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stock keeping unit

Short for stock keeping unit, SKU is a unique numerical identifying number that refers to a
specific stock item in a retailer's inventory or product catalog. The SKU is often used to identify
the product, product size or type, and the manufacturer.

Standard SKU public IP addresses are:

Always use static allocation method.

Have an adjustable inbound originated flow idle timeout of 4-30 minutes, with a default of 4
minutes, and fixed outbound originated flow idle timeout of 4 minutes.

Are secure by default and closed to inbound traffic. You must explicit whitelist allowed inbound
traffic with a network security group.

Assigned to network interfaces, Standard public Load Balancers, or Application Gateways. For
more information about Standard Load Balancer, see Azure Standard Load Balancer.

Can be zone-redundant or zonal (can be created zonal and guaranteed in a specific availability
zone). To learn more about availability zones, see Availability zones overview and Standard
Load Balancer and Availability Zones.

Basic SKU public IP addresses:

All public IP addresses created before the introduction of SKUs are Basic SKU public IP
addresses. With the introduction of SKUs, you have the option to specify which SKU you would
like the public IP address to be. Basic SKU addresses are:

Assigned with the static or dynamic allocation method.

Have an adjustable inbound originated flow idle timeout of 4-30 minutes, with a default of 4
minutes, and fixed outbound originated flow idle timeout of 4 minutes.

Are open by default. Network security groups are recommended but optional for restricting
inbound or outbound traffic.

Assigned to any Azure resource that can be assigned a public IP address, such as network
interfaces, VPN Gateways, Application Gateways, and Internet-facing load balancers.

Do not support Availability Zone scenarios. You need to use Standard SKU public IP for
Availability Zone scenarios. To learn more about availability zones, see Availability zones
overview and Standard Load Balancer and Availability Zones.
Allocation method

Both basic and standard SKU public IP addresses support the static allocation method. The
resource is assigned an IP address at the time it is created and the IP address is released when
the resource is deleted.

Basic SKU public IP addresses also support a dynamic allocation method, which is the default if
allocation method is not specified. Selecting dynamic allocation method for a basic public IP
address resource means the IP address is not allocated at the time of the resource creation. The
public IP address is allocated when you associate the public IP address with a virtual machine
or when you place the first virtual machine instance into the backend pool of a basic load
balancer. The IP address is released when you stop (or delete) the resource. After being
released from resource A, for example, the IP address can be assigned to a different resource. If
the IP address is assigned to a different resource while resource A is stopped, when you restart
resource A, a different IP address is assigned. If you change the allocation method of a basic
public IP address resource from static to dynamic, the address is released. To ensure the IP
address for the associated resource remains the same, you can set the allocation method
explicitly to static. A static IP address is assigned immediately.

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