bed to lay down after a long day of school :03

4. Cut to CU of Luca about to tear up :04

5. Cut to Pan around the room to then transition to flashbacks :02

6. Cut to XCU of parts of the damaged car :04

7. Cut to CU of News stations talking about the crash :09

8. Cut to Pull Focus of the crash then to the people crying :03

9. Cut to CU back to Luca in silent tears :05

Scene III (1:00)

1. Fade in to a Pull focus from a MS of Luca on her bed to her cell phone that is ringing :04

2. Cut to CU of Luca not knowing what to do :03

3. Cut to MS of Luca walking out of her room :04

4. Cut to MS of Luca near the door :04

5. Cut to OTS of Luca opening the door and seeing Logan :04

6. Cut to 2S/MS of Luca and Logan talking :06

7. Cut to OTS of Luca’s shoulder seeing Logan talk :06

8. Cut to OTS of Logan’s shoulder seeing Luca talk:06

9. Cut to CU of Luca talking :10

10. Cut to CU of Logan’s reaction to what Luca is saying :04

11. Cut to Dollying forward to Luca getting ready to walk away :03

12. Cut toTS of Luca walking back into her house :03

13. Cut to MVS to see Logan watching her walk away :05

Scene IV (:18)

1. Fade in to FS to see Luca jump back onto her bed :03

2. Cut to CU of Luca hitting her head into the pillow :03

3. Cut to CU of Luca still crying but a voice is calling her :03

4. Cut to MS of Luca’s mother down stairs calling for dinner :03

5. Cut to MS of Luca getting up from her bed and going downstairs :03

Scene V (1:34)

1. Fade in to a MS of Luca walking into the dining room while her mom is setting up the

table :03

2. Cut to LS of Luca sitting down while Millie walks in screaming and the rest of the family
get situated for dinner : 05

3. Cut to GS of Luca, Millie, and Luca’s mom talking :03

4. Cut to MS of Millie and Luca’s mom eating and talking :03

5. Cut to CU of Luca picking at her food :03

6. Cut to LS of Luca getting up from the dinner table and Millie and Luca’s mom confused

of why she left :04

7. Cut to FS of Luca while she leaves :04

8. Cut to 2S/MS of Millie and Luca’s mom looking concerned about Luca :03

9. Cut to CU of Millie facing Luca’s mom while talking :04

10. Cut to CU of Luca’s mom facing Millie while talking :04

11. Cut to CU of flashbacks of Luca’s mom making Luca a sandwich :02

12. Cut to XCU of a knife spreading the peanut butter :01

13. Cut to XCU of Luca’s mom closing the ziplock bag :01

14. Cut to CU of Luca’s mom handed Luca the lunch bag :02

15. Cut to CU of Luca walking away with the bag :02

16. Cut to CU of Luca at work throwing away the full bag of food :03

17. Cut to CU back to Millie and Luca’s mom talking :02

18. Cut to a CU of Luca at the doctor’s :03

19. Cut to XCU of a pen writing on paper :02

20. Cut to CU of Luca’s mom stressing out :02

21. Cut to CU of Luca somewhat concerned but more confused and in denial :04

22. Cut to MS of Luca’s mom almost in tears from retelling the story :05

23. Cut to MS of Millie in shock :02

Scene VI (:19)

1. Fade in to MS of Millie outside Luca’s door :03

2. Cut to MS of the door so we can hear that Millie is knocking and then walks in :04

3. Cut to CU of Luca laying on her bed :03

4. Cut to 2S/MS of Luca and Millie. Luca is just staring at Millie :03

5. Cut to FS of Luca getting up to freshen p :03

6. Cut to CU of Millie’s face getting annoyed because Luca is taking forever :03

Scene VII (:35)

1. Fade in to MS of Millie and Luca in the car while also having a conversation :10

2. Cut to CU of Millie talking :10

3. Cut to CU of Luca Talking :10

4. Cut to AS of the car them driving the car :05

Scene VIII (:16)

