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1) Which part of the day do you enjoy most? Why?

I enjoy the afternoon more because I do different activities such as: playing volleyball, watching
TV, studying and sharing moments with my family and friends.
2) Where are you from?
I am from Trujillo, and I live in this city because it is beautiful, I like the weather, it is where I
study my career and I have many friends with whom to share.
3) How do you usually spend your free time?
I spend my free time sharing moments with my friends and with my family, I also like art a lot
and I take some moments to draw and paint.
4) Do you have a full time or a part-time job at the moment?
Yes I do, I have I work in the morning from eight to one afternoon, from Monday to Friday,
where I am doing my pre-professional practices, working on a work.
5) What can tourists do in your area?
Tourists in my area can visit different places such as Huanchaco Beach, museums, Chan Chan,
the Huaca del Sol y la luna, among others, you can also visit the restaurants and eat our typical
6) Do you like the same things as your friends, or do you have different interests?
I have equal and different interests, such as playing volleyball, cycling, some of us study the
same career, but also different because we are deciding on different fields.
7) Where did you go for your last holiday?
on my last vacation I went to Cajamarca to visit my parents, where I visited many places such as
los baños del inca, cataratas de Llacanora, granja Porcón and archeological centers.
8) Do you like to be active when you are on holiday?
Yes, I like to take advantage of my vacations doing everything I like, besides studying courses
that are necessary to be better in my profession.
9) Would you prefer to live somewhere else?
no, I like to live in my country, I would like to visit other places but not live in them, I think I
would not get used to it and be far from my family.
10) Tell us about a TV programme you’ve seen recently.
Recently I saw a series on the netflix program, called dark which is about time travel, which
confuses a bit, but in the end everything was related and connected in the same family.
11) How often do you go to clothes shops or shoe shops?
I do not go very often, I do not like it and it does not attract my attention, I am only going to buy
when I need to dress to attend a compromise
12) Do you see much of your friends during the week? What do you do tohether?
Yes I do, I like being with them, we share many moments together, we go to the movies, we play
volleyball, we go to the beach, sometimes we also meet to study architecture programs.
13) What kind of presents do you like to get for your birthday?
As gifts I like to receive the presence of all my loved ones to share beautiful moments together
as a family, but always with a cake to blow the candle.
14) Do you ever go to concerts? What kind of concerts do you enjoy?
yes, in the UPAO, when Ezio Oliva and Pedro Suarez Vertiz's BAND came, I like the concerts of
romantic songs, and rock type, where I can sing and see the artists that I like.
15) Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Yes, I consider myself a sociable person, I like to talk with new people and make many friends.
16) Do you like going to the cinema? What films would you like to see next?
Yes, I always go with my friends or with my crush, I like to watch action movies, and comedy. I
have a lot of fun watching movies.
17) Tell us about a special occasion you’ve celebrated recently.
My brother's birthday was January 29, our family came and we had a great time, we danced
until late, there was piñata, cake, food and snacks.
18) What do you like most about the area where you live?
What I like most about the area where I live are the parks because I can find many children
running, playing and having fun. I also like to take my dog for a walk in those places.
19) What are you going go to do next weekend?
next weekend I will have lunch with my family at the chifa of San Andres for the day of love and
friendships and then I will go to the cinema with my boyfriend.
20) Do you have a favourite newspaper or magazine? Why do you like it?
If I have, I like the Popular newspaper because besides reading the news of the day there are
entertaining games to develop the mind in a fun way.
21) Do you use the internet to learm new things?
Yes I do, I use the internet a lot to research about jobs that leave me in college, also when I have
22) Would you rather go on holiday with your family or with friends?
I prefer to go on vacation with my family, because I really like spending time with my brothers
and my parents, such as when we went to Tarapoto, we had a lot of fun.
23) Tell us about a day you’ve really enjoyed recently?
I enjoyed my brother's birthday a lot, because my whole family came, and we shared lunch and
danced late.
24) Are you interested in sport? Which sports do you enjoy?
If I am interested in sports, mainly playing volleyball, since I was little I trained with my
classmates and played for the selection of my school.
25) Would you like to do the same job as your parents?

26) What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near here?

I found it interesting chan chan, when I visited the place I really liked the building made with
adobe, and the construction of the different walled cities.

27) What job would you most like to do?

