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Green Planet, a non-profit organization focused on environmental issues stewardship, Sustainable

Development and sustainable living. We're delighted to announce our new Green Home Initiatives. Our
hope is to encourage green Homes, Societies, and Cities on a grand scale, from the largest cities, to a
hut. Visit our "Green Homes" page to learn more about our Green Energy projects.

The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment, to
appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now.

At Green Planet we aim to support sustainability in all aspects of living. Green Planet is your final
destination for tools and resources on creating a more sustainable world. Visit our blog and take a
moment to educate yourself on some great ways to live more sustainably. Share your ideas on home-
based project or green living and encourage others to do the same and together we will create an
invaluable green living resource! However, you would like to grow your own business. Green Planet can
help with the Green Planet Certification program open to Solar Energy, Rain Water Harvesting and
Nurseries which meet the Green Planet criteria for sustainability, thus demonstrating their commitment
to the environment, society and the future. At Green Planet we feel we are at the right place at the right
time to affect positive change. Join us in our mission and support us with your tax-deductible

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