1. Fade into FS to reveal Luca and Millie pulling in to the church :05

2. Cut to LS of everyone greeting Luca and Millie :03

3. Cut to FS of Luca walking over to a corner to sit down :04

4. Cut to POV of Luca looking at everyone talking and laughing :04

Scene IX (:24)

1. Fade into LS of the back of everyone listening to the reading, facing the preacher :03
2. Cut to Trucking Right to see the faces of everyone listening :03

3. Cut to Pull Focus from someone in the front to see Luca’s face :02

4. Cut to Dollying forward to reveal more of Luca’s reaction to the message :04

5. Cut to 2S/MS of Luca in a daze while Millie looks over to check on her :05

6. Cut to CU of Luca in a deep thinking :02

7. Cut to GS/MS focused on Luca but her stomach growls, see everyone look at her :02

8. Cut to LS to see everyone in the room looking at her :03

Scene X (:33)

1. Fade in to a 2S/MS of Luca and then a person walks by and offers Luca a cookie :04

2. Cut to a CU of Luca tossing away the cookie :03

3. Cut to a 2S/MS to reveal another person coming to talk to Luca :04

4. Cut to LS of everyone but you can still see Luca and a leader talking :05

5. Cut to OTS of Luca talking :05

6. Cut to OTS of the leader talking to show Luca listening :04

7. Cut to POV of Luca watching the leader leave and go sit with other girls :05

8. Cut to MS of Luca sitting alone on her phone :03

Scene XI (:19)

1. Fade in to a LS to show everyone saying goodbye’s :03

2. Cut to a MS of Luca sitting alone in the car quiet :02

3. Cut to AS of them driving away :04

4. Cut to MS of Luca and Millie talking :10

5. Cut to LS of Milli dropping Luca off at her house :05

Scene XII (:25)

1. Fade in FS of Luca opening the door :03

2. Cut to a MS of Luca walking into the kitchen :03

3. Cut to a POV of the fridge to show that Luca opened up the fridge :03

4. Cut to a POV of Luca grabbing the leftovers :03

5. Cut to MS of Luca turing around and throwing it away :03

6. Cut to a CU of her trying to hide the food in the trash so no one sees it :04

7. Cut to MS of Luca walking away with a glass of water :06

Scene XIII (:08)

1. Fade into MS of Luca laying on her bed doing homework :04

2. Cut to CU to show her turning off her light and going to sleep :04
Two Steps Forward, Five Steps Back

By: Meghan Freiler


INT. Conversation. Luca’s House. Afternoon 1

Luca comes home from a long day from school. She stayed after for her science club. Luca’s

best friend, who is practically her sister, was waiting for her at her house. Luca barges into the

house and sees Millie is sitting near the bay window reading a book.

Luca (Loud/Annoyed)

“Ugh so we’re not talking again.”

Millie has heard this story multiple times. She is annoyed that Luca keeps talking about him.

Millie has to be a good friend and ask her what's wrong.

Millie (Fake surprised)


Luca was still mad at the situation. She is going insane telling what happened. She is pacing

back and forth constantly.

Luca (Frustrated)

“Logan! We are always back and forth with being friends.”

Luca has told Millie the same thing over and over again. Millie is just done with hearing the

same drama. Millie is still trying to read her book and blocks out Luca.

Millie (Fake interested/ has an attitude)

“I don’t know what to say Luca. You tell me this every month.”
Luca knows Millie is right about always bringing him up, but it bothers her a lot. Luca means

it this time that they are done being friends, she hopes. Luca gives Millie an eyeroll.

Luca (Determined)

“Alright, alright. Except this time I said I am done done.”

Millie doesn’t believe one thing about Luca saying shes done done. Millie knows Luca best and

she knows that what she’s saying isn’t true. Millie looks up from her book.

Millie (annoyed)

“Done done? Just like the same thing you tell me every month?”

Millie realizes that she was being a bit harsh about everything. Millie feels bad, because she

didn’t help how Luca was feeling. She knows that Luca is really upset even though she says

she’s not. Millie puts her book down and tries to comfort Luca.

