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Here is a question put before Mr.Dinesh – My smart ration card is lost can I get it? It was placed before him on
5.1.2019 at 13.51 hrs.

The rising sign at the time of the querry is Mesha lagna 17 degrees.according to GMP and according to soft ware
calculations it is coming as 20 degrees. The lagna should indicate the question then we can answer the prashna.
Here Lagna lord kuja is in the 12th house he is the lord of 1/8th house. Lagna lord is sukra he is lord of 2/7 in the
8th house. Though there is a parivarthan yoga since lagna is Firey sign parivarthana will not take place. Hee kuja
and sukra indicate something about smart or active. To know further about it we should go to the constellation in
which these two lords are placed to beseen. Here both are plaed in Saturn star and he is the lord of 10/11th house
placed in the 9th with Sun (Govt) Budha (Paper) and Moon (family)( it will indicate by the constellation, here it is
kethu in the 10th ) indicates short/destroy/reduce . Putting all together with the houses it will indicate smart
ration card. (2 food/mouth 7 society). The ration care lost 3/6/8. Parivartha shows it is misplaced. Here the Kuja
and Sukra are placed in 5/9 delay. 3/11 for the lagna are sukra and Sani placed in 2/12 p0sition indicates delay in
Misplaced indication is taken from the 3rd house (for 4th house the 12th house) for which the 3/11 houses are
Sun/Kuja. Here sun is in the constellation of sukra in the 8th so kuja lord of 1/8th lord in the 12th but aspected by
the 9th lord in parivarthana is stronger. So in kuja nakshatra day Sun upagrha period it will be traced . Where it is
placed is indicated in the 9th houses because of 4th lord in the 9th house along with four planets in a dual sign. It is
very near in the shelves along with old books. Days mean Moon to be moved. Move the Moon to Dhanista (Kuja)
star and go up to 26 degrees in Makara you will get it. (Moon balance in Dhanur 18 + Makara 30 and kumba 4 = 52
degrees to pass it will take 52 -:- 12 = 4 days(from 13.51 hrs) & 8 hours. (he traced the card on 9.1.2019 at 8.41 pm
(here Moon’s motion changes from 12 to 11.50 adjusting this you will get 8.41)
Let us analyse it in Thatwa. Here the lagana in Agni Thatwa movable sign therefore the question by a living being
and about a movable item. But here the lagna lord Sukra is in a watery sign fixed with Guru the 12th lord in the 8th
house lost cannot be traced. Sukra is the lord of 2/7 something connected to family matter and it is lost. (Fire
disappear in water) Lagna rasi lord Kuja is in the 12th house dual sign watery thahtwa therefore it is also stands as
explained above. Since it is a dual sign it is traceable. Here the third lord for misplaced item (here because of the
parivathana it is misplaced as per rules (the 1/7 lords are involved and get exchanged then it is misplaced) Lagna
rising at 17 degrees it requires through examination. For the 3 house (misplaced airy) house 3/11 are Sun and
Kuja . So Sun/Kuja /Budha are involved. Firey sign lagna therefore airy sign will help. Moon has to be moved to
Airy sign where Kuja nakshatra is there (because the lagna lord in the 12th house to lagna because of parivarthana
it will be half of it to be taken that is 6 days.) The answer will be as above.
Now let us take this in the high technique if you wish to see this take Ragu Kethu. Here Ragu in the 4th and kethu in
the 10th.HereKethu the gyanakaraka will give an answer Kethu is in the 10th house of the chart in the constellation
of Sun. Sun is the 8th lord to kethu placed in 12th to kethu. Sun is connected with 4 planets .It all explains the
Here Ragu the active planet (action planet) in the Guru’s constellation so Guru has to be moved. From Ragu the
Moon owner of the house is 6 houses on the back side so it will take 6 days. For lagna the 11th lord to be taken here
it is Saturn. (represented by Sukra and Kuja) Here sukra is 3/10 for Ragu and Kuja is 4/9 Therefore, (surya and
shani are in sukra’s constellation) So Guru to shani 6 days and move to Surya ( Buda 2 + Kethu 2 + sukra 2 + sun
1½ (here 90 -:- 9 = 10 mts. Move sun 10,Moon 10,Mars 10 Ragu 10 guru 10 = 50 mts.) total 6.50 add to 1.51 = 8.41
Here a well wisher of the nation interested in Politics put the question at 20.56 hours on 24.12.2018 asking how
many seats Modi will win in the next parliament election?
Lagna should reflect the question. Here it and Cancer (Moon) and lagna rising in Mercury’s constellation. Moon 1/2
and Mercury lord of 3/12/5 Moon and Mercury are in Kendra. It indicates change and replacement and acquiring.
Self wish to know the change and Benefits (benefits Here 5th house is 11 house to 7th house)
Moon should also indicate the question. Here she is the lord of 1st house placed in 2nd house in the constellation of
Kethu who is in the 7th house. Here the Moon is aspected by Kuja lord of 5/10 in the 8th house. Here 8th house is
involved is an indication in the mind of the queries’ a doubt
Moon and Saturn the owner of the Ragu and Kethu are placed in 5/9 position therefore 45% of the total strength of
the house he will win. Here Modi means BJP not NDA. Had the question would have been NDA it is different.
Here the lagna lord (Moon) and the 7th lord (Saturn) are involved indicates are placed as above and indicates the
above position only. Here the Kethu in the 7th house in the constellation of Sun the 8th lord to the Kethu in the
12th house with Saturn. It is all indication that there will lot of struggles and hurdles. 
Sun 5 x 9 x 2 = 90 
Budha 6 x 8 = 48
Sukra 7 x 7 x 2 = 98
Guru 12 x 8 = 96
Ragu (Moon) 5 x 4 = 20 
Total = 352
Saturn aspect &
Mars (-) = 88 
Nett result = 264
Sorry for the mistake made in the Lagna by wrongly placing the Sun in Vrichika instead of Dhanur. Mr.Venugopal
indicated in his comment the mistake and so it is now rectified taking the new planetary position. 
The same has been worked out taking the Election commission temporary notification as per Astrological reading
taking the Ragu’s transit in to Gemini it comes to 263 seats. (this will be explained in Hubli class)when we teach
about Mundane Astrology.
I wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019. Here, on this day let us learn a new High technique Prediction on
Prashna Sastra, which is now being taught to GMP students. The first class of this type of high technique prediction
was conducted at Madurai in the month of December 2018.
I have already on these pages given two to three Prashnas on this new Predictive system. Here again let me solve
another prashna posed before me by Mr.Dineshji. 
One person has asked him whether he will be able to trace out the Bond Paper which he has missed it and if so
The question was put on 20.12.2018 time 7.33 
The lagna is rising in Dhanur rasi (owner Guru) and at 27 degrees lagna ruled by Sun constellation. Here
Guru/Surya. Guru 1/4/12 Sun lord of 9/1 Guru/Sun placed in the chart in 2/12 position. So the matter will be
