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Reaction Paper about Existentialism

Existentialism is just one of many philosophies that attempt to determine the meaning of life. This
idea that the world is meaningless around the time of World War II. Existentialism have concluded the
word life and death but the theory of existentialism is hard to find way to explain what happen.
Existentialism is centered on the analysis of why humans exist, and what their purpose in life through
trying to look at things such as the ideas of death and the meaning of life. It is centered on the ideas of
finding yourself through free will, choice and personal responsibility. Existentialism has a very brief
skeleton outline that follows quite abstract in its thinking. It is the philosophy about the human existence. It
is the ideas dealing with how people search for who they are through out life and people were living in a
time where they looking for the meaning of life after a terrible and traumatic time for the nation. It became
popular because it looked at the purpose we have for life and started to look for the answers of questions
like why we are on Earth and how to find the meaning of life. In fact, the Existential Theory of Human
Nature is the one that appeals to me the most, it is not only a perfect synthesis of the previously learned
theories which I found most use full, but also a sort of a bitter-sweet response to all of the theories.

In my opinion also, existentialists where the most accurate in captioning the problems of a person
like me on my young Grade 12 peers. Some may say that their approach was too generalized are Surprisingly, it strictly uncovered some facts about life, which were not obvious before. Their
approach made them universal, yet left plenty of room for people to customize it according to their relative
natures. To gain knowledge is the tool for being happy. This is the theory of Ancient Greek Philosophers,
Aristotle. Happiness is everyones ultimate goal and the only things good in itself. However, only a person
with a great wisdom can experience the happiness fully and conciously. Freedom means, what we want
to do in our life, not in badness but in goodness way. Many people believe that a person’s decisions are a
reflection of his soul and personality. However, it is more likely that the conclusion a person reaches is
due to the influence of different ideas, as well as the circumstances of the surroundings. We won't blame
a person for his/her bad decisions or misunderstandings. One cannot say that I have a bad luck, because
existentialism does not believe in fortune or misfortune, but only in personal decisions. This enhances the
reality of life. Situations create the future and therefore hopes and dreams are a mere loss of reality. The
future is produced by a person’s decision, so, one should not dream but rather to make decisions that will
lead to a beneficial life in the future, because there is no unwritten law for man, and creates the idea of
good and bad.

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