Millie (sympathetic)

“I know this has been pestering you for quite some time. I know you miss him. He is very

dumb. Honestly though, he acts like a girl. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that I don’t have

anything else to add to what I already told you to do. You won’t listen to anything I’m saying.”

Luca was listening to what Millie had to say. When Millie compared to him being a girl; Luca

thought about it and realized she was right. Thinking about that joke, Luca ignores the rest of

what Millie said.

Luca (amused)
“You are right!”

Millie was glad that she finally seemed to actually agree and come to a realization. Millie

can’t believe how fast she agreed.

Millie (happy/surprised)

“Yes I know, you need to move--”

Luca was still thinking of the part of how Logan acts just like a girl. He has the same

personality of a girl.

Luca (amazed)

“He does act like a girl. He says he’s upset and then doesn’t want to talk about what’s

wrong. He is very emotional and stubborn.”

Luca loses interests and believes whatever her mind thinks. She doesn’t feel like talking to

Millie because she tells her the same thing over and over. Luca is also sick and tired of talking

about him, but she can’t help it. Luca walks away and goes to her room.

Luca (satisfied)

“Wow. That was a great observation! I think I’m good now with him. I’ll just think that

until it bothers me again.”

Millie was not happy that Luca said that. SHe was disappointed but was also not surprised.

Millie tries to yell for Luca to stop walking away.

Millie (annoyed/yelling)
“You can’t keep hiding all of you problems and feelings Luca!!”

Luca is already in her room about to shut the door. Luca doesn’t have time to think about it,

even though she stills wants to. Luca wants to just lay down and chill. After she’s done talking

she closes the door.

Luca (yelling)

“I really just don’t have time for this”

INT.Alone. Luca’s Room. Late Afternoon 2

After Luca has the conversation about Logan. She laid in her bed and just thinks of everything

she’s been through. Luca feels like she shouldn’t be alive, since her grandma and brother died

in a car crash. She feels guilt because she was supposed to be in the car with them. Luca was

very close to both of them and it hurts her alot. Still staring at the ceiling Luca gets a text. The

texts says to “Go outside

Luca (confused)

“Ohhh no”

EXT. Interaction. Outside of Luca’s House. Late Afternoon 3

Luca is very skeptical, since Logan never stops by her house. Luca wants to be done with

going back and forth of being friends. Logan doesn’t know what he’s doing at her house either.

He just made an impulsive decision to stop by since he thought Luca was upset. No one talks

for the first minute of them standing there.

Luca (confused)

Logan knows what he wants to say but doesn’t know how to put it into words. Logan has

secretly like Luca for the longest time. He never said anything because he didn’t want to ruin

their friendship, so he will try to like someone else if he ever thinks that he likes Luca. Logan

stands their just staring at Luca.

Logan (quiet)

“We need to talk”

Luca is very confused because she’s said many times that they needed to talk. Logan makes

Luca lose her mind. Logan is still just standing there. Luca just wants the truth and an actual

friend. Their again still standing there. Luca thought that Logan was going to continue his

sentence bt he didn't. Luca’s heart is racing and she doesn’t know what to do.

Luca (concerned)

“Why won’t you just talk to me?”

Logan sees that Luca is nervous. Logan feels like this was a mistake and doesn’t want to say

what he wanted to. Logan realize that he just can’t say how he really feels. So he tries to play it


Logan (serious)

“I 'm talking to you right now.”

After just hearing what Logan just said, Luca is frustrated. Luca decides that its finally time to

tell him how she really feels about their friendship. Luca is tired of the way Logan’s been
treating her. Luca tries to be there for him. Luca looks into Logans eyes and then looks away

and begins to talk.

Luca (serious/upset)

“Noo duh. Okay I’m saying this once. Our friendship is dreadful. Somehow we always

come back to being friends but I can’t do this anymore. You never even ask how I’m doing.

I’m going through a lot right now, but how would you know. I just don't have time to deal with

this okay.”