delayed by day/time. How to know it will happen in time or days? The lagna rasi lord or lagna rising degrees lord’s
connection and aspects will indicate. Here Guru/Saturn/Sun connected so days.
Guru conjoined with Budha indicates the matter like this. Guru (Bond) Budha (Paper) the question is about Bond
Paper. Sun (admin)conjoined with Saturn (karmakaraka) Office location. 
Misplaced or lost to be first verified. If the Lagna lord and the 7th lord together placed anywhere in the chart shows
it is misplaced. Here the lagna and seventh lord are in the 12th house. 
Lost article exact location in the office is indicated by the Navamsa of the lagna lord or the 4th lord navamsa house
and the lord. Here Guru and Kuja and these Rasis are Vrichika and Dhanur. The lords of these rasis and their
location in the chart will indicate the place. So it shows in a wooden table/Bureau and at the bottom. Saturn shows
it is hiding along with other papers.
Recovery is possible if the 11th and 12th house occupied by good planets then it is an indication the lost item will
be recovered. Here the 11th house is occupied by Sukra and 12th house occupied by Guru and Budha. So recovery
is possible.
According to previous GMP 3/11 method we have to go to 4th house and for that 3/11 will be taken. Here it is
Sukra and Saturn (in Sukra’s constellation Saturn is there and Ragu is in Saturn’s constellation. Here the Moon is
aspected by the 11th lord so Moon will be strong. Sukra is coming thrice so move the Moon to Sun’s constellation
since the Sun is in kethu’s constellation and kethu is in 11th house to 4th house ans also representing the Saturn.
Moon has alredy crossed the kethu, sukra and Sun’s constellation we have to move to the next Sun’s constellation
Uthira only. Here it indicates in days so Moon (sun’s constellation) has to be moved and It will take 9 days. So on
the ninth day we will get (29.12.2018) then what time? On 29.12.2018 the Uthira nakshatthira will end at 9.00 am.
(Use your common sense here the lost article will be available in the office so office will open at 10.00/10.30 am)
so afer that time only you can trace. Here Moon is in Sun’s constellation so Hastha rising Moon/Moon 10.00 + 2.00
hrs = 12.00. he will get it . He was able to trace it in the drawer bottom along with some papers hidden on the back
side of the drawer and found it at 11.35 am.
Now let us go to the high technique method. Kethu (Gyana karaka) is in the 10th sign of the Zodiac and second sign
to the Lagna. It indicates place of work. Kethu is in Sun’s constellation that is conjoined with lagna lord Guru in the
11th house to kethu. Guru is the 3rd house lord to kethu. Kethu is placed in Saturn’s house and he is placed in the
12th house with Sun the 8th lord to kethu. So taking all these points together we get the answer to the query. Bond
paper lost and its recovery 
Active and action planet Ragu is placed in the 4th house of the Zodiac and in the constellation of Saturn. Here the
house owner of Ragu is Moon who is placed in Kendra (apaswya) hence sure to get back an indication and it will
take days since Moon day’s moving planet in Sun’s constellation and aspected by Sukra from the 11th house to
lagna and at the same time it is 4thhouse to Ragu. 
Here when we check from the Moon to Saturn who is in the lagna is at a distance of 9 houses. So approximately 9
days it will take to recover. On 29th December 2018 he will be able to trace it in his office. To find when it will be
traced we have to take the 11th house lord to lagna and the 11th house lord to the 4th house. So move the Saturn
because Ragu is in Saturn’s constellation and the 11th house lord to 4th house. Saturn is alredy in Sukra’s
constellation the 11th lord of the lagna therefore It has to be moved to the upagraha of Moon (Moon the owner is in
Kendra) by dividing Saturn’s 6 hours hours by 9 as per rules of the new technique) Saturn 6 hours (360 mts -:- 9 =
0.40 mts) Here upto Moon from Saturn will come after 4 hours (240 mts): now add the 4.00 hrs to 7.33 = 11.33 he
will be able trace it. He got it at 11.35.
Here a prashna placed before me by Mr.Dinesh, is now solved in the advanced Predictive technology:
A person has put a question that he has lost the spectacle or misplaced will he get it? Date 7.11.2018 Time 17.56
Lagna rasi Mesha (Kuja) and the lagna rising lord Sukra it is connecting the houses of 1/8/11 and 2/7/7 Kuja sukra
instrument since sukra is connecting the Sun and Moon (stands for eyes) thula dual sign spectacle, it is thus
connecting the question. The rising sign lagna is in a movable sign the forth house lost article house is also movable
sign shows that it is in a long distance from the person who has put the question. The Moon and lagna should be in
a fixed sign, then it shows that the lost article very near. If it is in a movable sign it is far away from the person. The
lost article will be recovered if the lagna is strong and the lord is placed in a fixed sign of 3,6,10,11 houses. Further
if the Moon and Venus aspect the lagna then also they will get back the lost article. 
The two points mentioned above is tallying and it shows that the article will be traced. Here the person who put
the question has misplaced the item at a place and then putting the question from another long distant place. 
Here it shows that the article is misplaced because the 4th lord Moon aspecting the lagna and the navamsa lagna
aspecting the lagna.
Kethu the Gyanakaraka is placed in the Saturn house (10th house to lagna) and the lord is placed in the 12th to that
of Kethu and in kethu’s star. Kethu is posited in Sun’s constellation and he is the lord of 8th to him and placed in the
10th to kethu. It shows that the article is misplaced. 
Active and action planet Ragu is placed in the 4th house to lagna in the constellation of Saturn who is placed in the
6th house to it. Front side shows delay by hours or days. The position is 6/8 shows the item is lost. From Saturn the
Ragu is 8 signs x 2 hours shows 16 hours. After 16 hours the article will be traced. 
Since Ragu is in Saturn’s constellation, Satrun has to be moved to which upagraha. From lagna the the 11th house
Saturn and occupied by Kuja and from the 4th house the 11th house is Sukra. So if Saturn is moved in sukra
kuja,Saturn the matter will materialise. 
As per rules ( Saturn,Ragu,Guru,Kuja = 6 hours, Sun,Budha = 2 hours, Moon 1 hour, Kethu and Sukra = 3 hours) if
we move the Satrun then the answer will come. Saturn is in the constellation of Kethu 11 degrees. (from 6 hours
reduce 2 hours ) to start from Sukra constellation. Saturn Satrun 4 + Budha 2 + Kethu 3 + Sukra 3 + Surya 2 +
Chandra 1 + kuja (6 x 60 = 360 -:--9 = 40 mts ) 0.40 total 15 hrs.40 mts. Adding this to 17.56 hrs (question time) it
will be next day morning 9.36 am. (Actually the spectacles was found in the house at 9.40 am.
A person has put a question that he has lost the spectacle or misplaced will he get it? Date 7.11.2018 Time 17.56

