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“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”



NAME: __________________________________________________

DATE: _________________________

Indicador de desempeño 1: Diferencia y utiliza correctamente los verbos modales

SHOULD, HAVE TO y MUST al expresar varios grados de obligación, reconociendo el
vocabulario y desarrollando las actividades propuestas por el docente.

1. Write Mustn’t, Don’t or Doesn’t have to:

1) We have a lot of work tomorrow. You__________ be late.

2) You __________tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.

3) The museum is free. You__________ pay to get in.

4) Children __________tell lies. It's very naughty.

5) John's a millionaire. He__________ go to work.

6) I__________ do my washing because my mother does it for me.

7) We__________ rush. We've got plenty of time.

8) You__________ smoke inside the school.

2. Choose the correct verb for these sentences:

1. You ___ come to the meeting but it would help us all if you’re there.

a. don't have to
b. mustn't

2. I can’t get a connection on my phone. ___ I borrow yours?

a. have to
b. can

“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”

3. The rules say that you ___ only invite one guest to the club.

a. have to
b. can

4. I ___ stay on for a few hours because I’d rather work late today than over the weekend.

a. have to
b. must

5. There’s a lot of noise coming from outside. ___ I close the window?

a. Must
b. Could

6. You ___ start saving money if you want to retire early.

a. can
b. have to

Indicador de desempeño 2: Diferencia y utiliza correctamente los verbos modales

MUST, MAY, MIGHT y CAN’T al expresar deducción, reconociendo el vocabulario y
desarrollando las actividades propuestas por el docente.

3. Read the sentences. Make deductions using "can't", "could" "may" "might" and "must" or
an appropriate form of "be". *If necessary, use "be" with any of the modals.

1. Annie goes to school from 9 am to 2 pm. It's 1:30 pm. Where's Annie?

She___________be at home. She___________ be in biology class.

2. Ron likes playing soccer on Saturday mornings. It's Saturday afternoon. What's Ron doing?

He___________still be playing soccer, can he? He___________ be at home by now.

3. Joanna never leaves her house before eating breakfast. Today she's running late. What's she

She___________be leaving yet. She___________eating breakfast.

4. Pedro only skips work for important events. Today is the final game of the Soccer World Cup.
Where's Pedro?

He___________ be at a bar watching the game. He___________ be watching the game online, but
he___________be in the office.

5. Rhonda and Jackie love watching movies. Their favorite movies are comedies, but they don't like
animated movies very much. Today, a new 3D animated movie is premiered. What are they doing?

They___________ beat the premier, they don't like animated movies that much. They___________
be home watching a comedy.

“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”

4. Choose between can't, might or must to fill each space.

1. Your mother____________be a great cook. You are always so keen to get back home to eat!

2. I don't know why I am so tired these days. I____________be working too hard. Or maybe I am
not sleeping too well.

3. Do you know where Carl is? He____________be out - his car keys are on the table.

4. You seem to know everything about the theatre. You____________go every week.

5. To give the promotion to Harold was silly. He____________know much about this company after
only a year working here.

6. Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They____________be in there.

Indicador de desempeño 3: Diferencia y utiliza correctamente los verbos modales CAN,

COULD y BE ABLE TO al expresar habilidad y posibilidad, reconociendo el vocabulario y
desarrollando las actividades propuestas por el docente.

5. Write 'can', 'can't', 'could' or 'couldn't'. If none of these is possible use 'be able to' in the
correct tense.

1) ___________ you swim when you were 10?

2) We___________ get to the meeting on time yesterday, because the train was delayed by one

3) He___________ arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very

4) He's amazing, he___________ speak five languages, including Chinese.

5) I___________ drive a car until I was 34. Then I moved to the countryside, so I had to learn.

6) I looked everywhere for my glasses but I___________ find them anywhere.

7) I searched for your house for ages. luckily I___________ find it in the end.

8) She's seven years old, but she___________ read yet. Her parents are getting her extra lessons.

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