Luca sees that Logan isn’t going to saying anything, so she decides to walk away. Logan didn’t

know what to do because he knew that she was right. Logan felt guilty not giving her anytime

when she has been there for him. Logan wanted to go after Luca, but he knew that it might be

best that he just stays out of her life. Logan just watches her walk away and then leaves after

Luca has entered her house.

INT. Interactions. In Luca’s room. Evening.

Luca runs back into her bedroom. She shoves her face into her pillow and continues to be in

tears. While she’s crying she hears a voice from downstairs. Luca’s mom knows that Logan is a

punk. She’s told Luca many times that you can’t change someone that doesn’t want to changed.

Luca’s mom is concerned about her.

Luca’s Mom (concerned)

“Is everything okay?”

Luca doesn’t want everyone to know that she is upset with Logan. Luca just wants to lay in her

bed. Luca hears her mom ask her is she’s okay, but that makes her cry even more. She tries to
stop and washes her face and yells back.

Luca (still in tears)

“Yes everything’s good”

Millie is in the living room, but she is so hungry. Millie knows that Luca is upset and that she

doesn’t want to talk about it. Millie tires to lighten up the mood by being her silly self.

Millie (crazy)


INT.Interaction. Luca’s dining room. Evening

Luca knows that she doesn’t want to eat. She used to eat so much but not now. Luca walks to

her chair in the dining room and stares at her food.

Luca (calm)

“I’m not that hungry right now.”

Luca’s mom is very concerned about Luca. She knows that there is something off about her.

She doesn’t know what to say. She has to be cautious because she knows Luca is sensitive.

Luca’s mom (concerned)

“Why honey?”

Luca doesn’t want her mom to know that she’s not eating again. Luca doesn’t want her to

worry. Luca just sits there moving her food around. Luca comes up with a lie so no one finds

out the truth.

Luca (faintly)

“I just had a lot to eat for lunch I guess.”

Millie was sitting across from Millie. She was just listening to their conversation; she didn’t

want to interrupt. When Luca said she wasn’t hungry. Millie looked up and stopped eating

because she knew that what she said was a lie. Millie was very confused of why she said that

because they were together at lunch the whole time.

Millie (confused)

“Luca we sit together at lunch and I didn’t see you eat anything”

Luca didn’t remember that they were together at lunch. Millie messed up her plan. Luca stares

at Mollie and gives her a look and turns to her mom.


“Oh that’s because I ate my lunch throughout each class.”

Millie was still very skeptical and concerned to why Luca was lying about eating. She didn’t

know that Luca would have gotten so upset about it. Millie wasn’t sure what was happening.

Millie (sarcastic)

“Yea that makes sense since we aren't allowed to eat in class.”

Luca knew that Millie was starting to catch onto what she was trying to lie about. Luca

continued to try to fix the lie. SHe hated to lie to her mother but she did anyways.

Luca (normal)

“I don’t know my teachers never say anything. Anyways that doesn’t matter. I’ll just

Save it for later. I’m going to my room to do homework.”

Luca’s mom and Millie both sit there concerned of why Luca just ran away. Millie knows she

was lying and her mom knew something was up. Luca’s mom just sighed.

Luca’s mom (concerned)

“There’s something wrong with her. I hope she’s not doing what she did in the summer.”

Mille continued to be confused. Luca never told her anything about what her mom was talking

about. Luca’s mom just wants the best for Luca. Millie wants to help Luca. Luca’s mom and

Millie sit at the dinner table to talk about what to do with Luca.

Millie (confused)

“Wait what are you talking about?

Luca’s mom (confused)

“I thought she talked to you about it. Did she not? She told me she did.”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I would think she would tell me. I’m her best friend.

Just tell me”

Luca’s Mom (surprised)

“Okay well during the summer at her job.”


“Yea, she worked at the mall.”

Luca’s mom (serious)

“Yea but she also would not take a break and not eat anything.”