Lagna rasi Mesha (Kuja) and the lagna rising lord Sukra it is connecting the houses of 1/8/11 and 2/7/7 Kuja sukra
instrument since sukra is connecting the Sun and Moon (stands for eyes) thula dual sign spectacle, it is thus
connecting the question. The rising sign lagna is in a movable sign the forth house lost article house is also movable
sign shows that it is in a long distance from the person who has put the question. The Moon and lagna should be in
a fixed sign, then it shows that the lost article very near. If it is in a movable sign it is far away from the person. The
lost article will be recovered if the lagna is strong and the lord is placed in a fixed sign of 3,6,10,11 houses. Further
if the Moon and Venus aspect the lagna then also they will get back the lost article. 

The two points mentioned above is tallying and it shows that the article will be traced. Here the person who put
the question has misplaced the item at a place and then putting the question from another long distant place. 

Here it shows that the article is misplaced because the 4th lord Moon aspecting the lagna and the navamsa lagna
aspecting the lagna.

Kethu the Gyanakaraka is placed in the Saturn house (10th house to lagna) and the lord is placed in the 12th to that
of Kethu and in kethu’s star. Kethu is posited in Sun’s constellation and he is the lord of 8th to him and placed in the
10th to kethu. It shows that the article is misplaced. 

Active and action planet Ragu is placed in the 4th house to lagna in the constellation of Saturn who is placed in the
6th house to it. Front side shows delay by hours or days. The position is 6/8 shows the item is lost. From Saturn the
Ragu is 8 signs x 2 hours shows 16 hours. After 16 hours the article will be traced. 
Since Ragu is in Saturn’s constellation, Satrun has to be moved to which upagraha. From lagna the the 11th house
Saturn and occupied by Kuja and from the 4th house the 11th house is Sukra. So if Saturn is moved in sukra
kuja,Saturn the matter will materialise. 

As per rules ( Saturn,Ragu,Guru,Kuja = 6 hours, Sun,Budha = 2 hours, Moon 1 hour, Kethu and Sukra = 3 hours) if
we move the Satrun then the answer will come. Saturn is in the constellation of Kethu 11 degrees. (from 6 hours
reduce 2 hours ) to start from Sukra constellation. Saturn Satrun 4 + Budha 2 + Kethu 3 + Sukra 3 + Surya 2 +
Chandra 1 + kuja (6 x 60 = 360 -:--9 = 40 mts ) 0.40 total 15 hrs.40 mts. Adding this to 17.56 hrs (question time) it
will be next day morning 9.36 am. (Actually the spectacles was found in the house at 9.40 am.
வாஷிங் மெஷின் எப்பொழு வீடு வந்து சேரும்? கேள்வி கேட்ட தேதி 22.7.2000 time : 15.58 hrs.

லக்னம் குரு/கேது 1,4,6, - 2 குரு,சனி, பார்வை. ராகு இவையெல்லாம் கேள்வியை காட்டுகின்றது. ஜல தஹ்டுவதில் இருப்பது
சூரியன் சுக்கிரன் இவை எல்லாம் சேர்ந்து வாஷிங் மெஷின் என்பதை காட்டுகின்றது.
கேது ஞான காரகன் வீடுகொடுதவன் சனி ஐந்தாம் இடம் எறிய சாரம் சூரியன் எழில் இருக்கிறார் சேர்க்கை சூரியன், ராகு
சுக்கிரன் கேள்வியை காட்டுகிறது.

ராகு வீடு கொடுத்தவன் சந்திரன் ராகுவுக்கு பின்புரத்தில் ஐந்தில் நேரம் ஆகும் காலதாமதம் எனப்தை காட்டுகிறது. விடை
காண லக்னத்தை ஏனென்றால் லக்னம் குருவில் உள்ளது ராகு எரிய சாரம் குரு ஆகையால் லக்னத்தை நகர்த்த வேண்டும்.
லக்னத்துக்கு 11 ஆம் வீடு சுக்கிரன் லக்னம் குரு ஆகையால் குரு சுக்கிரன் வரை லக்னத்தை நகர்தத
் வேண்டும்.ஆனால்
இங்கு மெஷின் என்று வருவதால் நாளுக்கு 11 ஆக வரும் சனியை எடுத்துகொள்ள வேண்டும்.இங்கு செவ்வாய் ராகு
நக்ஷத்திரங்கள் குருவின் சாரத்தில் உள்ளது. இருப்பினும் 8/12 ஆக வருவதால் குருவில் சனி வரை நகர்த்த வேண்டும். (26 +
30 + 24 = 80 x 4 = 320 -:- 60 = 5.20) இதை 3.58 + 5.20 = 9.18 pm) வரும். மெஷின் 9.18 வந்து சேர்ந்தது.
In the class yesterday I have wrongly written the horoscope on the board. Today I verified the same at my house.
The horoscope is given above.

Now if you put 3,8,12 : The lodrs are Saturn,Moon,and Kuja representing the houses are placed in the chart and it
shows 2/12, 5/9 and 6/8: Short life and it indicates accidental death and the Longevity is 25 +15 = 40 years.
(maximum) Moon dasa end will be end of life.

Ragu in the chart in Rishabha owner is sukra is placed in 6/8 position to Ragu. Like that if you take kethu who is in
Kuja’s house who is 2/12 to his position. Kuja and Sukra are 3/11. 2/12 and 6/8 shows some serious matter is
going to take place in the life. Accidental and crash death is indicated by the Ragu and Kuja in the chart are placed
in 6/8 position. Because, it is in agni thahtuwas and other is Bhoo thahtuwa. Kracks will develop in life.

Ragu in Moon’s constellation and moon is placed at the 4th house that means 4x 10 = 40 years. (By degrees if we
count the distance it will be 36 years.

To work out the death take Ragu who is in the constellation of Moon. Therefore, Moon has to be moved. (as per
rules Moon take to cross one pada 1 year ) For the 8th house the Budha and 11th is Sukra. For the lagna it is Saturn
and Sukra. Since Budha is the Maraka lord let us fix it in the Budha Sukra . For lagana sukra is the 11 the lord and
Markaka will be Budha. So we have to move to Dhanur rasi sukra /Budha (here Sun and kethu are in Budha
constellation we should not fix in the stars because they are not direct maraka like Budha. So fix it Sukra Buda in
Dhanur at 22 degrees. Now add from Moon 18 +90 + 23 = 131 -:- 4 (padas) 33 years. He died at 33 ½ years.Please
read the place of birth Delhi.
Here another chart and how it is analysed in the high tech theory: Here the question is: I am working on a new
project, will it be successfully completed and if so when:

Here the lagna lord Kuja is in the 11th house with Moon the lord of 4th house and this position is aspected by
Saturn from the 9th house and he is the lord of 10 and 11th house of the chart. Here Saturn aspect the Moon but
not in Kendra if it in Kendra it connects that the question is not a serious one. Here it involves the third party
because the lagna rises at 16 degrees, yes, has to move with others help. Here the 9th house (house of luck and
Bagya) indicates the future and its success. If the 7th house supports (public support) then only it will have a
future. In advance prasna sastra (Horary astrology) we have to look to the 7 and 9th houses and answer the

After analysing the lagna we will take up this. Here the lagna is in a movable Agniththuwa (Firey sign) and the lord
Mars placed in a fixed Vayuthathuwa (Airy sign) so it is an indication that the matter will move successfully.
Moveable air will extinguish the fire because of its force after sum time but a fixed air will move keep on glowing
till the period ends. Here the 9/10/11 houses are involved (because the karmakaraka in the 9th house) so it will
continue for a period of 10 years till Saturn crosses the 2nd house. Saturn may cause delay and give trouble
provided if he is the lord of eight or placed in the 8th house. In other houses it will not harm the progress.

Lagna lord in the 11th house with the 4th lord Moon and the lagna star lord sukra (Bharani) is in the 7th house
(movable Vayu thathuwa) aspecting the lagna. It is a strong indication and strength to the lagna.
Apoklima lords placed in Kendra it is harmful as per GMP sisdhantha if it is in Panapara it will not harm the results.
Here in this chart 3, 6, 9 and 12 houses lords are placed in the 8th house with the 5th lord Sun. This project entirely
depends upon the 8th house so it is all well placed. 8th house may give some problem provided 8th lord placed in
Kendra. Here it is in 11th house.

