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\ HORSE RACE So many want a good world, but they want somebody To make it good. Money is important in this world to live and people are trying in different ways to earn it. Many scholars have given their opinion about money and how to earn or make money. To earn money we have to go to office or work with some body or to do some hard work but to make money we have to use our intellectual ability. All people born in this world are happy and well placed. It is because we born in this world with our PURVA PUNYA (Last Janma karma). This can be known through our Natal chart prepared for our birth time. Here the 1,5,9 houses indicate the position. The 5™house stands for the Purva Punya and the 9" house for our Bhagya. The 1* house is our self. In Parasara siddhantha it is said these houses are called KONA house. He said CHATHUR THRI KONAHA. (u2x att alee:) Here the four elements, Fire, Air, Earth, and Water are represented by these chathur tri kona. Fire requires Air like that Water requires earth. These are complimentary to each other. If the one house represents one thathuwa then the other two houses also are the same. But the character of the sign will change. One will movable, the other will be fixed and the third will be common (dual).So a person have to live happily in the world How the planets are arranged in the natal charge and the occupation of it also most important. 'f we wish to participate in Horse race and earn money then our chart these houses are to be well placed. The 5,6,11 to be strong and Ragu should be in the 3,6,11 houses. 2 Eighth house indicates other’s money and 2™ our earned money. These two opposite to each other-a symbolic representation that we get salary for our work, gift from other s, loan from others, pension for the services done, are coming from the 8" house only. If in the 8" house Ragu, Kethu, Saturn, Kuja, and Surya that native will easily get money from others. If it is connecting the houses 2,5,6,11 houses then through share market and Races persons will earn. Those who participate in these speculative markets if the Raagu in the 12" house it is blessing disguise. First understand from your horoscope whether you can go for these speculative markets for earning money. There are many books on these subjects and give guidance how to earn money. Here GMP has simplified this system. As our subject is concerned with horse race here et us see how we can win these speculative (Gambling) market. If you wish to earn money through races then you should be very familiar with the following points: a) Handicap method b) Numerlogy c) The first four horses came in the 1 race will be base. d) Nakshthira methods e) Prashna Shastra method f) How to understand from Jadkha of the time of race the wining horse. Like this points will help us to understand the positive side of the Races. It is very bad to decide the race with the Jackey who ride the horse. A good jackey may fail to bring the horse to a winning point in a good race. It is the horse that has to give the answer. 3 Here we can lot of example to prove how we have taken from the charts the wining horses. Let us have some demonstration of these from actual races taken place and how the wining horse is taken out. Some constellation will tell sharp action, some will tell medium action and others go with simple action. First of all we should know from the days constellation and thithi what type of a day it is to decide and based on that the course of the race will run

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