Millie (confused)

Luca’s Mom (upset)

“We told her that she needed to eat and take a break because you can not eat for hours and

hours. We told her to bring food; I even made sandwiches for her. Long story short, we called

her boss to keep an eye on her. Her boss called us back saying that Luca never took a break,

even when she told her she can. Not only was she lying to us, she was also starving herself.”

Millie had no clue this was happening in Luca’s life. She felt so bad she wasn’t there for Luca.

Luca’s mom in almost in tears and Millie is just sitting there with a loss of words. Luca was

never known to be a liar.

Millie (surprised)

“Ohh yea that’s not good at all. I wonder why she never brought this up.

Luca’s mom (sad)

“Yes, well I took her for a wellness checkup.”

Millie (confused)

“What do you mean by that.”

Luca’s mom could barely keep her tars in retelling what happened. She was holding a tissue

and trying not to cry but tears have fallen from her eyes. Millie was also tearing up just

listening to it.

Luca’s mom (very upset)

“The nurse gave her a survey that asked about any differences and changes going on. The

nurse told me that she was diagnosed with depression. I told her how she wasn’t eating also.
The nurse said that they are both symptoms of each other. We think she got better but now I’m

not sure since everything with my mom and son passing. It’s still a rough time but she just

balls up all of her emotions. “

INT. Interaction. Luca’s room. Late late evening

After Millie has the conversation with Luca’s mom. She goes to check up on Luca in her room.

They need to get ready to go to youth group. Millie walks up their steps and goes to Luca’s

door. She notices the door isn't fully closed so she was able to see Luca laying on her bed.

Millie knocks on the door and the door swings open.

Millie (subtle)

“This is unlike you to be lying in your bed.”

Luca sees Millie is trying to get her to talk but Luca is not in the mood. Luca is rolled over on

her other side facing away from Millie.

Luca (sad)

“I’m just tired. School and work just takes a lot out of me now-a-days.”

Millie (comforting)

“What’s been going on? I feel like we’re so close yet so far.”

Luca is still rolled over facing away. Luca is still tearing up but she doesn’t want Millie to see


Luca (upset)

“Yea I know. I haven’t really been positive as much. It’s just difficult. I’ve been super stressed
with school. I try to motivate myself but I just need a break. I don’t feel like talking about it.”

Millie (concerned)

“I’ve noticed. It’s okay to be stressed. Everything’s going to be okay. You will get through this.

Just try to talk to me so I can help.”

Luca (tired)

“ I know but I just feel so overwhelmed. I’ve been overwhelmed before but this is a different

feeling. I just have anxiety about everything. I’m just trying to get my school work done, keep

my job and help out with the church.”

Millie knows that Luca loves going to church, so when she doesn't want to go that means

something is up. Millie doesn’t know what to do to cheer her up. Millie just sits next to her on

the other side of Luca’s bed


“I understand. You’ve been doing great with the church also. They are so lucky to have you

sing in the band. You are such a talent.”

Luca is kind of tired of all the attention with being in the band. She loves doing it but it's a lot

of pressure. Luca feels like she’s not good enough. Luca just lays there and doesn’t respond to

Millie since she doesn’t know what to say. Millie knew that Luca wasn’t going to respond.

Millie looks over at the clock and realizes that it's time to leave for youth group.

Millie (excited)

“Anyways, speaking of church. We need to get ready for youth group.”

Luca (not happy)

Millie (surprised)

“What do you mean. You love youth!

Luca (calm)

“Yea I know I’m just so busy I have a lot of homework.”


“Oh stop making excuses. If you have that much just bring it with you. Now let’s go.”

EXT. Interactions. Millie’s car. 7 o'clock at night

Millie was driving the car while Luca was in the passenger seat. Luca was about to change the

radio station until Millie started talking to her. They were on the way to youth group.

Millie (curios)

“Hey so I know you said you were done but do you know if Logan’s going tonight?”

Luca (surprised)

“No. He never goes. I always invite him and he never goes. Our friendships just been off, I

guess. Anytime I’m around him I’m either really happy or really negative.”