Projects means 10th house. For this the 3rd and 11th lords if supports the matter then it will be successful. Here,
Guru and Mars are the lords of these two houses besides Saturn the 10th lord. All the three are placed in Kendra
and 3/11, 2/12 position. When Saturn the karmakaraka touches the Sukra constellation (sukra in kuja
constellation) and Sun upagraha (a division of the constellation) (sun in Guru’s constellation) the matter will be
very successfully launched. It is around 23rd December 2018. On the same day the 11th lord kuja will be transiting
in Pisces sign (the 12th house of the Prasna chart) in Guru’s constellation. Since it is a month case (the 11th lord is
kuja a monthly planet) Move the Sun to the constellation of Kuja and upagraha Guru the matter will fructify. It is 26
degrees of Makara so from the Sun’s present position to this position it will come on 10.2.2019 this day the matter
will yield good results. On this day the Saturn will be transiting in Venus constellation Jupiter upagraha and Jeeva
karaka Jupiter will be moving in Budha/kuja. 
Here the Moon is in the last part of the sign so it is a second consultation with the astrologer as per the rules of hi-
tech Prasna.
இதை விளக்க ஒரு உதாரணம்: நமது ஜி.எம்.பீ ஜோதிடர்களில் ஒருவர் கடந்த சனிக்கிழமை 10.11.2018 காலை 10.08 க்கு ஒரு
பிரச்னையை என் முன் வைத்தார்கள். அந்த நீரம் நான் ஹைதிராபாதில் ஒரு முக்கிய பிரமுகர் ஜாதகத்தை பார்த்து கொண்டு
இருந்தேன். ஆகையால் கேள்வி என்ன என்று தெரிந்து கொண்டு அதற்கான விடையை தெரிந்து கொள்ள சற்று கால
தாமதமாக போன் செய்ய சொன்னேன். 

கேள்வி சோதிடருடைய சிநேகதியின் தகப்பனார் அன்று காலை வீட்டை விட்டு போனவர் திரும்பி வர வில்லை எந்த செய்தியும்
இல்லை எல்லா இடங்களிலும் தேடியும் கிடைக்க வில்லை ஜோதிடம் மூலமாக சொல்லுங்கள் என்று கேட்டார்களாம்
ஜோதிடருக்கு இதை எப்படி சொல்லுவது என்று ஒரு குழபத்தில் எண்ணை கேட்டு சொல்லுவதாக சொல்லி எனக்கு போன்
செய்து உள்ளார்கள். 

நான் ஒரு வேலையில் இருந்ததால் உடன் விடை கூற முடிய வில்லை. ஜோதிடம் பார்து கொண்டு இருந்தாலும் மனதுக்குள்
கண்ணக்கு போட்டுகொண்டு இருந்தேன். தனுர் லக்னம் 26 பாகையில் அதாவது குரு/சுக்கிரன் ஆவார். கேள்வியை அது
காட்டுகின்றதா என்று பார்க்க குரு 1/4/12 என்றும் சுக்கிரன் 6/11/11. என்று உள்ளது குரு புதனுடனும் சுக்கிரன் சூரியன்
(காரக க்ரிகம்) உடன் இருக்கிறார்கள். புதன் 7/10/12 ல் சூரியன் 9/11 இவை எல்லாம் கூட்டி கழித்து பார்க்க வீட்டை விட்டு
போன தகப்பனார் சுகமாக இருக்கிறாரா எப்ப வருவார் என்பதை காட்டுகிறது.

ஜீவன் சம்பந்தமான கேள்வி ஆகையால் அக்னி காற்று காட்டுகிறது. மற்ற ஜோதிட முறையில் பல வீடுகளை பாப்பார்கள்
ஆனால் நமது ஜி,எம்.பீ முறையில் ஏழாம் வீட்டை வைத்து பார்க்கிறோம். இங்கு 7 க்கு 3/11 வீடுகளை வைத்து பார்க்க
சூரியன்/செவ்வாய் என்று வரும். புதிய high tech முறையில் பார்க்க வேண்டும். கர்ம காரகன் சனிக்கு சூரியன் 11 ஆம்
வீட்டில் உள்ளார் ஆகையால் ஒரு வீட்டுக்கு இரண்டு மணி நேரம் என்று எடுத்து 11 x 2 = 22 hrs இங்கு செவ்வாய் இரண்டாம்
வீடு சனிக்கு(இங்கு லக்னம் சனி இரண்டும் தனுர் இதற்கு குடும்பம் இரண்டாம் வீடு அங்கிருந்து செவ்வாய்
இரண்டில்)ஆகையால் 2 x 2 = 4 hrs வரும் இங்கு செவ்வாய் 12 ஆம் வீட்டுக்கு உடையவர் ஆகையால் இரண்டு மணி என்று
எடுத்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். இப்பொழுது 22 + 2 = 24 hrs என்று வரும். இது மறுநாள் காலை 5 மணி என்று காட்டும்.
இதைபோல் பெரியவர் மறுநாள் 5 மணிக்கு கோயம்பேடு காய்கறி மார்கெட்டில் பார்க்க பட்டார். இந்த கணக்கில் நான்
லக்னத்துக்கு பத்தில் சூரியன் என்று வசத்தில் கணக்கிட்டு பத்து மணி நேரத்தில் வருவார் என்று அவர் போன் செய்யத
பொழுது அவசரத்தில் சொல்லி விட்டேன். ஆனால் நடந்து ஜோதிட முறையில்.தவறு வர வில்லை. 
Let see the meaning of the above sentence. One of our GMP practicing astrologer raised a question on Saturday
10.11.2018 at 10.08 am stating that her friends’ father has left the house at 6 am and till this time he is not
traceable and wish to know whether he is safe and when he will be back home.

Here the lagna is Dhanur 26 degrees. Guru/Sukra they are placed in 2/12 position states that the matter will take
time. Whether the question is indicated properly by the lagna Here Guru is the lord of 1/4/12 and Sukra lord of
6/11/11. Here the Guru is with Budha and Sukra is with Sun (the karaka). Budha is the lord of 7/11/12 and Sun is
the lord of 9h house in the 11thhouse. Father is missing from the house whether he is safe and when will return.

In the traditional system they look different houses for the answer. But, GMP goes with 7th house for such
questions. Question pertains to Live matter So fire and Air appearing so an indication that the matter will end in

Timing of Event goes with 3/11 houses to 7th house. Here the Sun/Kuja are the lords of 3/11. In the Prasna chart
the kuja is in the 2nd kudumba and Sun is in the 10th. It shows that happiness in kudumba will come shortly. In a
high tech the answer goes from the karma karaka Saturn. From Saturn the Sun is placed in the 11th house so for
every house two hours therefore 11 x 2 = 22 hours. The Saturn to Kuja 2 houses 2x2=4.(lagna and Saturn are in
Dhanus for lagna 2nd house is kutumbha (family) so kuja from2nd house in second) Here Kuja is the lord of 12th
house therefore 2 hours only to be taken. Putting together this two 22 + 2 = 24 hours. Therefore the matter will
come to an end by tomorrow morning 5.00 am. 

