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1. Tulis nomor dan nama anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum anda bekerja.
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban.
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien.
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

1. Indonesia is led by ….
A. the president
B. the governor
C. the ministry
D. the regent
2. The governor leads a ….
A. country
B. province
C. regency
D. village
3. The girls … studying English.
A. is
B. are
C. have
D. has
4. John is sick today.
The negative form of the sentence is ….
A. John is not here today
B. John is sick today
C. John is not sick today
D. John is fine today
5. Jakarta lies in … island.
A. Kalimantan
B. Sumatra
C. Java
D. Sulawesi
6. The House of Representative of Province means ….
A. DPRD Kabupaten
B. DPRD Provinsi
C. DPR Pusat
7. Students can borrow a book in the ….
A. canteen
B. library
C. school office
D. laboratory
8. Would you help me?
The expression is used for asking for ….
A. help
B. things
C. attention
D. permission
9. A group of billion stars is called ….
A. galaxy
B. planets
C. stars
D. satellites
10. The planet in which we live is ….
A. sun
B. mercury
C. mars
D. earth
11. The center of our galaxy is ….
A. sun
B. earth
C. mars
D. mercury
12. The satellite of the earth is ….
A. sun
B. moon
C. star
D. venus
13. The moon revolves the earth in … month.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
14. Dina watches a drama movie.
The negative form of the sentence is ….
A. Dina is not watching a drama movie.
B. Dina does not watching a drama movie.
C. Dina does not watch a drama movie.
D. Dina do not watch a drama movie.
15. The past tense of the word “ call “ is ….
A. calling
B. called
C. call
D. calls
16. Archipelago means ….
A. Nusantara
B. Pulau
C. Kepulauan
D. Daratan
17. Kapuas river is located in ….
A. West Kalimantan
B. South Kalimantan
C. Middle Kalimantan
D. East Kalimantan
18. … island is in the middle of lake Toba
A. Samosir
B. Seribu
C. Halmahera
D. Sebatik
19. The longest river in the world is ….
A. Mahakam
B. Nil
C. Amazon
D. Kapuas
20. Ambassador works in the ….
A. Supreme court
B. City
C. Embassy
D. Regency
21. I am hungry means ….
A. Saya kenyang
B. Saya marah
C. Saya lapar
D. Saya sedih
22. The drama is …. I like it so much.
A. ugly
B. bad
C. great
D. boring
23. Firda : Do you feel happy after seeing the test result?
Lissa : “…. I get 100.”
A. Yes, I do
B. No, I don’t
C. Yes, I am
D. Yes, I did
24. We don’t understand the story.
We feel ….
A. bored
B. sleepy
C. excited
D. confused
25. My coffee tastes …. I need a spoonful of sugar.
A. sweet
B. bitter
C. salty
D. soar
26. Yuda is very … so he takes a nap earlier.
A. bored
B. confused
C. sleepy
D. thirty
27. The shoes is not cheap. It means ….
A. cheap
B. used shoes
C. not expensive
D. expensive
28. R– G – A – N –Y
A. anger
B. angry
C. hungry
D. granny
29. shape-round-the-of-earth-the-is
The best arrangement of the words is ….
A. The round of the earth is shape.
B. The shape of the earth round is.
C. The earth is the shape of round.
D. The shape of the earth is round.
30. Sebuah kabupaten terdiri atas beberapa kecamatan.
The English of the sentence is ….
A. A regency makes many sub-districts.
B. A regency is divided into many sub-districts.
C. A regency has many sub-districts.
D. A regency consists of many sub-districts.

B. Essay

1. Translate the words below into Indonesian!

a. governor
b. major

2. Arrange the words into a good sentence!

sun – the – planets – are – eight – there – around

3. Buatlah bentuk negatif dari kalimat berikut!

Anna borrows a book in the library.

4. Translate the sentence into English!

Ibuku sedang memasak di dapur

5. Translate the sentence into Indonesian!

Nani feels so sad because she gets bad mark.

Semoga kita semua senantiasa dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat

Selamat Mengerjakan & Semoga Sukses

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