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ChucK: A Multimedia Programming Language

Sarah “Viva Violet” Gorbatov

ChucK is a multimedia programming language for real-time sound synthesis and music creation. It is
open-source and presents a unique time-based, concurrent programming model that is precise and
expressive (we call this strongly-timed), dynamic control rates, and the ability to add and modify code
on-the-fly. It is fun and easy to learn, and it offers us composers, researchers, and performers a powerful
tool for building and experimenting with complex audio synthesis/analysis programs, as well as real-time
interactive music.

At the root of every ChucK code are comments, debug print, and reserved words.

Comments are sections of code that are ignored by the compiler - they help other programmers, ourselves
included, interpret our code.​ Double slashes indicate to the compiler to skip the rest of the line. /* and */
denote block commenting - the compiler ignores the text in between.
// this is a comment
int foo; // another comment

this is a block comment
still going...

Average Debug Print Syntax -

// prints out value of ​expression
​<<<​ ​expression​ ​>>>​; 
- This will print the values and types of any expressions placed within them.

Debug print constructions may be placed around any non-declaration expressions ​(non-l-value) and will
not affect the execution of the code. Expressions which represent an object will print the value of that
object’s reference address:
// assign 5 to a newly declared variable
5 => int i;
// prints "5 : (int)"

// prints "hello! : (string)"

<<<"hello!">>>; //prints "hello! : (string)"

// prints "3.5 : (float)"

<<<1.0 + 2.5 >>>=> float x;
For more formatted data output, a comma-separated list of expressions will print only their respective
values (with one space between):

// prints "the value of x is 3.5" (x from above)

<<<"the value of x is" , x >>>;

// prints "4 + 5 is 9"

<<<"4 + 5 is", 4 + 5>>>;

// prints "here are 3 random numbers ? ? ?"

<<<"here are 3 random numbers",
Std.rand2(0,9) >>>;

Reserved Words:

● (primitive types)
○ int 
○ float 
○ time 
○ dur 
○ void 
○ same​ ​(unimplemented)

● (control structures)
○ if 
○ else 
○ while 
○ until 
○ for 
○ repeat 
○ break 
○ continue 
○ return 
○ switch​ ​(unimplemented)

● (class keywords)
○ class 
○ extends 
○ public 
○ static 
○ pure 
○ this 
○ super​ ​(unimplemented)
○ interface​ ​(unimplemented)
○ implements​ ​(unimplemented)
○ protected​ ​(unimplemented)
○ private​ ​(unimplemented)

● (other chuck keywords)

○ function 
○ fun 
○ spork 
○ const 
○ new 

● (special values)
○ now 
○ true 
○ false 
○ maybe 
○ null 
○ me 
○ pi 

● (special: default durations)

○ samp 
○ ms 
○ second 
○ minute 
○ hour 
○ day 
○ week 

● (special: global ugens)

○ dac 
○ adc 
○ blackhole 

Every ChucK code, no matter its intricacy, is compiled into virtual instructions which are immediately run
into what is called the ChucK Virtual Machine.


1.)​ ​

// name: ​
// composer: sarah gorbatov
// date: winter 2019

​ ow​ =
SinOsc​ r ​ >​ d​ ac​;
SinOsc​ c​ ol​ =​ >​ d​ ac​;

// frequencies
[​1209​.​0​,​ ​1336​.​0​,​ ​1477​.​0​]​ ​@=>​ f ​ loat​ ​cols[];
[​697​.​0​,​ ​770​.​0​,​ ​852​.​0​,​ ​941​.​0​]​ @​ =>​ ​float​ ​rows[];

// if you want to look up by number ( 0 - 9, *, # )

fun​ ​int​ ​key2col(​ ​int​ ​key​ ​)
{​ ​if​(​ ​!key​ ​)​ ​return​ ​1​;​ ​return​ ​(key​ ​-​ ​1​)​ ​%​ 3
​ ​;​ ​}
fun​ ​int​ ​key2row(​ ​int​ ​key​ ​)
{​ ​if​(​ ​!key​ ​)​ ​return​ ​3​;​ ​return​ ​(key​ ​-​ ​1​)​ ​/​ 3​ ​;​ ​}

0​ ​=>​ ​int​ ​i;

int​ ​r,c,n;

// go!
while​ ​(i​ ​<​ ​7​)​ ​{
​.​5​ ​=>​ ​row.gain;
​.​5​ ​=>​ ​col.gain;
​Math​.random2(​0​,​3​)​ ​=>​ r ​ ;
​Math​.random2(​0​,​2​)​ ​=>​ c ​ ;
​1​ ​+​ ​r​ ​*​ ​3​ ​+​ ​c​ ​=>​ ​n;

​if​ ​(n==​11​)​ ​0​ ​=>​ ​n;

​if​ ​(n==​10​)​ ​{
​<<<​ ​r​ ​,​ ​c,​ ​"*"​ ​>>>;
​else​ ​if​ ​(n==​12​)​ ​{
​<<<​ ​r​ ​,​ ​c,​ ​"#"​ ​>>>;
​ }
​<<<​ ​r​ ​,​ ​c,​ ​n​ ​>>>;

​rows[r]​ =​ >​ r​ ow.freq;

​cols[c]​ =​ >​ c​ ol.freq;

​0​.​1​ ​::​ ​second​ ​=>​ ​now​;

​0​.​0​ ​=>​ ​row.gain;
​0​.​0​ ​=>​ ​col.gain;
​0​.​05​ ​::​ ​second​ ​=>​ ​now​;
​i​ ​+​ ​1​ ​=>​ ​i;

// another candidate for lamest demo

// patch
SinOsc​ s => ​JCRev​ g => ​dac​;
.​5​ => g.gain;
.​075​ => g.mix;

// note number
20​ => ​float​ note;

// go up to 127
while​( note < ​128​ )
​// convert MIDI note to hz
​Std​.mtof( note ) => s.freq;
​// turn down the volume gradually
.​5​ - (note/​256​.​0​) => s.gain;

​// move up by whole step

note + ​2​ => note;
​// advance time
.​125​::​second​ => ​now​;

// turn off s
0​ => s.gain;
// wait a bit
2​::​second​ => ​now​;

// karplus + strong plucked string filter

// feedforward
Noise​ ​imp​ ​=>​ ​OneZero​ ​lowpass​ ​=>​ ​dac​;
// feedback
lowpass​ ​=>​ ​Delay​ ​delay​ ​=>​ ​lowpass;

// our radius
.​99999​ ​=>​ ​float​ ​R;
// our delay order
500​ ​=>​ ​float​ ​L;
// set delay
L::​samp​ ​=>​ ​delay.delay;
// set dissipation factor
Math​.pow(​ ​R,​ ​L​ ​)​ ​=>​ ​delay.gain;
// place zero
-​1​ ​=>​ ​;

// fire excitation
1​ ​=>​ ​imp.gain;
// for one delay round trip
L::​samp​ ​=>​ ​now​;
// cease fire
0​ ​=>​ ​imp.gain;

// advance time
(​Math​.log(.​0001​)​ ​/​ ​Math​.log(R))::​samp​ ​=>​ ​now​;

2.)​ ​
// feedforward
adc​ => ​Gain​ g => ​dac​;
// feedback
g => ​Gain​ feedback => ​DelayL​ delay => g;

// set delay parameters

.​75​::​second​ => delay.max => delay.delay;
// set feedback
.​5​ => feedback.gain;
// set effects mix
.​75​ => delay.gain;

// infinite time loop

while​( ​true​ ) 1::​second​ => ​now​;

***For more information about ChucK, contact either me or our programming instructor at​ / ​​***

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