The father was traced the next day morning at 5.00 am at Koyembadu veg market. Here, while I was answering
simply taken Sun in the 10th and said in ten hours he will return in a hurry because I was at that time I was very
busy with some VIP at that time. However, our GMP has given correct answer.
You have all discussed with Mr.Dinesh the horoscope of a girl about her married life and other prospects in details.
In our group there should be one opinion only should come when we discuss because we follow certain rules fixed
for finding the results from the charts. Many have come out with good results. Now, I would like to explain the
same in details for the benefit of all and how to read a chart.
Date of birth: 18.9.1966 :: 5.30 am :: Lucknow

Reading a chart is an art. Predicting the events in the chart is an intuition. Reading requires instinctual ability of the
astrologer. Let us learn the ability to read chart.

Question is about married life therefore we have to first take the combination of the houses of 1/7. It reads like
1/7 2/12 6/8 :: 2/12 6/8 = Kendra
There are problems in the married life but marriage will take place. The stability of the marriage depends upon the
planets occupying these houses. Here in the lagna Sukra placed is not good as per GMP rules. Marriage may end in
diverse or the husband or wife will die and remarriage possible if planets permits. Here the seventh lord in the 8th
house marriage is not possible. If planets are placed in 4, 6, 8,and 12 marriage is denied. I Guru aspects the 7th
house or the lords then it is possible. Here Guru aspects Saturn the 7th lord.

Normal marriage or a Love marriage has to be verified. Here the Kethu and Budha are placed in 2/12 position. It is
an indication of love marriage. If it is strong then 5/11 lords should be in Kendra. If Guru’s kona aspects on the Sun,
Budha and Sukra love will fail and agree to marry as per parents wish.

Here in this chart the education is disturbed. When we look in to the aspiration of the individual looking to the 3rd
house it is airy sign movable lot of wishes to achieve in the society even to go foreign (Moon/Kethu aspected by
Kuja and Ragu) since it is in kalachakra’s 7th house marriage matters etc., and the lord is placed in a firey (fixed)
and in kalachakra’s 5th house love marriage children or marrying a foreigner and settle in life. Since it is a fixed
sign it will not lost long. The fire will extinguish because it is a movable air.

Would be husband how he will be. Here the seventh house is Saturn placed in the 8th house and aspected by
Jupiter, lagna lord Sun and Budha the lord of 2/11. Saturn is in the 12 house of natural zodiac and aspected by
Jupiter who is with kuja and all in watery sign indication of a foreigner a stranger. Saturn indicates aged person
Jupiter aspects a technical person. For the seventh house the 7th house is the 1st house and the lords are placed in
eight to that house. Here it is Sun and budha. Second marriage /divorce. For the lagna the 7th lord aspected by the
lagna lord (Sun)and lord of 2/11 (budha)and lord of 5 (Guru). Shows would be husband will be double the age of
the native.
The girl studied up to 8th standard and coming from a Brahmin family fall in love at the age of 18 on a foreigner
(Germen) who was a divorce with a nine year old boy aged 37 years. 

Marriage period are counted by the transit of Jupiter over the Kuja in a lady’s chart or in kona position to kuja. Here
when Guru transiting Vrichika 17/18 years of age she has fallen in love and at the age of 19 when Guru was in
opposition in transit she married on 11th February 1985. Guru dasa Kuja bukthi. Here for the lagna (1, 5, 9) are
Sun,Guru,Kuja (Ragu placed). For the seventh house (1, 5, 9) are Saturn, Budha , SukraThe Anthara was Budha.

How long the married life the 4th lord last long. Here the 4th lord is kuja is placed in the Cancer sign (Karkataka)
along with Jupiter the 8th lord. 8 x 4 = 32 + 12x 4 = 48. 48+32 = 80 -:- 2 (8th house effect) =40 months (3yrs 4
months). She divorced on 11th June 1985. Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bukthi,Budha (6th house 1, 5, 9) Saturn,Sukra and

After that she has not married anybody and lived separately. Here we should learn how to read the native’s
cast/religion. This will be taught to you with two three examples. Now try if you have anyidea

I am very glad to see a comment by you ‘NOT AGREED’. Here you have not seen the explanations given for the
length of married life. I have not mentioned Saturn/kethu in the analysis then why you are pointing SATURN

For your information of our theory I am giving you some points on your brother’s horoscope for the long married
life. Here the 4th lord Saturn in the 12th house in the constellation of Sun the 11th lord placed in the 3rd house the
house of longevity. Kuja in the 4th house in the constellation of Moon who is 6/8 position the chart. Therefore, till
Moon Dasa the married life will carry on. Further, if you wish to know, about the Satrun/kethu in the 12th house,
the Calculations go like this: Saturn lord of 4th in the 12th house with kethu (an yearly planet) 11 x 6 =66 + 6 (for
Kethu) = 72 dual sign + 72 = 144 -:- 2 (12th house & kethu)) = 72 again + kuja 8x10 = 80 (months) -:- 12 = 7
(approx)= 79 years. So 1950 +79 = 2029.
Today Vijaya Dasami day let us learn more in detail how to fix the timing of an event from the Natal chart of an
Here is a horoscope given in a book:
Date of Birth 31.10.1954:: 10.55 pm : Bis (Switzerland)
Here the combination of 1/7 is like this:
2/12 : 6/8 :: kend : kend = 3/11 - 6/8

This combination reading shows that the marriage will take place but at the end it will move to divorce or

In the lagna bhava there are three Dasa lords are there and they are: Guru, Sat, Budha and in the 7th house Sun,
Moon, Kuja are there. The lords of the houses are Moon and Saturn. The lady started with kethu nakshatra (moola)
and hence kethu Dasa balance period 1 yr 5.months.11 days

To know the marriage period approximately we have to see from Guru’s transit in the chart against Kuja since she
is a lady. Here the transit of Guru in Kona to Kuja period the marriage will take place. Here Guru is in lagna
therefore in the second round ending itself the marriage will take place. It is about 23rd or 24th age.

The Dasa at that time as per GMP (360 days Vimsodhari) will be Sun Dasa. Sun Dasa is available in the 7th house.
So the bukthi has to be accounted now. It is taken from the 1/5/9 lords of the houses. Here it is Moon, Mars and
Guru. So Moon Bukti to be taken because the other two planets are placed in the 1/7 and aspecting each other
further she is the lagna lord. Further, the Moon is in the Navamsa in Guru’s house with Saturn 7th lord. It is
working out to 18.7.1977 moon bukthi will end in Sun dasa. Actual date of marriage is 24th June 1977.Bukthi and
anthra lords are always between the owners of the houses of 1/7. Here from the 7th house 5/9 houses are Sukra
and Budha. Sukra is the 11th lord and therefore the 
Anthra will be sukra only. 