I would like to work in interior design, I think it is an interesting field to develop, I am interested
in decoration and I think that I will do well in that work.
28) How often do you use the internet?
I use the internet almost always, it helps me a lot because I can get any information, although
sometimes it is also important to research in books.
29) Do you like playing games, or do you prefer to watch¡

I like to be part of the different activities, I prefer to participate, play, and be in constant activity.
30) Are you happier doing mental or physical work? Why?
I am happier doing mental work, because I like to think for example when designing I think a lot
to solve different spaces in problem.
31) What do you do to relax at the end of the day?
To relax at the end of the day I like to take a bath, watch television and sometimes read the
newspaper to inform me of the news of the day.
32) Do you like to dress up for special occasions?
If I like to dress for special occasions, at the time to go shopping and be presentable for a
meeting, birthday, appointment among others.
33) When is your next birthday? Are you planning to do anything special?
My next birthday is January 2 of next year, I like to celebrate that day because my family and
friends are present.
34) Do you enjoy going to restaurants do you prefer?
If I like to go to restaurants, most of the time I go with my family, sometimes for special dates,
we go more to a cevichería or a chifa.
35) Do you like cooking? What sort of things do you cook?
If I like to cook, sometimes to help my mom. I like to cook pasta, yellow rice, chaufa rice, chicken
stew, and my family likes what I prepare.
36) Is there anythings new that you’d like to learn in the future?
37) What sort of music do you listen to? Why do you enjoy it?
I like to listen to romantic songs and cumbia because I like to sing, but I also like to listen to
sauces to dance.
38) Do you like to plan your holidays carefully or do your prefer to just go? Why?
I like to plan my vacations because with time things go better, I can also organize the different
activities that I made during the trip.
39) Do you prefer working on your own or with other people? Why?
I prefer to work with other people, because I like working in a team, I feel better sharing ideas
and contributing what I know
40) Do you find it easy to study where you live? Why?
Yes, because I have a place to do my work, a desk, books, and I feel calm.

Disfruto más la tarde porque hago diferentes actividades como: jugar voleibol, mirar televisión, estudiar
y compartir momentos con mi familia y amigos.

Soy de Trujillo y vivo en esta ciudad porque es hermosa, me gusta el clima, es donde estudio mi carrera
y tengo muchos amigos con quienes compartir.
Paso mi tiempo libre compartiendo momentos con mis amigos y con mi familia, también me gusta
mucho el arte y me tomo unos momentos para dibujar y pintar.

Si es así, trabajo en la mañana de ocho a una tarde, de lunes a viernes, donde realizo mis prácticas
preprofesionales, trabajando en un trabajo.

los turistas en mi area pueden visitar diferentes lugares como la playa huanchaco, los museos, chan
chan, la huaca del sol y la luna entre otros, tambien puedes visitar los restaurantes y comer nuestros
platos tipicos.

Tengo intereses iguales y diferentes, como jugar voleibol, ciclismo, algunos de nosotros estudiamos la
misma carrera, pero también diferentes porque estamos decidiendo en diferentes campos.

Sí, me gusta aprovechar mis vacaciones haciendo todo lo que me gusta, además de estudiar cursos que
son necesarios para mejorar mi profesión.

no, me gusta vivir en mi país, me gustaría visitar otros lugares pero no vivir en ellos, creo que no me
acostumbraría y estaría lejos de mi familia.

Recientemente vi una serie en el programa de Netflix, llamada Dark, que trata sobre viajes en el tiempo,
que confunde un poco, pero al final todo estaba relacionado y conectado en la misma familia.

I do not go very often, I do not like it and it does not attract my attention, I am only going to buy when I
need to dress to attend a compromise

si, me gusta estar con ellos, compartimos muchos momentos juntos, vamos al cine, jugamos voley,
vamos a la playa, a veces tambien nos reunimos para estudiar programas de arquitectura.

Como obsequio me gusta recibir la presencia de todos mis seres queridos para compartir hermosos
momentos juntos en familia, pero siempre con un pastel para soplar la vela.
sí, en la UPAO, cuando llegó BAND de Ezio Oliva y Pedro Suárez Vértiz, me gustan los conciertos de
canciones románticas y el tipo de rock, donde puedo cantar y ver a los artistas que me gustan.

si, me considero una persona sociable, me gusta conversar con gente nueva y hacer muchos amigos.

si, siempre voy con mis amigos o con mi enamorado, me gusta ver peliculas de accion, y comedia. Me
divierto mucho mirando peliculas.

El cumpleaños de mi hermano era el 29 de enero, nuestra familia vino y la pasamos muy bien, bailamos
hasta tarde, había piñata, pastel, comida y bocadillos.

Lo que más me gusta de la zona donde vivo son los parques porque puedo encontrar a muchos niños
corriendo, jugando y divirtiéndose. También me gusta llevar a mi perro a pasear por esos lugares.

el proximo fin de semana iré almorzar con mi familia al chifa de san andres por el dia del amor y la
amistas y despues iré al cine con mi enamorado.

Si es así, me gusta el periódico Popular porque además de leer las noticias del día hay entretenidos
juegos para desarrollar la mente de una manera divertida.