Millie (interested)

“Have you talked to him?”

Luca (mellow toned)

“Yea he stopped by. We aren’t really speaking now. I guess he’ll just go talk to his other so

called friends.”

Millie (serious)

“Girlll, I told you to move on. You keep saying you can't do this but then texted him asking
how he is.”

Luca (calm)

“Yes I know.”

Millie (harsh)

“ So what you are going to do is to get over it. Not everyone is meant to stay in your life okay?

I’ve had a best friend before you and I don’t talk to them at all now. People change”

Luca (little scared)

“That sentence wasn’t really nice”

Millie (sorrow)

“Yea I didn’t say it right, but you knew what I meant.”

INT. Interaction. Youth Group building. Night

Luca and Millie finally arrived to youth group. They both got out of the car and walked to the

door. Once they arrive at the door, they see many other people there already. None of them get

a chance to really talk. The preacher had already asked everyone to get there bibles and

gather around. Luca goes to sit somewhere and Millie sat with another friend who asked. Luca

sits and listens like everyone else. While the preacher is speaking Luca notices that the

message is hitting close to home with the whole Logan situation about friends. Millie glances

over to Luca and sees that she is getting upset and is thinking. Millie slowly gets up and moves

to Luca.

Millie (concerned)

“Hey. If you want to text him you can, but you’ve tried so many times trying to get him to go
to church with you. You can’t force him to go; all you can do is persuade him.” Millie said to


Luca was thinking about what Millie was saying. Luca’s stomach begins to growl since she

hasn’t eaten anything. She noticed that everyone was staring at her but she just brushes it off.

At the end of the message, Luca gets up and moves. While she is walking away someone taps

her shoulder and gives her a cookie. Luca doesn’t want to take it but the girl insisted. Luca

takes the cookie and walks away over to the trash can. Luca is about to throw it away until a

leader says something.

Addie (curious)

“Hey you know you’re not really secretive with throwing away food. What’s going on? I feel

like you’ve been a bit quieter than usual.”

Luca (funny)

“Oh haha no I just don’t want to eat and yea I’ve been busy.”

Addie (sincere)

“Well you you can always talk to me.”


“I know thank you”

Addie (serious)

“And remember you are never a burden to me.”

Luca (quiet)

“Yea I know”

Addie (worried)

“Remember we had this conversation before. You can’t keep shutting everyone out. We care
and love you so much”


“Yea I know. I love you guys too.” Luca didn’t know what to say it’s all too much she’s dealing

with about the deaths in her family , school work, best friends and a lot more.

Addie (sincere)

“Alright well again if you need anything, let me know.”

EXT.Interaction. Outside of youth building. 8:34pm

After youth is over everyone says their goodbyes and leaves. Luca leaves to go to the car.

Millie stays after a bit and talks to some people. Millie than walks over to Luca in the car.

Luca is sitting in the passenger seat looking at her phone. Millie gets in the car and they drive


Millie (concerned)

“You would tell me if there's something going on in your life right?”

Luca was afraid that she was going to ask that question. It was dark in the car so no one could

see her reaction to Millie’s question. Luca didn’t know how she felt about anyone anymore.

Luca (mellow tone)

“Yes of course. You’re my best friend.”

Millie gets to Luca’s house and drops her off. Millie has a bad feeling about Luca but Luca

won’t tell her anything. Luca leaves her car and Millie watches her leave.

Millie (serious)
“Have a goodnight. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

Luca (quiet)

“Alright bye”

INT. Interaction. Lucas house. 9:06pm

After Luca enters her house, everyone seems to be in bed. She goes to thE kitchen and opens

up the fridge. She notices the leftovers she was supposed to eat. Luca knew that her mom

would make her eat it so Luca took the leftovers and threw them away. Luca tried to cover the

food with paper towels so no one would see it. Luca gets a glass of water and walks to her

room. She continues to finish her homework and get ready for bed. Luca does what she needs

to do and then turns off the lights to go to sleep.


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