In our system GMP we go the other way to find the Dasa /Bukthi and Anthara. Here first we take the marriage
house the 7th to that 3/11 houses lords to be taken. To these three lord planets placed in Kendra will support
them. If you look in this chart the three lords are Saturn, Guru and Kuja. Planets in Kendra to these lords are Budha
and Sun planets in the constellation of these lords will also supports the matter. Here Moon in Budha’s
constellation and nobody in Sun’s constellation. So the marriage will take place in Sun dasa Moon bukthi. 
Since the chart is showing divorce let us see approximately when the divoce will come. Herein GMP we take the 4th
house to find the longevity of the married life. Here the 4h lord in the 5th house. Sukra placed in the 5th house of
the chart with Moon. The fourth house is occupied by Sun, Budha and Saturn. All these planets are involved in this
matter. Here planets in Ragu/Kethu constellation and planets of 8th and 12th houses are eliminated. After
elimination Moon is only strong to represent the house. Moon is aspected by Jupiter from the lagna. Here the
Natural zodiac (kala chakra) position has to be taken for calculations. Moon lord of 4th placed in the 8th therefore
8x4= 32 and Jupiter lord of 12 in the 4th (always the 2nd house is taken when a planets is owner of two houses )
12 x 4 = 48. Though the Guru is in the constellation of Saturn the 8th lord we have taken here because he is the 9th
lord and aspecting the 5th and 9th houses. Moon takes 28 days (a month) to complete the circle of the zodiac.
Therefore, we counted in months this addition of 32 + 48 = 80 months. It is equivalent to 6 years 8 months. If you
add this to the marriage date 24.6.1977 it will be 24.2.1984.(during Moon Dasa – Moon Bukthi) She divorced on
28th November 1983 and the process ended by February 1984.

Ps: Here the Lagna requires some correction upto 14 mts. i.e.the time of birth will be around
Gurumurthi Pathathi system has spread across the length & breadth of TamilNadu at a rapid pace over the last few
years. It is shortly known as GMP, simple – quick – accurate way of predicting the events in Prashna as well as
Natal charts. Reason for such a wide spread reach is the accuracy & simplicity of this method which can be quickly
learned even by a nascent astrologer. The system is named after Mr.Gurumuthi Iyer. It is pertinent at this point to
have a brief introduction about this Astro Therapist.

Mr.Gurumurthi’s native was Govindhapuram near the temple city of Kumbakonam, Thanjavur District. He was
born in Chennai on 13th June, 1934 and completed his schooling in Hyderabad. Since his childhood, he has
enormous interest in astrology which is the root cause for the invention of this divine system GMP. He was a direct
disciple of Late Shri K.S. Krishnamoorthy (KSK) (Krishnamoorthy Pathathi KP Systems). He has preached K.P.
system for 30 years across India. Has learned astrology in Sanskrit at Kasi Banaras Hindu University for six years.
Kashmir pundits were taking classes and rare slokas were taught to him which is not available anywhere in India
in text as well as palm leave format. It’s a treasure for astrologers. He has completed 18 PGD, 4 PG and 2 PhD in
various fields ranging from MBA to Homeopathy. He is proficient in 8 languages.

Mr.Gurumurthi is well versed in all systems of astrology like K.P., Nadi, Western Astrology etc. and Ronith
Prasanna which was known only to 6 persons all over the world and he was one among them.

He was running his own ashram and school in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh. Due to ageing factor, he relieved
himself from all responsibilities and handed over everything to the concerned authorities without taking a penny.
Now he is settled permanently in Swamimalai, near Kumbakonam, Thanjavur District.

He got DEEKSHA from Swami Sivanandha and Swami Dhayanandha Saraswathi. Till date, he is practicing
Brahammacharyam strictly. Due to his abundant knowledge & experience in astrology for over 64 years, GMP
system was invented which is based on the great sage Maharishi Parashara Sidhanta. This astrological system is
termed as GMP Divine Astro Systems.

Mr.Gurumurthi has given lot of accurate and stunning predictions. One among them has happened in March 2014,
when a person asked who will win the upcoming Parliamentary election in India. It was predicted that
Mr.Narendra Modi will become the PM of India and BJP will win 282 seats. Rest is known to everyone. In
TamilNadu, when a person asked who will win the assembly election in May 2016, in minutes he answered
AIADMK will win the election and get 132 seats, again Late Shri Jayalalalitha will take over as CM. Also, to
everyone’s surprise, when he was interviewed by a leading news channel at Trichy, he predicted that in September
2016, TamilNadu CM will face health problems and a new person will take over as CM. Everything happened
accurately as predicted. Proof of the above video was available with us, which will be sent to the interested persons
through Whatsapp – 9043658978

In nutshell, GMP is the simple and accurate method of predicting the events in minutes for Prashna as well as Natal
charts if practiced with perseverance.
Many astrologers are not aware how to select a Dasa for an event which has to take place in the native’s horoscope.
KP System and KL system goes with cusps sub-lord and planets are connected to the concerned houses are linked
with Dasa lord. If more planets are coming then they go with another PRASNA (Ruling planet) and select among it. 
In GMP we have separate systems for selecting the Timing of the event in advance in the Native’s chart and also
immediately in the Prasna chart. In our Prasna chart there is no Dasa system like other systems. Many students
achieve 98% good results in this method. 
Yester day we have seen how the Dasa lords are taken for an event in life in different two charts and in one Prasna
chart. As promised we have opened the gate on VIJAYA DASAMI DAY for our students to know more about the
system. Now today we are giving another chart for our study.

Many horoscopes require correction and many may not know how to rectify a lagna of an horoscope. In GMP we
teach this method to all.

In this chart they have give the Date of birth 7.9.1959 and Time of birth as 8.30 pm Faridabad. This is lady chart
and the lagna will fall in the 1st pada of Aswini and requires correction. Here the navamsa will be Mesha
vargothama. The results are not according to Vargothama lagna. If you put it in the 2nd pada then the navamsa will
be Rishaba then the navamsa lord sukra in the rasi chart in Simha with Sun and Budha male planets. So Mithuna
the 3rd pada will not be correct it is male and the forth pada goes with Cancer (karkataka) and the lord Moon in the
Rasi in the 7th house aspecting the lagna which is correct. So the Time has been corrected to 9.00 p.m. with the
Guru Dasa balance 14 years 9 months.

We now take the combination of the houses 1/7 to understand the marital status of the native.
1/7 :: 2/12 : 6/8 :: 3/11 : 5/9 = 2/12 

The above combination results says that Marriage will take place with difficulties but end with separation.
In any lady’s chart marriages are looked by the transit of Jupiter crossing over Kuja or in Kona to Kuja. Sometime
transiting over Jupiter/saturn also will get the results. This is very rare and if they are karaka of the matter then it
will act.

Here in this chart the Moon is in the 7th house an hence the marriage will take place early. At the age of 24 the
Jupiter will transit over the Moon in the natal chart. The next period is 26/27 years when it is in kona to Kuja. The
lady’s marriage indications are early as per the chart let us confine to it. 