Utilizo mucho Internet para investigar sobre trabajos que me dejan en la universidad, también cuando
tengo dudas.

Prefiero ir de vacaciones con mi familia, porque realmente me gusta pasar tiempo con mis hermanos y
mis padres, como cuando fuimos a Tarapoto, nos divertimos mucho.

Disfruté mucho el cumpleaños de mi hermano, porque vino toda mi familia, compartimos el almuerzo y
bailamos tarde.

Si me interesan los deportes, principalmente jugar voleibol, desde pequeño entrené con mis
compañeros y jugué para la selección de mi escuela.

Me pareció interesante chan chan, cuando visité el lugar me gustó mucho el edificio hecho con adobe y
la construcción de las diferentes ciudades amuralladas.
me gustaría trabajar en diseño de interiores, creo que es un campo interesante para desenvolverme, me
interesa la decoracion y pienso que me irá bien en ese trabajo.

uso el internet casi siempre, me ayuda bastante porque puedo sacar cualquier informacion, aunque a
veces tambien es importante investigar en libros.

me gusta formar parte de las diferentes actividades, prefiero participar, jugar, y estar en actividad

soy mas felíz haciendo trabajo mental, porque me gusta pensar en por ejemplo al momento de diseñar
pienso mucho para dar solucion a diferentes espacios en problema.

para relajarme al final del día me gusta tomar un baño, mirar television y a veces leer el periodico para
informarme de las noticias del día.

Si me gusta vestirme para ocasiones especiales, a la hora de ir de compras y estar presentable para una
reunión, cumpleaños, cita entre otros.

mi proximo cumpleaños es el 2 de enero del proximo año, me gusta celebrar ese día porque está
presente mi familia y mis amigos.

si me gusta ir a los restaurantes, la mayoria de veces voy con mi familia, a veces por fechas especiales,
vamos más a una cevichería o a un chifa.

Si me gusta cocinar, a veces para ayudar a mi madre. Me gusta cocinar pasta, arroz amarillo, arroz
chaufa, estofado de pollo y a mi familia le gusta lo que preparo.

me gusta escuchar canciones romanticas y cumbia para cantar, pero tambien me gusta escuchar salsas
para bailar.

Me gusta escuchar canciones románticas y cumbia porque me gusta cantar, pero también me gusta
escuchar salsas para bailar.

me gusta planificar mis vacaciones porque con tiempo las cosas salen mejor, además puedo organizar
las diferentes actividades que aré en el viaje.

prefiero trabajar con otras personas, porque me gusta trabajar en equipo, me siento mejor
compartiendo ideas y aportando lo que sé.

Sí, porque tengo un lugar para hacer mi trabajo, un escritorio, libros y me siento tranquila.
Economics for Everyone eality, economics should be quite straghtforward. After all, economics mply
about how we work. What se produce. And how we distribute and ultimately use what we've produced.
Economics is about who does what, who gets what, and what productivity that matter. It's also the
interactions and relationships between people that make the economy go around. Unfortunately, in my
view, most professional economists don't think they do with it. about economics in this common- At
that simplest, grass-roots level, weal know something about the economy. And so we should all have
something to say about economics, sense, grass-roots context. To the contrary, they tend to adopt a
rather superior attitude in their dealings with the untrained masses. They invoke complicated technical
mumbo-jumbo- Usually utterly unnecessary to their arguments - to make their case, They claim to know
what's good for the people, even better than the people themselves do. They take great pleasure in
expounding theories that are counter-intuitive and puzzling to the rest of us. They present themselves
as interpreters of a mysterious realm which average people cannot hope to comprehend. And since they
study things Moreover, because we interact, cooperate, and clash with each other in the economy.
economics is a social that are measured in billions or even trillions of dollars, their sense of importance
grows in their own eyes, and in others. subject. It's not just technical, concrete forces like technology
That's why we see economists on the television news every night. We almost never see anthropologists,
biologists, social workers, nutritionists, or architects on the nightly news. Perhaps we should hear more
from those other professions, and less from the economists. Their advice might actually be more
important to our long-term economic well-being than that of the economists. And

think of at least four questions about money that you could ask a partner. Include one collocation from
above for each question. Then ask another student your questions.
1) Have you got any loose.

2)Ok, let's settle

3) they inherited a small

4) My parents gave me some extra pocket

5)This part of the country has always been desperately.

6) after her life story was made into a film she became extremely.

a) fortune when their grandfather died.

b)poor. they have nothing.

c)rich and famous.

d)change? I've only got large notes.

e) the bill. I have to get back to work.

f)money for the weekend.

read the text again. find the following.

1) two arguments that everybody should have something to say about economics.

2) six examples of why the author thinks economists are not to be trusted.

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