The Dasa lords connecting the 1/7 houses are Kethu, Sukra, Sun and Kuja, Ragu and Guru. The 1.5.9 lords to
seventh house are Sukra, Saturn and Budha. She born in Guru dasa and at the age of 24 she will be in Saturn Dasa
only. Saturn is 11th lord in the 9th house. Here an indicator also. So we take Saturn Dasa and go far the Bukthi. We
should connect the lagna Dasa lords in the bukthi or the 7thhouse Dasa lords. Here the lords are kethu, Sukra and
Sun. 7th Dasa lords are not correct indicator because Kuja in the 6th house, Ragu also join the kuja Guru is in the
8th house. So let us take the 1st house dasa lords. Saturn, Sukra are in Kethu’s constellation is also another factor
for the Selection of Saturn Dasa, Sukra bukthi. Sun is in Sukra constellation the 7th lord. Kuja and Ragu are in
Ragu’s constellation that are in the 6th. The left one is Jupiter he is in the constellation of Saturn and placed in the
8th. So we have only one choice to select is Budha 
7.9.1959 + 00.08.14 (Guru Dasa) + 21.11.9 (Saturn / Sukra end) = 28.4.1984. The lady got married on 23.1.1984.
(So it is Sat/Suk/Bud)

No let us see how long this Married life will carry on. The fourth house will give an answer. The forth lord Moon is
in the 7th house. It is in the constellation Jupiter who is in the 8th and also aspecting the 4th house. Though it is a
dual sign and because of the above factors it will act in different manner in calculation of the periods.
The calculation is 7 x 4 = 28 month. Of the above factorsthe28monthswill be reduced to 14 months. So from
marriage period 23.1.1984 + 00.02.01 = 23.3.1985. The lady divorced the married life legally on 4th June 1985.

If lagna and 10th lord are closely related by aspect or conjunction and Moon connection to this two positions will
give quick results. If lagna aspected by Lagna lord and by benefic planets and Moon and is closely related to lagna
the matter will give good results.

If the Lagna lord or the Rasi lord are placed in the 3rd house or in the 11th house, or the 7th lord aspect the lagna
then it is a good indication that the matter will fructify immediately.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Ragu will give a change and immediate results. Kethu, Guru and Saturn will delay the
matter. Budha will give results in 15 days if he closely connected the query significator or to the Lagna or to the

Here let us have another example to understand how the timing of event is arrived correctly. A question was put up
by me, when there was a proposal of my travel to USA. When my journey will start and when I will reach USA? 

Sukra Buda
Sun Kuja 


Sani Lagna
The date was 2.5.2017 at 4.20 pm Since it is GMP no place is required. The chart was prepared as per GMP method.

The lagna at that time was kanya . The sign lord Budha and the lagna rising lord is Kuja since it is 25 degrees. So
Budha /Kuja has to answer the question. In the above chart the these two planets are placed in Mesha and Rishaba
it means 2/12 as per GMP. Matters will move in hours delay.
If the 3/11 lords appear are support the matter then we will proceed. The 3/11 lord for Lagna are Kuja and
Chandra. They are placed in 9th house and 11th house of the chart but in 3/11 position in the chart. So some days
delay as per GMP.
Budha/Kuja the rising lords of lagna’s position are placed for the lagna in 8/9 so some obstruction and delay. Here
the Kuja is in the constellation of Chandra who is placed in the 11th house so the journey is sure to take off. 
Ragu means Muslim countries, and kethu means English countries. Since it is USA I have taken the Karaka griga to
fix the journey. Kethu is in Kuja constellation. For Kethu the 3/11 lords are Kuja /Guru. Since the matter will move
in days delay as per the 3/11 position, we have to move the Moon to the constellation of Kuja and upagriga Guru
then the matter will get fructified. Today the Moon in Pushya (2.5.2017) and on 8th May 2017 the Kuja nakshatra
will come. 8th May 2017 morning at 5.30 am the Moon’s position in Ephemeris is 21.10 degrees. To come to chitta
nakshtra it will be 9.45 am. In chitta to come to Guru upagriga degree of 26 it will take six hours. So adding from
9.45 am + 6.00 hrs = 15.45 pm on 8th May 2017. 
To my surprise when I look into the Air ticket it is printed on it as 8th May 2017 - 15.45 pm it will touch Jhon
Kennedy airport New York.
Persons having Jupiter & Mars as 6/8 in their natal chart are facing health issues in their life. One of the rules
taught by our Guruji.
As this page is covering All India GMP practising Astrologers group I wish to write in English for the benefit of all
astrologers. Sri.S.Kumaras
wamy, has raised a question about KUJA DOSHA AND NAGA DOSHA.
In Astrology a chart acts on its merit. In natural zodiac circle 1,2,7,and 8 the houses lords are Mars (kuja) and
Venus (Sukra). Sukra the lord of 2nd house conjoin with the lord of 8th house Kuja and placed in the 7th house the
husband will be well placed. It is sutra in Predictive Astrology. Jupiter and Mercury in the 7th house gives birth to a
rich person. These rules were applicable in olden days up to 18th century. Mars in the seventh house is a dosha,
but aspected by Jupiter then it looses its bad effects. There are many contradictory rules are there in Astrology.
It left to astrologer to decide the charts in perspective manner taking the planets its position and constellation in
which the planet is travelling and other aspects it receives. No two watches agree like that no two horoscopes will
agree, Even in Twin birth lot of changes are coming. Taking each horoscope and if we write rules for the
combinations, as now exists 3 lakhs sutras may go to 10 lakhs sutras. It is humanly impossible for an astrologer to
remember all these sutras at the time of prediction. Sutras are only guide lines it may apply in a horoscope or may
not. The same day born same time born charts differing in predictions. It is because of genetic factors and it also
depends upon the native’s lagna in kona or kendra to father’s lagna or Moon or Mother’s lagna or Moon
In olden days there were limited horoscopes according to the population now we have crores of horoscope before
you. The astrologers have not updated there knowledge accordingly. Female astrology compiled by our sages /
Jyothish Acharyas are not final but requires modification but not rejections outright. In modern world women
requires courage and it goes with Kuja in the chart. Mars is a karaka for blood. Moon stands for water. So in a chart
either male or female it indicates the pressure of the blood flow and create some problems according to the houses.
This should not be linked to DOSHA. DOSHA means short fall not something will kill a person.
In olden days an astrologer was a tantric, a doctor, All the three are combined with him and he applied a rule mixed
with tantric and astrology. Like that with medical astrology to astrology. Each has to be applied separately and not
in combine manner. For example in medicine rules sas “ushnay ushnamayway shamyathey” that is if a person is
suffering from fever should be given a medicine which can create fever it will off set and the person will get cured
quickly. The great doctor who invented Homeopathy medicine also said the same. This rule cannot be applied in
astrology. By machining a Kuja Dosha with a Kuja Dosha. Here if you match mentally retarded children will be born
to them. It is burden to the society and to the parents. Astrologers should not do such mistakes.
If you analyse a chart as per Maharishis Prashara theories you will find no Kuja Dosha at all. Then where is kuja
dosha in a chart. The planets position each chart gives results accordingly.
Instead of looking female charts in a low level take the advice of great saints. They said women are more sensitive
therefore they should have patience women should not get angry and act according to the situation.
In achart therefore the Naga Dosha and Kuja dosha will act according to Lagana. In many horoscope the lagna is not
correctly erected.As such an astrologer should look all points before coming to some conclusion. Hemmed between
Ragu and Kethu the planets in a chart Cannot come to the conclusion of Naga sarpa Dosha or Yoga. In many
horoscopes they are living in different style not according to the results given in the books. As already said the
sutra are assumption and guide lines not an authority for Prediction. Use these as per the situation after studying
separately each chart. Whether such combination will affect their future life according to the future dashas stored
for them. Each horoscope longevity, benefits separately and hoe it affect the future progress of life as husband and
wife. It is essential beacuse they are coming from different genetic factors.
Job change possible??
One person contact me in Hyderabad wanted to know is there any possible for job change he feels that he will
Sir could Pls check out in few months any change in job. 
He given divine number 83
This was judged on 2-10-2018, 13:04pm
Moon represents query :
Moon in 12th house natal lord of 1st house 12 shows worries in cusp chart 11 house and sub of 10 house moon is
connected with query.

10 sub is moon

‌1)itself (11), (1), Cusp-yuti (12).

2)star rahu (12), rasi moon (11), (1),

Cusp-yuti (12).
3) its star Saturn (5), (7), (8), Cusp-yuti
4)sub Mer (2), 3, 12, Cusp-yuti (3).

5)sub star mars (6), (5), (10), Cusp-yuti

(7). Conjct with ketu (6).

Moon signfy 6,10,11, 2 houses clearly shows he will not terminated but 8,12, 5 houses shows stress in job due to
senior manger. But absence of 9 house may not give him change in job. 
Dasha bukhti antra are rahu Mer and Rahu.

1)itself (12), rasi moon (11), (1),
Cusp-yuti (12).
2)its star Saturn (5), (7), (8), Cusp-yuti (6).
3) sub venus (3), 7, (11), Cusp-yuti (4).
4)sub star rahu :
Rahu signfy 6,11, house along with 5,12,
8 houses shows struggle in job

1)itself (2), (3),(12), Cusp-yuti (3).
2)star mars (6), (10), (5). Conjct ketu (6),
Cusp-yuti (7).
3) sub mars:
4)sub star moon.(11), (1), Cusp-yuti (12).

Mer 6,10,2 house no change in job shows. Till now rahu Mer Dasha bukhti.
But native face stress in job.
I inform him u will continue in same job in same office
The EXCEL Software file for Consolidated Bhava Strength is shared with this ..

The consolidated report for 40 Nos. of example charts are also shared..The charts are from my collection…The
strength of Bhava Pinaippu are as per old Software and there will be slight change if it is prepared in this revised
Software..Members can use this software and workout report for their chart,family members chart and friends
chart and each may share feedback for not less than 10 charts..The weightage adopted in this Software are as
Bhava Pinaippu report for Varada Laknam ..40%
Bhava strength for Individual 12 Bhavas ….20%
11 th Bhava for each of the 12 Bhavas …20%
Bhava Karaka for each of the 12 bhavas …20%
The members may share their experience and suggest if any revision is needed with justification…to improve
The INPUT method is again shared as follows..
Yellow shaded cells in the INPUT sheet are theINPUT cells..Other cells need not be touched…
Cell B5…Position of Sun from Lakna Example chart
Cell B6…Position of Moon from Lakna Example chart
Cell B7…Position of Mars from Lakna Example chart
Cell B8…Position of Mercury from Lakana Example chart
Cell B9…Position of Jupiter from Lakna Example chart
Cell B10…Position of Venus from Lakna Example chart
Cell B11…Position of Saturn from Lakna Example chart
Cell B12…Position of Rahu from Lakna Example chart
Cell B5…Position of Kethu from Lakna Example chart the Lakna counted from Mesham as per Kalapurusha Thathuvam…In the Example chart it is Viruchika Lakna
and this is 8th rasi..Hence 8 is to be entered in this cell..
The sheets other than Input are protected…and these can not be altered..
Guru Valgha ..Guruve Thunai …
Question : Discharge from Hospital? 
Date : 31/12/2018 , Time : 10:05 a.m.

Trying the Advanced Prashna for the first time.

Lagna : Aquarius, Saturn / Rahu : both are in 6/8

Saturn : Lord of 1 & 12 in 11th, Rahu in 6th house 
Sickness, Hospital & Discharge is indicated.

Since Sun in 11th & for Kumba Lagna Saturn in 11th,

event will happen immediately.

Step 1 : Kethu is in the constellation of Sun, Sun in 12th

from Kethu, Kethu & its depositor are in 2/12 , Here also
question is indicated. Kethu & Saturn are in 2/12

Step 2 : Rahu in the constellation of Saturn, Saturn in 6th from Rahu, Rahu & its depositor are in Kendra. Event will
happen Soon, since kendra. Rahu & Saturn are in 6/8

Step 3: Saturn is in front of Rahu, so hours or days. Also parivarthana indicates hours / days. Apperance of 2/12 &
6/8 indicates delay, so event will happen in days.

Step 4 : 11th house to Lagna is Jupiter, 12th house hospital, i have taken discharge as 11th to 12th house which is
12th house which is Mars.

Step 5 : Jupiter (Venus in the constellation of Jupiter) 

Mars (No planets in its constellation)

Step 6 : Since Rahu is in Saturn constellation, Saturn has to 

be moved.

Step 7 : Saturn - For 1 degree 1 day have to be taken. Saturn is in Venus & Moon (last part of moon), Saturn is in the
constellation of Venus itself. Venus is in the constellation of Jupiter. So Saturn has to be moved to Mars which is 1
degree = 1 day, for Moon = it is 1 day. So discharge will take place in 2 days.

Discharge from Hospital on 2/1/2019 at 5:00 p.m. approximately.

Please note that person discharged from hospital at 3:20 pm and reached home 3:45 on 2nd Jan

Gurumurthi Natesan Reply

Let me explain this in the GMP earlier system and the present new technique system. 
Lagna Kumbha in Ragu constellation: Saturn and ragu indication. Ragu in 6th house and Saturn in 11th house with
7th lord sun question is indicated properly.
Moon the 6th lord in the 9th house indicates quick relief from the sickness. Here it conjoined with sukra the 9th
Here there is a parivarthana yoga between Kuja and Guru and therefore kuja will be in the 10th house and Guru
and Budha will go to Meena. All these indication are strong. Besides this Saturn and Sun are placed in the 11th to
kumbha is also a good indication. But, the lagna Saturn and Ragu are in 6/8 position is am indication of some
obstruction and delay. Here fortunately the 6th lord is also in the Ragu’s constellation. So 6/8 matter will be
So when will the native will be discharged from the hospital. For this we have to take the 6th house 3/11 to be
seen. It is Budha and sukra. Here in sukra nakshathira Saturn and Sun are there and in Budha nakshathira Budha
and guru are there. Since budha is the 8th lord let us take sukra. So moving the moon to the constellation of Saturn
will be the day and time the person will get discharge from the hospital. Moon in 2 degrees (Ragu) so balance 11
degrees + 13 degrees Guru + 3 degrees Saturn/Budha = 27 degrees = 54 hours to go. So on the 3rd day (2.1.2018)
at 4.05 pm he will get discharged from the hospital. I have taken the average motion of the Moon. Ifyo go with
actual it will come by 1 hour more.
Let us take the same in the new technique. Mr.Dinesh has correctly analised it. Here from the Moon Saturn is
placed in the 3rd So 3 days it will take to get discharged. Ragu and Moon are in Kendra so discharge with cure is
sure an indication. Discharge comes from the lagna’s 11th house and 9th house 11th house lords conjoined period.
Saturn has to be moved since Ragu is in Saturn’s constellation, but, Moon in the 9th house strongly representing
Ragu so Move the Moon to Saturn constellation, Sun (kethu in Sun’s constellation) the person get relief from the
hospital. Vishaka (Guru) will be over by 9.40 am (on 2.1.2018) and Satrun (Anuraadha) will start. Here Saturn has
to be moved to Sun(kethu). Saturn 6 Budha 2 then the kethu will come : 8 hours to be added to the 9.40 am = 5.40

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